Module fusus.about.install


A lot of configuration can be avoided by this simple convention:

Put your cloned version of this repository in your ~/github directory. If you do not have it, make it, and organize it exactly as GitHub is organized: by organization and then by repo.

Get the software

Clone the among/fusus repo from GitHub.

Here are the instructions to get this repo and place it in the conventional place on your file system.

mkdir github
cd github
mkdir among
git clone
cd fusus

If you want to update later, make sure that you do not have work of your own in this repo. If you have, copy it to a location outside of this repo.

cd ~/github/among/fusus
git fetch origin
git checkout master
git reset --hard origin/master

Install the software

You are going to install the Python package fusus that is contained in the repo. We install fusus fusus with pip3 from the clone, not from the global, online PyPI repository.

During install, all the packages that fusus is dependent on, will be installed into your current Python3 installation.

The package fusus itself will be added to your Python3 installation in such a way that it can be used from anywhere, while the package inside the repo is being accessed. This is achieved by the fact that the installer will create a link to the repo.

cd ~/github/among/fusus
pip3 install -e .

Mind the dot

Do not forget the . at the end of the line in the above instruction.

No nead to repeat this step

When you update the repo later, it will not be necessary to redo the pip3 install step, because the soft link to the fusus package in the repo will still be valid.

Build steps

The following steps are relevant if you modify the software and documentation.

There is a script in the top-level directory that performs these tasks.

Go to the repo's top level directory and say

python3 --help

to see what it can do.

Tip: in your .zshrc define this function:

function fsb {
    cd ~/github/among/fusus
    python3 "$@"

Then you can invoke the build script from anywhere:

fsb --help


The docs are here:

  • the README file of the repository;
  • the docstrings in the Python files in the fusus package;
  • the markdown files in the docs subdirectory of the fusus package.

Edit the sources of documentation in your local repo clone and use a set of build commands to display and publish the modified docs.

View documentation locally

To open a browser and view the dynamically generated documentation, say

fsb docs

Limited functionality

The search function does not work here, and images will not display.

This way of local browsing the docs has the advantage that changes in the docs are detected when you save them, so that you can see the effect immediately.

Generate documentation locally

To generate documentation, say

fsb pdocs

The documentation is now in the site directory. Go to the index.html file there and open it in your browser. Images and search will work, but if you modify the documentation sources, you have to issue this command again to see the changes.

Publish documentation online

To generate and publish documentation online, say

fsb sdocs

This will publish the documentation to the gh-pages branch in the online GitHub repository among/fusus, from where it can be accessed by

Push everything

To generate and publish code and/or documentation and to push all changes to the main branch in the online GitHub directory, say

fsb ship "commit message"

You have to provide a commit message.

Expand source code Browse git
.. include:: ../docs/about/