Module fusus.clean

Wipe marks from images.

Cleaning marks from images is based on OpenCV's template matching

This is fuzzy matching, so we have to employ considerable sophistication to get the true results and to discard the fake results.

One particular way to discard fake results is to mind the connectedness of the ink of a candidate mark with the surrounding ink. If there is such a connection, it is a strong indication that the candidate is not a mark to be removed, but part of a glyph.

See bordering

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"""Wipe marks from images.

Cleaning marks from images is based on
[OpenCV's template matching](

This is fuzzy matching, so we have to employ considerable sophistication to
get the true results and to discard the fake results.

One particular way to discard fake results is to mind the connectedness of the ink
of a candidate mark with the surrounding ink.
If there is such a connection, it is a strong indication that the candidate is not
a mark to be removed, but part of a glyph.

See ![bordering](images/isolation.png)


import numpy as np
import cv2

from .lib import FONT

def cluster(points, match):
    """Cluster points that are in a source.

    When searching images for image templates,
    we get a match image: for each point in the image a measure of how good the
    match is at that point.

    Typically, if a point has a high match value, surrounding points also have good
    match values. We want to cluster such points, so that we can identify a match
    with exactly one cluster.

    points: iterable
        Points where the image template matches the source image good enough
    match: image as np array
        The match image

        The list of clusters, where each cluster is represented as a pair of
        point and the strength of the match in that point.
        This point is the point in the cluster with the highest match value.

    def d(p1, p2):
        if p1 == p2:
            return 0
        (x1, y1) = p1
        (x2, y2) = p2
        return abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2)

    clusters = []
    for (i, p) in enumerate(points):
        stored = False
        rp = match[p]
        for c in clusters:
            (q, rq) = c
            if d(p, q) <= 8:
                if rp > rq:
                    c[0] = p
                    c[1] = rp
                stored = True
        if not stored:
            clusters.append([p, rp])
    return clusters

def measure(borderInside, borderOutside, threshold):
    """Measure the amount of ink that crosses the border of a certain region.

    It is used to reject certain matches of image templates, where templates
    contain strokes of ink. If a match is such that the stroke of ink connects
    with the ink in the environment, the match is not a true example of the stroke
    and will be rejected.

    !!! note "Where to look for ink"
        We look for ink in the image itself,
        the ink in the search template is not relevant.

    borderInside: image as np array
        The part of the image bordering inside an area where the search template matches
    borderOutside: image as np array
        The part of the image bordering outside an area where the search template matches

        The ratio between the size of the ink connections across the border and the
        total size of the border.

    connections = borderInside * borderOutside
    return np.where(connections > threshold)[0].size / borderOutside.size

def connected(markH, markW, bw, threshold, img, hitPoint, sides=None):
    """Determine how much ink borders on a given rectangle.

    markH: integer
        height of the rectangle
    markW: integer
        width of the rectangle
    bw: integer
        width of the border around the rectangle that will be used to detect connections
        the value above which a connection is detected
    img: np array
        the source image
    hitPoint: (int, int)
        Y and X coordinate of top left corner of the rectangle in the image
    sides: string, optional `None`
        If `None`, computes connections on all sides.
        Otherwise it should be a string consisting of at most these characters:
        `l` (left), `r` (right), `t` (top), `b` (bottom).
        Only these sides will be computed.

    (textH, textW) = img.shape
    (hitY, hitX) = hitPoint

    connDegree = 0
    nparts = 0

    realBw = min((bw, markW, markH))

    # left boundary

    fo = max((0, hitX - realBw)) if hitX > 0 else None
    if fo is not None and (sides is None or "l" in sides):
        to = hitX
        texto = np.array(
            (255 - img[hitY : hitY + markH, fo:to]).max(axis=1), dtype=np.uint16
        fi = hitX
        ti = hitX + realBw
        texti = np.array(
            (255 - img[hitY : hitY + markH, fi:ti]).max(axis=1), dtype=np.uint16
        val = measure(texto, texti, threshold)
        connDegree += val
        nparts += 1

    # right boundary

    to = (
        min((textW, hitX + markW + realBw + 1))
        if hitX + markW + realBw < textW
        else None
    if to is not None and (sides is None or "r" in sides):
        fo = hitX + markW
        texto = np.array(
            (255 - img[hitY : hitY + markH, fo:to]).max(axis=1), dtype=np.uint16
        fi = hitX + markW - realBw
        ti = hitX + markW
        texti = np.array(
            (255 - img[hitY : hitY + markH, fi:ti]).max(axis=1), dtype=np.uint16
        val = measure(texto, texti, threshold)
        connDegree += val
        nparts += 1

    # top boundary

    f = max((0, hitY - realBw)) if hitY > 0 else None
    if f is not None and (sides is None or "t" in sides):
        t = hitY
        texto = np.array(
            (255 - img[f:t, hitX : hitX + markW]).max(axis=0), dtype=np.uint16
        fi = hitY
        ti = hitY + realBw + 1
        texti = np.array(
            (255 - img[fi:ti, hitX : hitX + markW]).max(axis=0), dtype=np.uint16
        val = measure(texto, texti, threshold)
        connDegree += val
        nparts += 1

    # bottom boundary

    t = (
        min((textH - 1, hitY + markH + realBw + 1))
        if hitY + markH + realBw < textH
        else None
    if t is not None and (sides is None or "b" in sides):
        f = hitY + markH
        texto = np.array(
            (255 - img[f:t, hitX : hitX + markW]).max(axis=0), dtype=np.uint16
        ti = hitY + markH
        fi = hitY + markH - realBw
        texti = np.array(
            (255 - img[fi:ti, hitX : hitX + markW]).max(axis=0), dtype=np.uint16
        val = measure(texto, texti, threshold)
        connDegree += val
        nparts += 1

    return connDegree

def reborder(gray, bw, color, crop=False):
    """Add a border around a grayscale image, optionally remove white margins first.

    The border will add to the size of the image.

    gray: np array
        A grayscale image.
    bw: int
        Width of the new border.
    color: int
        Color of the new border (grayscale).
    crop: boolean, optional `False`
        If `True`, the image will be cropped first such as to remove all surrounding
        white margins.

    if crop:
        inv = 255 * (gray < 128).astype(np.uint8)
        coords = cv2.findNonZero(inv)
        x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(coords)
        cropped = gray[y : y + h, x : x + w]
        cropped = gray
    bordered = cv2.copyMakeBorder(
        cropped, bw, bw, bw, bw, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=color
    return bordered

def addBox(C, img, left, top, right, bottom, kept, band, seq, connDegree):
    """Add a box around a mark that is to be cleaned.

    When we display the marks that will be wiped from the image, we do so by
    putting colored boxes around them.
    This function adds one such box.


    C: object
        The configuration object of the book engine.
    img: image as np array
        the image to operate on
    left, top, right, bottom: int
        specification of the rectangle of the box
    kept: boolean
        Whether the mark is to be kept. Kept marks and wiped marks will get
        different colors.
    band: string
        The name of the band in which the mark is searched for. It will be displayed
        near the box.
    seq: integer
        The number of the mark.
    connDegree: integer
        The degree of ink connection for this mark occurrence. It will be displayed
        near the box.

        The source image receives a modification.

    fill = C.boxRemainRGB if kept else C.boxDeleteRGB
    fillN = C.boxRemainNRGB if kept else C.boxDeleteNRGB
    border = C.boxBorder

    size = 0.5
    weight = 1

    colorDeg = (100, 100, 255)

    ptSeq = (left, top - border - 2)
    ptDeg = (left, bottom + border + 8)

    cv2.rectangle(img, (left, top), (right, bottom), fill, border)
        f"{'' if band == 'main' else band[0]}{seq}",
    connectionDegree = int(round(connDegree * 100))
    if connectionDegree:


def addBox(C, img, left, top, right, bottom, kept, band, seq, connDegree)

Add a box around a mark that is to be cleaned.

When we display the marks that will be wiped from the image, we do so by putting colored boxes around them. This function adds one such box.


C: object The configuration object of the book engine. img: image as np array the image to operate on left, top, right, bottom: int specification of the rectangle of the box kept: boolean Whether the mark is to be kept. Kept marks and wiped marks will get different colors. band: string The name of the band in which the mark is searched for. It will be displayed near the box. seq: integer The number of the mark. connDegree: integer The degree of ink connection for this mark occurrence. It will be displayed near the box.


The source image receives a modification.
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def addBox(C, img, left, top, right, bottom, kept, band, seq, connDegree):
    """Add a box around a mark that is to be cleaned.

    When we display the marks that will be wiped from the image, we do so by
    putting colored boxes around them.
    This function adds one such box.


    C: object
        The configuration object of the book engine.
    img: image as np array
        the image to operate on
    left, top, right, bottom: int
        specification of the rectangle of the box
    kept: boolean
        Whether the mark is to be kept. Kept marks and wiped marks will get
        different colors.
    band: string
        The name of the band in which the mark is searched for. It will be displayed
        near the box.
    seq: integer
        The number of the mark.
    connDegree: integer
        The degree of ink connection for this mark occurrence. It will be displayed
        near the box.

        The source image receives a modification.

    fill = C.boxRemainRGB if kept else C.boxDeleteRGB
    fillN = C.boxRemainNRGB if kept else C.boxDeleteNRGB
    border = C.boxBorder

    size = 0.5
    weight = 1

    colorDeg = (100, 100, 255)

    ptSeq = (left, top - border - 2)
    ptDeg = (left, bottom + border + 8)

    cv2.rectangle(img, (left, top), (right, bottom), fill, border)
        f"{'' if band == 'main' else band[0]}{seq}",
    connectionDegree = int(round(connDegree * 100))
    if connectionDegree:
def cluster(points, match)

Cluster points that are in a source.

When searching images for image templates, we get a match image: for each point in the image a measure of how good the match is at that point.

Typically, if a point has a high match value, surrounding points also have good match values. We want to cluster such points, so that we can identify a match with exactly one cluster.


points : iterable
Points where the image template matches the source image good enough
match : image as np array
The match image


The list of clusters, where each cluster is represented as a pair of point and the strength of the match in that point. This point is the point in the cluster with the highest match value.
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def cluster(points, match):
    """Cluster points that are in a source.

    When searching images for image templates,
    we get a match image: for each point in the image a measure of how good the
    match is at that point.

    Typically, if a point has a high match value, surrounding points also have good
    match values. We want to cluster such points, so that we can identify a match
    with exactly one cluster.

    points: iterable
        Points where the image template matches the source image good enough
    match: image as np array
        The match image

        The list of clusters, where each cluster is represented as a pair of
        point and the strength of the match in that point.
        This point is the point in the cluster with the highest match value.

    def d(p1, p2):
        if p1 == p2:
            return 0
        (x1, y1) = p1
        (x2, y2) = p2
        return abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2)

    clusters = []
    for (i, p) in enumerate(points):
        stored = False
        rp = match[p]
        for c in clusters:
            (q, rq) = c
            if d(p, q) <= 8:
                if rp > rq:
                    c[0] = p
                    c[1] = rp
                stored = True
        if not stored:
            clusters.append([p, rp])
    return clusters
def connected(markH, markW, bw, threshold, img, hitPoint, sides=None)

Determine how much ink borders on a given rectangle.


markH : integer
height of the rectangle
markW : integer
width of the rectangle
bw : integer
width of the border around the rectangle that will be used to detect connections
the value above which a connection is detected
img : np array
the source image
hitPoint : (int, int)
Y and X coordinate of top left corner of the rectangle in the image
sides : string, optional None
If None, computes connections on all sides. Otherwise it should be a string consisting of at most these characters: l (left), r (right), t (top), b (bottom). Only these sides will be computed.
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def connected(markH, markW, bw, threshold, img, hitPoint, sides=None):
    """Determine how much ink borders on a given rectangle.

    markH: integer
        height of the rectangle
    markW: integer
        width of the rectangle
    bw: integer
        width of the border around the rectangle that will be used to detect connections
        the value above which a connection is detected
    img: np array
        the source image
    hitPoint: (int, int)
        Y and X coordinate of top left corner of the rectangle in the image
    sides: string, optional `None`
        If `None`, computes connections on all sides.
        Otherwise it should be a string consisting of at most these characters:
        `l` (left), `r` (right), `t` (top), `b` (bottom).
        Only these sides will be computed.

    (textH, textW) = img.shape
    (hitY, hitX) = hitPoint

    connDegree = 0
    nparts = 0

    realBw = min((bw, markW, markH))

    # left boundary

    fo = max((0, hitX - realBw)) if hitX > 0 else None
    if fo is not None and (sides is None or "l" in sides):
        to = hitX
        texto = np.array(
            (255 - img[hitY : hitY + markH, fo:to]).max(axis=1), dtype=np.uint16
        fi = hitX
        ti = hitX + realBw
        texti = np.array(
            (255 - img[hitY : hitY + markH, fi:ti]).max(axis=1), dtype=np.uint16
        val = measure(texto, texti, threshold)
        connDegree += val
        nparts += 1

    # right boundary

    to = (
        min((textW, hitX + markW + realBw + 1))
        if hitX + markW + realBw < textW
        else None
    if to is not None and (sides is None or "r" in sides):
        fo = hitX + markW
        texto = np.array(
            (255 - img[hitY : hitY + markH, fo:to]).max(axis=1), dtype=np.uint16
        fi = hitX + markW - realBw
        ti = hitX + markW
        texti = np.array(
            (255 - img[hitY : hitY + markH, fi:ti]).max(axis=1), dtype=np.uint16
        val = measure(texto, texti, threshold)
        connDegree += val
        nparts += 1

    # top boundary

    f = max((0, hitY - realBw)) if hitY > 0 else None
    if f is not None and (sides is None or "t" in sides):
        t = hitY
        texto = np.array(
            (255 - img[f:t, hitX : hitX + markW]).max(axis=0), dtype=np.uint16
        fi = hitY
        ti = hitY + realBw + 1
        texti = np.array(
            (255 - img[fi:ti, hitX : hitX + markW]).max(axis=0), dtype=np.uint16
        val = measure(texto, texti, threshold)
        connDegree += val
        nparts += 1

    # bottom boundary

    t = (
        min((textH - 1, hitY + markH + realBw + 1))
        if hitY + markH + realBw < textH
        else None
    if t is not None and (sides is None or "b" in sides):
        f = hitY + markH
        texto = np.array(
            (255 - img[f:t, hitX : hitX + markW]).max(axis=0), dtype=np.uint16
        ti = hitY + markH
        fi = hitY + markH - realBw
        texti = np.array(
            (255 - img[fi:ti, hitX : hitX + markW]).max(axis=0), dtype=np.uint16
        val = measure(texto, texti, threshold)
        connDegree += val
        nparts += 1

    return connDegree
def measure(borderInside, borderOutside, threshold)

Measure the amount of ink that crosses the border of a certain region.

It is used to reject certain matches of image templates, where templates contain strokes of ink. If a match is such that the stroke of ink connects with the ink in the environment, the match is not a true example of the stroke and will be rejected.

Where to look for ink

We look for ink in the image itself, the ink in the search template is not relevant.


borderInside : image as np array
The part of the image bordering inside an area where the search template matches
borderOutside : image as np array
The part of the image bordering outside an area where the search template matches


The ratio between the size of the ink connections across the border and the total size of the border.
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def measure(borderInside, borderOutside, threshold):
    """Measure the amount of ink that crosses the border of a certain region.

    It is used to reject certain matches of image templates, where templates
    contain strokes of ink. If a match is such that the stroke of ink connects
    with the ink in the environment, the match is not a true example of the stroke
    and will be rejected.

    !!! note "Where to look for ink"
        We look for ink in the image itself,
        the ink in the search template is not relevant.

    borderInside: image as np array
        The part of the image bordering inside an area where the search template matches
    borderOutside: image as np array
        The part of the image bordering outside an area where the search template matches

        The ratio between the size of the ink connections across the border and the
        total size of the border.

    connections = borderInside * borderOutside
    return np.where(connections > threshold)[0].size / borderOutside.size
def reborder(gray, bw, color, crop=False)

Add a border around a grayscale image, optionally remove white margins first.

The border will add to the size of the image.


gray : np array
A grayscale image.
bw : int
Width of the new border.
color : int
Color of the new border (grayscale).
crop : boolean, optional False
If True, the image will be cropped first such as to remove all surrounding white margins.
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def reborder(gray, bw, color, crop=False):
    """Add a border around a grayscale image, optionally remove white margins first.

    The border will add to the size of the image.

    gray: np array
        A grayscale image.
    bw: int
        Width of the new border.
    color: int
        Color of the new border (grayscale).
    crop: boolean, optional `False`
        If `True`, the image will be cropped first such as to remove all surrounding
        white margins.

    if crop:
        inv = 255 * (gray < 128).astype(np.uint8)
        coords = cv2.findNonZero(inv)
        x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(coords)
        cropped = gray[y : y + h, x : x + w]
        cropped = gray
    bordered = cv2.copyMakeBorder(
        cropped, bw, bw, bw, bw, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=color
    return bordered