Module fusus.lakhnawi

Lakhnawi pdf reverse engineering.

This is an effort to make the Lakhnawi PDF readable. It is a text-based PDF, no images are used to represent text.

Yet the text is not easily extracted, due to:

  • the use of private-use unicode characters that refer to heavily customised fonts;
  • some fonts have some glyphs with dual unicode points;
  • the drawing order of characters does not reflect the reading order;
  • horizontal whitespace is hard to detect due to oversized bounding boxes of many private-use characters.

We used the top-notch Python PDF library PyMUPDF, also know as fitz.

pip3 install PyMuPDF

But even this library could not solve the above issues. Here is how we solved the issues

Private use characters

We used font analysis software from PdfLib: FontReporter to generate a report of character and font usage in the Lakhnawi PDF.

Based on visual inspection of this font report and the occurrences of the private use tables we compiled a translation table mapping dirty strings (with private use characters) to clean strings (without private use characters).

Dual code points

In case of dual code points, we ignore the highest code points. Often the two code points refer to a normal Arabic code point and to a ligature or special form of the character. The unicode algorithm is very good nowadays to generate the special forms from the ordinary forms based on immediate context.

Reading order

We ordered the characters ourselves, based on the coordinates. This required considerable subtlety, because we had to deal with diacritics above and below the lines. See clusterVert.

Horizontal whitespace

This is the most tricky point, because the information we retain from the PDF is, strictly speaking, insufficient to determine word boundaries. Word boundaries are partly in the eyes of the beholder, if the beholder knows Arabic. The objective part is in the amount of whitespace between characters and the form of the characters (initial, final, isolated). But the rules of Arabic orthography allow initial characters inside words, and there are the enclitic words.

So we only reached an approximate solution for this problem.


We have strippped footnotes and footnote references from the text.

Output format

The most important output are tab separated files with text and positions of individual words. See Lakhnawi.tsvPages().

This data is used to feed the conversion to Text-Fabric. See also:

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"""Lakhnawi pdf reverse engineering.

This is an effort to make the Lakhnawi PDF readable.
It is a text-based PDF, no images are used to represent text.

Yet the text is not easily extracted, due to:

* the use of private-use unicode characters that refer to heavily customised fonts;
* some fonts have some glyphs with dual unicode points;
* the drawing order of characters does not reflect the reading order;
* horizontal whitespace is hard to detect due to oversized bounding boxes of many
  private-use characters.

We used the top-notch Python PDF library
[PyMUPDF](, also know as *fitz*.

pip3 install PyMuPDF

But even this library could not solve the above issues.
Here is how we solved the issues

# Private use characters

We used font analysis software from PdfLib:
to generate a
[report of character and font usage in the Lakhnawi PDF](

Based on visual inspection of this font report and the occurrences
of the private use tables we compiled a translation table mapping dirty strings
(with private use characters) to clean strings (without private use characters).

# Dual code points

In case of dual code points, we ignore the highest code points.
Often the two code points refer to a normal Arabic code point and to a ligature or
special form of the character.
The unicode algorithm is very good nowadays to generate the special forms
from the ordinary forms based on immediate context.

# Reading order

We ordered the characters ourselves, based on the coordinates.
This required considerable subtlety, because we had to deal
with diacritics above and below the lines.
See `clusterVert`.

# Horizontal whitespace

This is the most tricky point, because the information we retain from the PDF is,
strictly speaking, insufficient to determine word boundaries.
Word boundaries are partly in the eyes of the beholder, if the beholder knows Arabic.
The objective part is in the amount of whitespace between characters
and the form of the characters (initial, final, isolated).
But the rules of Arabic orthography allow initial characters inside words,
and there are the enclitic words.

So we only reached an approximate solution for this problem.

!!! caution "Footnotes"
    We have strippped footnotes and footnote references from the text.

# Output format

The most important output are tab separated files with text and positions of
individual words.
See `Lakhnawi.tsvPages`.

This data is used to feed the conversion to Text-Fabric.
See also:

* `fusus.tfFromTsv`.
* [Text-Fabric](

import sys
import os
import collections
import re

from itertools import chain

from IPython.display import display, HTML, Image

import fitz

from tf.core.helpers import setFromSpec, unexpanduser

from .lib import DEFAULT_EXTENSION, pprint, parseNums
from .char import (

NAME = "Lakhnawi"
SOURCE = f"{SOURCE_DIR}/{NAME}/{NAME.lower()}.pdf"
FONT = f"{UR_DIR}/{NAME}/FontReport-{NAME}.pdf"
DEST = f"{SOURCE_DIR}/{NAME}/{NAME.lower()}.txt"

CSS = """
*:after {
    box-sizing: border-box;

@page {
  size: A4;
  margin: 2cm;

div.window {
    display: flex;
    flex-flow: row nowrap;
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    align-items: flex-start;
    min-width: 1000pt;
    height: 99vh;
div.sidebar {
    flex: 1 1 300pt;
    display: flex;
    flex-flow: row nowrap;
    border-right: 1pt solid var(--fog-rim);
    padding-left: 8px;
    padding-right: 12px;
    height: 99vh;
    overflow: auto;
    -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
div.toc {
    flex: 1 1 50pt;
div.pages {
    flex: 0 0 700pt;
div.pages.bypage {
    height: 99vh;
    overflow: auto;
    -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
} {
    margin-right: 1cm;
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    width: 600pt;
div.pagec {
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div.phead {
    color: #777777;
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    text-align: right;
    width: 1cm;
    margin-right: -1cm;
    float: right;

.box {
    border: 1pt solid #888888;
    border-radius: 2pt;

.r {
    font-family: normal, sans-serif;
    font-size: 22pt;
    direction: rtl;
    unicode-bidi: isolate-override;
.rc, .lc {
    font-family: normal, sans-serif;
    font-size: 22pt;
    background-color: white;
    border: 2pt solid #ffcccc;
.rc {
    direction: rtl;
    unicode-bidi: isolate-override;
.lc {
    direction: ltr;
    unicode-bidi: isolate-override;
p {
    text-align: left;
    direction: ltr;
    unicode-bidi: isolate-override;
p.r {
    text-align: right;
    direction: rtl;
    unicode-bidi: isolate-override;
.l {
    font-family: normal, sans-serif;
    font-size: x-large;
    direction: ltr;
    unicode-bidi: isolate-override;
.c {
    font-family: monospace;
    font-size: x-small;
    direction: ltr;
    unicode-bidi: isolate-override;
.p {
    font-family: monospace;
    font-size: medium;
    font-weight: bold;
    background-color: yellow;
    direction: ltr;
    unicode-bidi: isolate-override;
.lrg {
    font-size: 22pt;
    font-weight: bold;
span.sp {
    background-color: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5);
} {
    text-align: left ! important;
} {
    text-align: center
} {
    background-color: #ffeedd;
    text-align: center
span.cni {
    background-color: #eeeeee;
    padding-top: 4pt;
    padding-bottom: 4pt;
    padding-left: 8pt;
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    border: 2pt solid #66aaaa;
    display: inline-block;
},div.cht,div.chs {
    border: 2pt solid #cccccc;
    display: inline-flex;
    flex-flow: column nowrap;
    max-width: 10em;
} {
    background-color: #ddffff;
div.chs {
    background-color: #ccffcc;
div.chm {
    background-color: #44ff44;
} {
    display: flex;
    flex-flow: row wrap;
    direction: rtl;
    unicode-bidi: isolate-override;
table.linecols {
    max-width: 100%;
    min-width: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    direction: rtl;
    unicode-bidi: isolate-override;
td.cols {
    padding-left: 0.5em;
    padding-right: 0.5em;
    text-align: right;
td.cols2 {
    max-width: 50%;
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    width: 500%;
td.cols3 {
    max-width: 33%;
    min-width: 33%;
    width: 33%;
td.cols4 {
    max-width: 25%;
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    width: 25%;
td.cols4 {
    max-width: 20%;
    min-width: 20%;
    width: 20%;
:root {
    --fog-rim:          hsla(  0,   0%,  60%, 0.5  );
"""Styles to render extracted text.

The styles are chosen such that the extracted text looks as similar as possible to
the PDF display.

"""HTML code postfixed to the HTML representation of a page.

def preHtml(pageNum):
    """Generate HTML code to be prefixed to the HTML representation of a page.

    pageNum: string
        The page number of the page for which HTML is generated.

    return f"""\
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
        <meta charset="utf-8"/>
        <title>Lakhnawi {pageNum}</title>

def getToc(pageNums):
    """Generate a Table Of Contents for multiple HTML pages.

    pageNums: iterable if int
        The page numbers of the pages in the HTML file.

    limit = 60

    html = []
    html.append("""<div class="toc">""")
    j = 0

    for (i, pageNum) in enumerate(pageNums):
        if j == limit:
            j = 0
            html.append("""</div>\n<div class="toc">""")
        html.append(f"""<a href="#p{pageNum:>03}">p {pageNum}</a><br>""")
        j += 1


    return "\n".join(html)

PRIVATE_SPACE = "\uea75"





# see
# see
# see

e821                =>                : (ignore short tatweel)

e825                => 064e           : FATHA
e849                => 064e           : FATHA
e86d                => 064e           : FATHA
e87f                => 064e           : FATHA
e8e8                => 064e           : FATHA
e823                => 064b           : FATHATAN
e8e6                => 064b           : FATHATAN
e826                => 064f           : DAMMA
e8e9                => 064f           : DAMMA
e824                => 064c           : DAMMATAN
e8e7                => 064c           : DAMMATAN
e840                => 0650           : KASRA
e864                => 0650           : KASRA
e888                => 0650           : KASRA
e8df                => 0650           : KASRA
e83f                => 064d           : KASRATAN
e863                => 064d           : KASRATAN
e887                => 064d           : KASRATAN
e8de                => 064d           : KASRATAN
e827                => 0651           : SHADDA
e8ea                => 0651           : SHADDA
e828                => 0652           : SUKUN
e8eb                => 0652           : SUKUN
e829                => 0653           : MADDA
e84d                => 0653           : MADDA
e82b                => 0670           : ALEF(super)
e8ee                => 0670           : ALEF(super)

e830                => 064e+0651      : SHADDA+FATHA
e8f4                => 064e+0651      : SHADDA+FATHA
e8f6                => 064e+0651      : SHADDA+FATHA
e831                => 064f+0651      : SHADDA+DAMMA
e8f5                => 064f+0651      : SHADDA+DAMMA
e82e                => 064c+0651      : SHADDA+DAMMATAN
e832                => 0650+0651      : SHADDA+KASRA
e82f                => 064d+0651      : SHADDA+KASRATAN [2]
e834                => 064d+0651      : SHADDA+KASRATAN [2]
e812                => 064d+0651      : SHADDA+KASRATAN [2]
e8f8                => 064d+0651      : SHADDA+KASRATAN [2]

e818                => 0653+0670      : MADDA+ALEF(super) [4]
e83a                => 0653+0670      : MADDA+ALEF(super) [4]
e8fe                => 0653+0670      : MADDA+ALEF(super) [4]
e81d                => 0640+0650+0651 : TATWEEL+KASRA+SHADDA

# e898                => 0647           : HEH
e898                => feea           : HEH final

e806                => 0627           : ALEF
e807                => 0627           : ALEF

e808                => 0671           : ALEF(wasla)
e809                => 0671           : ALEF(wasla)
e800                => 0622           : ALEF/MADDA

0627+e815           => 0623+064e      : ALEF/HAMZA+FATHA
# 0627+e85b           => 0623+064e      : ALEF/HAMZA+FATHA
fe8e+e815           => 0623+064e      : ALEF/HAMZA+FATHA
fe8e+e821+e815      => 0623+064e      : ALEF/HAMZA+FATHA
e806+e85b           => 0623+064e      : ALEF/HAMZA+FATHA
# 0627+e85c           => 0623+064f      : ALEF/HAMZA+DAMMA
0627+e816           => 0623+064f      : ALEF/HAMZA+DAMMA
e806+e85c           => 0623+064f      : ALEF/HAMZA+DAMMA
fe8e+e816           => 0623+064f      : ALEF/HAMZA+DAMMA
fe8e+e821+e816      => 0623+064f      : ALEF/HAMZA+DAMMA
# 0627+e814           => 0623+064c      : ALEF/HAMZA+DAMMATAN
0627+e846           => 0625+064d      : ALEF/HAMZA(low)+KASHRATAN
fe8e+e821+e846      => 0625+064d      : ALEF/HAMZA(low)+KASRATAN
fe8e+e817           => 0623+0652      : ALEF/HAMZA+SUKUN [7]

e835                => 0654+064b      : HAMZA+FATHATAN [3]
e837                => 0654+064e      : HAMZA+FATHA [3]
e8fb                => 0654+064e      : HAMZA+FATHA [3]
e838                => 0654+064f      : HAMZA+DAMMA [3]
e880                => 0654+064f      : HAMZA+DAMMA [3]
e839                => 0654+0652      : HAMZA+SUKUN [3]
e845                => 0655+0650      : HAMZA(low)+KASRA

0648+e838           => 0624+064f      : WAW/HAMZA+DAMMA

e80a                => 0644           : LAM
e80e                => 0644           : LAM

# e821+e8d4+e821+e830 => 0644           : LAM [10]
# e821+e8d4+e82b+e821 => 0644           : LAM [10]
# e8d4+e830           => 0644           : LAM [10]
e8d4+e833           => 0644           : LAM [10]
# e8d4+e821           => 0644           : LAM [10]
e8d4+e821+e827      => 0644           : LAM [10]
e8d4+e821+e833      => 0644           : LAM [10]
e8d4+e821+e821+e833 => 0644           : LAM [10]
e8d4+fc63           => 0644           : LAM [10]
e8d4+e827           => 0644           : LAM [10]
# e8d4                => 0644           : LAM [10]
# e8d4+064e+e82b      => 0644           : LAM [11]

fefb+e85b           => 0644+623+064e  : LAM+ALEF/HAMZA+FATHA
fefb+e85c           => 0644+0623+064f : LAM/ALEF/HAMZA+DAMMA
fefc+e87f           => 0644+0623+064e : LAM/ALEF/HAMZA+FATHA

# fef4+e917           => 064a+0649+0670 : YEH+ALEF(super)
fef4+e917           => 064a+fef0+0670 : YEH+ALEF(super)

ea75+e828+ea79      => 062d+0652+0645 : HAH+SUKUN+MEEM

# fe92+0650+e915      => 0628+0650+064a : BEH+KASRA+YEH
fe92+0650+e915      => 0628+0650+fef2 : BEH+KASRA+YEH

fec3+0652+e821+e80e+064e+e807 => 0637+0652+e821+e80e+064e+e807 : [9]

fffd                =>                : replacement character

# [1] it should be a LAM/ALEF ligature with wasla, but there is no such unicode char
#     See
# [2] it looks like shadda+fathatan, but there is no shadda+fathatan.
#     Instead, it is shadda+kashratan, where the kashratan is placed high.
# [3] not a perfect solution. After fbe9 (alef maksura) the high hamza is not
#     a recommended combination.
# [4] the result combination of madda and alef superscript does not render nicely
# [5] the hamza ends up on the left part of the ligature and combines
#     there with the fatha/damma, the d should be positioned on the rightmost part
#     of the ligature, but this does not happen
# [6] The shadda/kasra should render low, but it does render high.
#     On page 185 line 4 is a yeh that has both this one and the shadda/fatha,
#     where in the original the one is rendered below, and the other above the letter.
#     In Unicode they end up both in a high position.
# [7] In the original, the sukun tops the alef and the hamza tops the sukun.
#     In Unicode, it's the otherway round: the hamza tops the alif and the sukun is
#     at the top.
# [9] Singular case on page 45 line 9 char 90 : a final tah inside a word
# [10] as in Allah. The shadda and alef superscript are filled in by the unicode
#      algorithm.
# [11] as in Allah, but with fatha instead of shadda. Probaly a typo in a note,
#      page 12 second last line.
"""Character replace rules

There are two parts: (1) character replace rules (2) notes.

Each rule consists of a left hand side, then `=>`, then a right hand side,
then `:` and then a short description.
The short description may contain references to notes in the notes section,
which is a list of commented lines at the end of the whole string.

The left and right hand sides consist of one or more hexadecimal character codes,
joined by the `+` sign.

The meaning is that when the left hand side matches a portion of the input text,
the output text, which is otherwise a copy of the input text, will have that portion
replaced by the right hand side.

The exact application of rules has some subtleties which will be dealt with
in `Laknawi.trimLine`.

def ptRepD(p):
    """Represent a float as an integer with enhanced precision.

    p: float
        We multiply it by 10, then round it to the nearest integer.
        A none value is converted to `?`.

    return "?" if p is None else int(round(p * 10))

def ptRep(p):
    """Represent a float as an integer.

    p: float
        We round it to the nearest integer.
        A none value is converted to `?`.

    return "?" if p is None else int(round(p))

REPLACE_RE = re.compile(r"""^([0-9a-z+]+)\s*=>\s*([0-9a-z+]*)\s*:\s*(.*)$""", re.I)

    d=(1, "diacritic"),
"""Defines place holder `d` in rule definitions.

LETTER_CODE = {cd: info[0] for (cd, info) in LETTER_CODE_DEF.items()}
CODE_LETTER = {info[0]: cd for (cd, info) in LETTER_CODE_DEF.items()}
LETTER_KIND = {info[0]: info[1] for info in LETTER_CODE_DEF.values()}

def getDictFromDef(defs):
    """Interpret a string as a dictionary.

    defs: string
        A string containing definitions of character replace rules.

    !!! note "Only for rules"
        We only use this functions for the rules in `REPLACE_DEF`.

    rules = []
    rn = 0
    good = True

    for (i, line) in enumerate(defs.strip().split("\n")):
        parts = line.split("#", maxsplit=1)
        if len(parts) > 1:
            line = parts[0]
        line = line.strip()
        if not line:
        match = REPLACE_RE.match(line)
        if not match:
            print(f"MALFORMED REPLACE DEF @{i}: {line}")
            good = False

        rn += 1
        (valStr, replStr, comment) =, 2, 3)

        vals = []
        d = None
        for (i, val) in enumerate(valStr.split("+")):
            if val in {"d"}:
                if d is not None:
                    print(f"MULTIPLE d in RULE @{i}: rule {rn}: {line}")
                    good = False
                d = i
                vals.append(chr(int(val, base=16)))

        repls = []
        e = None
        if replStr:
            for (i, repl) in enumerate(replStr.split("+")):
                if repl in {"d"}:
                    if e is not None:
                        print(f"MULTIPLE d in RULE @{i}: rule {rn}: {line}")
                        good = False
                    e = i
                    repls.append(chr(int(repl, base=16)))

        if d is None and e is not None:
            print(f"d in REPLACEMENT but not in MATCH @[i]: rule {rn}: {line}")
            good = False

        rules.append((rn, tuple(vals), d, tuple(repls), e))

    if not good:
        return None

    result = {}
    ruleIndex = {}

    for (rn, vals, d, repls, e) in sorted(rules, key=lambda x: (-len(x[1]), str(x[1]))):
        result.setdefault(vals[0], []).append((rn, vals, d, repls, e))
        ruleIndex[rn] = (vals, d, repls, e)

    return (result, ruleIndex)

U_LINE_RE = re.compile(r"""^U\+([0-9a-f]{4})([0-9a-f ]*)$""", re.I)
HEX_RE = re.compile(r"""^[0-9a-f]{4}$""", re.I)
PUA_RE = re.compile(r"""⌊([^⌋]*)⌋""")

RECT = "rect"
COLOR = "color"

"""Width of the rule that separates body text from footnote text.

"""Amount of separation between words.

Character boxes this far apart imply that there is a white space between them.
The unit is 0.1 pixel.

class Lakhnawi(UChar):
    def __init__(self):
        """Text extraction from the Lakhnawi PDF.

        This class makes use of the `fusus.char.UChar` class which
        defines several categories of characters.
        By extending that class, the Lakhnawi class makes use of those categories.
        It also adds specific characters to some of those categories, especially
        the private use characters that occur in the Lakhnawi PDF.

        We use *fitz* (`pip3 install PyMuPDF`) for PDF reading.


        self.heights = {}
        """Heights of characters, indexed by page number."""

        self.clusteredHeights = {}
        """Clustered heights of characters, indexed by page number.

        The clustered heights correspond to the lines on a page.

        self.lines = {}
        """Lines as tuples of original character objects, indexed by page number"""

        self.text = {}
        """Lines as tuples of converted character objects, indexed by page number"""

        self.fnRules = {}
        """Vertical positions of footnote lines, indexed by page number"""

        self.spaces = {}
        """Spacing information for each character, indexed by page and line number.

        For character that has space behind it, it gives the index position of that
        character in the line, the amount of space detected,
        and whether this counts as a full white space.

        self.columns = {}
        """Column information, indexed by page and line number.

        Spaces that are significantly larger than a normal white space
        are interpreted as an emspace, and these are considered as column separators.
        We remember the character positions where this happens plus the amount
        of space in question.

        Columns in the Lakhnawi PDF correspond to *hemistic* poems,
        where lines are divided into two halves, each occupying a column.

        See ![hemistic](images/hemistic.png)

        !!! caution "hemistic poems versus blocks"
            This is very different from blocks (see `fusus.layout`) in OCRed texts,
            where blocks have been detected because of vertical strokes
            that separate columns.

            The reading progress in a hemistic poem is not changed by the
            column division, where as in the case of blocks, reading proceeds
            by reading the complete blocks in order.

        self.doubles = {}
        """Glyphs with double unicode points.

        Some private use characters have two unicode points assigned to them
        by fonts in the PDF.
        This is the cause that straightforward text extractions deliver
        double occurrences of those letters. Even *fitz* does that.

        We have collected these cases, and choose to use the lower unicode point,
        which is usually an ordinary character, whereas the other is usually a
        related presentational character.

        This dictionary maps the lower character to the higher character.

        self.privateLetters = None
        """Private-use unicodes that correspond to full letters."""

        self.privateDias = None
        """Private-use unicodes that correspond to diacritics."""

        self.privateSpace = None
        """Private-use-unicode used to represent a space."""

        self.good = True
        """Whether processing is still ok, i.e. no errors encountered."""


        self.doc =
        """A handle to the PDF document, after it has been read by *fitz*."""

    def close(self):
        """Close the PDF handle, offered by *fitz*."""


    def setStyle(self):
        """Import the CSS styles into the notebook.

        See `CSS`.


    def getCharConfig(self):
        """Configure all character information.

        Private-use characters, transformation rules, character categories.


    def privateInfo(self):
        """Set up additional character categories wrt. private-use characters.

        Several categories will receive additional members from the
        private use characters.

        self.privateLetters = getSetFromDef(PRIVATE_LETTERS_DEF)
        self.privateDias = getSetFromDef(PRIVATE_DIAS_DEF)
        self.privateSpace = PRIVATE_SPACE
        self.nospacings |= self.privateDias
        # self.nospacings.add(PRIVATE_TATWEEL)
        self.diacritics |= self.privateDias
        self.diacriticLike |= self.privateDias
        self.arabicLetters = self.arabic - self.privateDias
        self.rls |= self.puas

    def setupRules(self):
        """Set up character transformation rules.

        Prepare for counting how much rules will be applied
        when extracting text from pages of the Lakhnawi PDF.

        (self.replace, self.ruleIndex) = getDictFromDef(REPLACE_DEF)
        if self.replace is None:
            self.replace = {}
            self.good = False
        self.rulesApplied = collections.defaultdict(collections.Counter)
        for rn in self.ruleIndex:
            self.rulesApplied[rn] = collections.Counter()

    def getCharInfo(self):
        """Obtain detailed character information by reading the font report file.

        From this file we read:

        * which are the private use characters?
        * which of them have a double unicode?

        The font file is

        self.doubles = {}
        self.privates = set()
        doubles = self.doubles
        privates = self.privates
        finalSpace = self.finalSpace
        puas = self.puas

        doc =

        for page in doc:
            textPage = page.getTextPage()
            data = textPage.extractText()

            for (ln, line) in enumerate(data.split("\n")):
                if line.startswith("U+"):
                    match = U_LINE_RE.match(line)
                    if not match:
                    (main, rest) =, 2)
                    main = main.lower()
                    nMain = int(main, base=16)
                    cMain = chr(nMain)
                    if cMain in puas:
                    if cMain == chr(0):
                    second = None
                    rest = rest.replace(" ", "")
                    if rest:
                        if HEX_RE.match(rest):
                            second = rest.lower()
                    if second:
                        nSecond = int(second, base=16)
                        cSecond = chr(nSecond)
                        if nSecond > nMain:
                            doubles[cMain] = cSecond
                            doubles[cSecond] = cMain

        doublesApplied = collections.defaultdict(collections.Counter)
        for d in doubles:
            doublesApplied[d] = collections.Counter()
        self.doublesApplied = doublesApplied

        finalsApplied = collections.defaultdict(collections.Counter)
        for f in finalSpace:
            finalsApplied[f] = collections.Counter()
        self.finalsApplied = finalsApplied

    def plainChar(self, c):
        """Show the character code of a character.

        c: string
            The character in question, may also be the empty string or
            the integer 1 (diacritic place holder).

            The hexadecimal unicode point of `c`, between `⌊ ⌋` - brackets.

        if c == "":
            return "⌊⌋"
        if c in {1}:
            return CODE_LETTER[c]
        return f"⌊{ord(c):>04x}⌋"

    def plainString(self, s):
        """Show the character codes of the characters in a string.

        s: string
            The string to show, may be empty, may contain place holders.

            The concatenation of the unicode points of the characters in the string,
            each code point between brackets.

        See also `Lakhnawi.plainChar()`.

        return " ".join(self.plainChar(c) for c in s)

    def showChar(self, c):
        """Pretty display of a single unicode character.

        We show the character itself and its name (if not a private-use one),
        its hexadecimal code, and we indicate by coloring the kind of
        white space that the character represents (ordinary space or emspace).

        c: string
            The character in question, may also be the empty string or
            the integer 1 (diacritic place holder).

        if c in {1, 2}:
            return f"""
<div class="ch p">
    <div class="cn">{LETTER_KIND[c]}</div>

        if c == "":
            extra = ""
            ccode = ""
            crep = "\u00a0"
            cname = "EMPTY"
            puas = self.puas
            rls = self.rls

            ccode = (
                f"""<span class="{"p" if c in puas else "c"}">{ord(c):>04x}</span>"""
            crep = (
                if c in puas
                else f"""<span class="{"rc" if c in rls else "lc"}">{c}"""
            cname = "" if c in puas else f"""<span class="c">{uName(c)}</span>"""
            extra = (
                "m" if c == EMSPACE else "s" if c == " " else ""

        return f"""
<div class="ch{extra}">
    <div class="cn">{ccode}</div>
    <div class="cn"><span class="cni">{crep}</span></div>
    <div class="cn">{cname}</div>

    def showString(self, s, asString=False):
        """Pretty display of a string as a series of unicode characters.

        s: string
            The string to display, may be empty, may contain place holders.
        asString: boolean, optional `False`
            If True, return the result as an HTML string.

        None | string
            If `asString`, returns an HTML string, otherwise returns None,
            but displays the HTML string.

        See also `Lakhnawi.showChar()`.

        shtml = f"""<span class="r">{s}</span>"""
        html = """<div class="sr">""" + (
            "".join(self.showChar(c) for c in s) + "</div>"
        if asString:
            return f"""<span>{shtml}</span>{html}"""


    def showReplacements(self, rule=None, isApplied=False):
        """Show a character conversion rule and how it has been applied.

        rule: string|int, optional `None`
            A specification of zero or more rule numbers (see `fusus.lib.parseNums`).
            If None, all rules will be taken.
        isApplied: boolean, optional `False`
            Only show rules that have been applied.

            Displays a table of rules with usage statistics.

        ruleIndex = self.ruleIndex
        rulesApplied = self.rulesApplied
        ruleNums = parseNums(rule)
        ruleNums = (
            if ruleNums is None
            else sorted(r for r in ruleNums if r in ruleIndex)

        html = []
        totalRules = len(ruleIndex)
        totalApplications = sum(sum(x.values()) for x in rulesApplied.values())
        totalPages = len(set(chain.from_iterable(rulesApplied.values())))
        ruleRep = "rule" + ("" if totalRules == 1 else "s")
        appRep = "application" + ("" if totalApplications == 1 else "s")
        pageRep = "page" + ("" if totalPages == 1 else "s")
<p><b>{totalRules} {ruleRep} with
{totalApplications} {appRep} on {totalPages} {pageRep}</b></p>

        for (rn, applied) in sorted(
            rulesApplied.items(), key=lambda x: (-sum(x[1].values()), x[0])
            if rn not in ruleNums:
            (vals, d, repls, e) = ruleIndex[rn]

            valRep = "".join(self.showChar(c) for c in vals)
            replRep = "".join(self.showChar(c) for c in repls)
            total = sum(applied.values())
            if isApplied and not applied:
            if applied:
                examplePageNum = sorted(applied, key=lambda p: -applied[p])[0]
                nExamples = applied[examplePageNum]
                appliedEx = f"e.g. page {examplePageNum} with {nExamples} applications"
                appliedEx = ""
            appliedRep = f"<b>{total}</b> x applied on <i>{len(applied)}</i> pages"
    <th>rule {rn}</th>
    <td class="al">{appliedRep}</td>
    <td class="al">{appliedEx}</td>
    <td class="al">{valRep}</td>
    <td class="al"><span class="lrg">⇒</span></td>
    <td class="al">{replRep}</td>


    def showDoubles(self, double=None):
        """Show a character with double entry and how often it occurs.

        See `Lakhnawi.doubles`.

        double: char, optional `None`
            A character from the doubles list (`Lakhnawi.doubles`).
            If None, all such characters will be taken.
        isApplied: boolean, optional `False`
            Only show rules that have been applied.

            Displays a table of double-entry characters with occurrence statistics.

        doubles = self.doubles
        doublesApplied = self.doublesApplied

        theseDoubles = (
            set(doubles) if double is None else {double} if double in doubles else set()

        html = []
        totalDoubles = len(doubles)
        totalApplications = sum(sum(x.values()) for x in doublesApplied.values())
        totalPages = len(set(chain.from_iterable(doublesApplied.values())))
        doubleRep = "double" + ("" if totalDoubles == 1 else "s")
        appRep = "application" + ("" if totalApplications == 1 else "s")
        pageRep = "page" + ("" if totalPages == 1 else "s")
<p><b>{totalDoubles} {doubleRep} with
{totalApplications} {appRep} on {totalPages} {pageRep}</b></p>

        for (d, applied) in sorted(
            doublesApplied.items(), key=lambda x: (-sum(x[1].values()), x[0])
            if d not in theseDoubles:
            e = doubles[d]
            doubleRep = f"{self.showChar(e)} ⇒ {self.showChar(d)}"

            total = sum(applied.values())
            if applied:
                examplePageNum = sorted(applied, key=lambda p: -applied[p])[0]
                nExamples = applied[examplePageNum]
                appliedEx = f"e.g. page {examplePageNum} with {nExamples} applications"
                appliedEx = ""
            appliedRep = f"<b>{total}</b> x applied on <i>{len(applied)}</i> pages"
    <td class="al">{appliedRep}</td>
    <td class="al">{appliedEx}</td>
    <td class="al">{doubleRep}</td>


    def showFinals(self, final=None):
        """Show a character with final form and how often it has been replaced.

        Final forms will be normalized to ground forms
        and sometimes a space will be added.

        final: char, optional `None`
            A character from the final space list (`fusus.char.UChar.finalSpace`).
            If None, all such characters will be taken.
        isApplied: boolean, optional `False`
            Only show rules that have been applied.

            Displays a table of final space characters with occurrence statistics.

        finalSpace = self.finalSpace
        finalsApplied = self.finalsApplied

        theseFinals = (
            finalSpace if final is None else {final} if final in finalSpace else set()

        html = []
        totalFinals = len(finalSpace)
        totalApplications = sum(sum(x.values()) for x in finalsApplied.values())
        totalPages = len(set(chain.from_iterable(finalsApplied.values())))
        finalRep = "final" + ("" if totalFinals == 1 else "s")
        appRep = "application" + ("" if totalApplications == 1 else "s")
        pageRep = "page" + ("" if totalPages == 1 else "s")
<p><b>{totalFinals} {finalRep} with
{totalApplications} {appRep} on {totalPages} {pageRep}</b></p>

        for (f, applied) in sorted(
            finalsApplied.items(), key=lambda x: (-sum(x[1].values()), x[0])
            if f not in theseFinals:
            finalRep = self.showChar(f)

            total = sum(applied.values())
            if applied:
                examplePageNum = sorted(applied, key=lambda p: -applied[p])[0]
                nExamples = applied[examplePageNum]
                appliedEx = f"e.g. page {examplePageNum} with {nExamples} applications"
                appliedEx = ""
            appliedRep = f"<b>{total}</b> x applied on <i>{len(applied)}</i> pages"
    <td class="al">{appliedRep}</td>
    <td class="al">{appliedEx}</td>
    <td class="al">{finalRep}</td>


    def showLineHeights(self, pageNumSpec):
        """Shows how line heights have been determined.

        The pages can be selected by page numbers.

        pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
            As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.

        heights = self.heights
        clusteredHeights = self.clusteredHeights

        for pageNum in self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec):
            theseHeights = heights[pageNum]
            theseClusteredHeights = clusteredHeights[pageNum]

            print(f"Line heights page {pageNum:>3}")
            print("\nraw heights")
            for k in sorted(theseHeights):
                print(f"{theseHeights[k]:>4} characters @ height {int(round(k)):>4}")

            print("line heights")
            for (ln, kc) in enumerate(sorted(theseClusteredHeights)):
                peak = ", ".join(
                    f"{int(round(k)):>4}" for k in sorted(theseClusteredHeights[kc])
                    f"line {ln + 1:>2}: "
                    f"{sum(theseHeights[k] for k in theseClusteredHeights[kc]):>4}"
                    f" characters @height {peak}"

    def parsePageNums(self, pageNumSpec):
        """Parses a value as one or more page numbers.

        pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
            If `None` results in all page numbers.
            If an `int`, it stands for that int.
            If a `string`, it is allowed to be a comma separated list of
            numbers or ranges, where a range is a lower bound and an upper bound
            separated by a `-`.
            If none of these, it should be an iterable of `int` values.

        None | iterable of int
            Depending on the value.

        doc = self.doc
        pageNums = (
            list(range(1, len(doc) + 1))
            if not pageNumSpec
            else [pageNumSpec]
            if type(pageNumSpec) is int
            else setFromSpec(pageNumSpec)
            if type(pageNumSpec) is str
            else list(pageNumSpec)
        return [i for i in sorted(pageNums) if 0 < i <= len(doc)]

    def drawPages(self, pageNumSpec, clip=None):
        """Draws a (part) of page from the PDF as a raster image.

        pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
            As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.
        clip: (int, int), optional `None`
            If None: produces the whole page.
            Otherwise it is `(top, bottom)`, and a stripe
            from top to bottom will be displayed.

        doc = self.doc

        for pageNum in self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec):
            page = doc[pageNum - 1]
            if clip is not None:
                clip = (0, clip[0], page.rect.width, clip[1])

            pix = page.getPixmap(matrix=fitz.Matrix(4, 4), clip=clip, alpha=False)
            display(HTML(f"""<p><b>page {pageNum}</b></p>"""))
            display(Image(data=pix.getPNGData(), format=DEFAULT_EXTENSION))

    def getPages(
        """Reads pages of the PDF and extracts text.

        This does all of the hard work of the text extraction.
        It saves the textual data in attributes of the Lakhnawi object,
        augmented with all kinds of diagnostic information.

        From all this data, various output representations can be generated
        rather easily by other methods.

        pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
            As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.
        refreshConfig: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`, rereads all character configuration.
            Ideal when you are iteratively developing the character configuration.
        doRules: boolean, optional `True`
            If `False`, suppresses the application of character transformation
            rules. Mainly used when debugging other aspects of the text extraction.
        doFilter: boolean, optional `True`
            If `False`, suppresses the application of unicode normalization,
            by which presentational characters are transformed into sequences
            of ordinary, basic characters.
            Used for debugging.
        onlyFnRules: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`, skips most of the conversion.
            Only determine where the footnote rules are.
            Used for debugging.

           The effect is that attributes of the Lakhnawi object
           are filled:

           * `Lakhnawi.heights`
           * `Lakhnawi.clusteredHeights`
           * `Lakhnawi.fnRules`

           For the other attributes, see `Lakhnawi.collectPage()`.

        !!! hint "multiple runs"
            If you do multiple runs of this function for different pages,
            the results will not overwrite each other in general,
            because the attributes hold the results in dictionaries
            keyed by page number.

        if not self.good:
            print("SKIPPING because of config errors")

        fnRules = self.fnRules
        spaces = self.spaces
        columns = self.columns

        self.doRules = doRules
        self.doFilter = doFilter

        ruleIndex = self.ruleIndex
        rulesApplied = self.rulesApplied

        if refreshConfig:

        for rn in ruleIndex:
            rulesApplied[rn] = collections.Counter()

        for (i, pageNum) in enumerate(self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec)):
            self.pageNum = pageNum
            rep = (
                f"{i + 1:>4} (page {pageNum:>4})"
                if pageNum != i + 1
                else (f"{i + 1:>4}" + " " * 12)
            doc = self.doc
            page = doc[pageNum - 1]

            theseFnRules = set()

            for fnRule in page.getDrawings():
                if RECT in fnRule and fnRule.get(COLOR, None):
                    rect = fnRule[RECT]
                    width = rect.x1 - rect.x0
                    if width > FNRULE_WIDTH:

            fnRules[pageNum] = tuple(sorted(theseFnRules))
            spaces[pageNum] = {}
            columns[pageNum] = {}

            if onlyFnRules:

            textPage = page.getTextPage()
            data = textPage.extractRAWDICT()

    def getPageRaw(self, pageNum):
        """Do a rough/raw text extract of a specific page.

        The *fitz* method
        is used to obtain very detailed information about each character on that page.
        Used for debugging.

        pageNum: int
            A valid page number.
            It is the sequence number of the page within the PDF, counting from 1.

            It pretty prints the output of the fitz method, which is a big
            and deep dictionary.

        self.pageNum = pageNum
        rep = f"page {pageNum:>4}"
        doc = self.doc
        page = doc[pageNum - 1]

        textPage = page.getTextPage()
        data = textPage.extractRAWDICT()

    def getPageObj(self, pageNum):
        """Get the *fitz* object for a specific page.

        Used for debugging.

        pageNum: int
            A valid page number.
            It is the sequence number of the page within the PDF, counting from 1.

            A *fitz*
            [page object](

        self.pageNum = pageNum
        doc = self.doc
        return doc[pageNum - 1]

    def plainPages(self, pageNumSpec):
        """Outputs processed pages as plain text.

        Uses `Lakhnawi.plainLine()`.

        pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
            As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.

            The plain text is printed to the output.

        text = self.text

        for pageNum in self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec):
            lines = text.get(pageNum, [])

            for (i, line) in enumerate(lines):

    def tsvPages(self, pageNumSpec):
        """Outputs processed pages as tab-separated data.

        See `fusus.convert` for the details of the output format.

        and `Lakhnawi.tsvHeadLine()`.

        pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
            As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.

            The tab-separated data is written to a single tsv file.
            There is a heading row.

            The file is in `fusus.parameters.UR_DIR`, under `Lakhnawi`.
            The name of the file includes a page specification.

        text = self.text

        destDir = f"{UR_DIR}/{NAME}"
        pageNums = self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec)

        if not os.path.exists(destDir):
            os.makedirs(destDir, exist_ok=True)

        pageNumRep = ALL_PAGES if pageNumSpec is None else str(pageNumSpec)
        filePath = f"{destDir}/{pageNumRep}.tsv"
        fh = open(filePath, "w")

        for pageNum in pageNums:
            lines = text.get(pageNum, [])

            for (ln, line) in enumerate(lines):
                fh.write(self.tsvLine(line, pageNum, ln + 1))

        print(f"TSV data written to {unexpanduser(filePath)}")

    def htmlPages(
        """Outputs processed pages as formatted HTML pages.


        The HTML output is suitable to read the extracted text.
        Its layout matches the original closely, which makes it easier
        to see where the output deviates from the source page.

        pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
            As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.
        line: None | int | string | iterable
            A specification of zero or more line numbers (see `fusus.lib.parseNums`).
        showSpaces: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`, shows the spaces with a conspicuous coloured background.
        export: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`, writes the HTML results to disk.
            In this case, the HTML will not be displayed in the notebook.
        singleFile: boolean, optional `False`
            Only meaningful is `export=True`.
            If `True`, writes the output to a single HTML file,
            otherwise to one file per page, in a directory called `html`.
        toc: boolean, optional `False`
            Only meaningful is `export=True` and `singleFile=True`.
            If `True`, writes a table of contents to the file.
            The TOC points to every page that is included in the output file.

            Depending on `export`, the page is displayed in the notebook
            where this function is called, or exported to a file on disk.

            The file is in `fusus.parameters.UR_DIR`, under `Lakhnawi`.
            The name of the file includes a page specification.

        self.showSpaces = showSpaces
        text = self.text

        destDir = f"{UR_DIR}/{NAME}" if singleFile else f"{UR_DIR}/{NAME}/html"
        pageNums = self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec)
        lineNums = parseNums(line)
        lineNums = None if lineNums is None else set(lineNums)
        filesWritten = 0

        if export:
            if not os.path.exists(destDir):
                os.makedirs(destDir, exist_ok=True)
            if singleFile:
                pageNumRep = ALL_PAGES if pageNumSpec is None else str(pageNumSpec)
                tocRep = "-with-toc" if toc else ""
                filePath = f"{destDir}/{pageNumRep}{tocRep}.html"
                fh = open(filePath, "w")
                if toc:
                    toc = getToc(pageNums)
<div class="window">
<div class="sidebar">
<div class="pages bypage">
<div class="pages">

        pageClass = "page" + ("" if export else "c")
        for pageNum in pageNums:
            lines = text.get(pageNum, [])
            nLines = len(lines)

            html = []
<div class="{pageClass}">
<div class="phead"><a name="p{pageNum:>03}">{pageNum}</a></div>

            prevMulti = False

            for (i, line) in enumerate(lines):
                if lineNums is not None and i + 1 not in lineNums:

                html.append(self.htmlLine(line, prevMulti, i == nLines - 1))
                prevMulti = len(line) > 1


            if export:
                htmlRep = "".join(html)

                if singleFile:
                    html = preHtml(pageNum) + htmlRep + POST_HTML
                    filePath = f"{destDir}/p{pageNum:>03}.html"
                    with open(filePath, "w") as fh:
                        filesWritten += 1

        if export and singleFile:
            if toc:
            print(f"HTML written to {unexpanduser(filePath)}")

        if export and not singleFile:
            print(f"{filesWritten} HTML files written to {unexpanduser(destDir)}/")

    def showLines(
        """Outputs processed lines as a formatted HTML table.

        The lines can be selected by page numbers and line numbers.

        Within the selected lines, the characters can be selected by
        start/end postions, or by characters of interest.

        All of these indices start at 1.

        pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
            As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.
        line: None | int | string | iterable
            A specification of zero or more line numbers (see `fusus.lib.parseNums`).
        start: integer, optional `None`
            Starting word position in each line to be output.
            If `None`, starts at the beginning of each line.
        end: integer, optional `None`
            End word position in each line to be output.
            If `None`, ends at the end of each line.
        search: string or iterable of char, optional `None`
            If not none, all characters in `search` are deemed interesting.
            All occurrences of these characters within the selected lines are
            displayed, included a small context.
        orig: boolean, optional `False`
            Only meaningful if `search` is given.
            If `True`: the check for interesting
            characters is done in the original, untranslated characters.
            Otherwise, interesting characters are looked up in the translated
        every: boolean, optional `False`
            Only meaningful if `search` is given.
            If `True`, when looking for interesting characters, all occurrences will
            be retrieved, otherwise only the first one.

            The output material will be displayed in the notebook.

        lines = self.lines
        pageNums = self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec)
        lineNums = parseNums(line)

        myLines = {pageNum: lines[pageNum] for pageNum in pageNums if pageNum in lines}

        html = []
    <th>orig char</th>

        shift = 5

        for (pageNum, pageLines) in myLines.items():
            myLineNums = (
                range(1, len(pageLines) + 1)
                if lineNums is None
                else [ln for ln in lineNums if 0 < ln <= len(pageLines)]
            for ln in myLineNums:
                chars = pageLines[ln - 1]
                nChars = len(chars)
    <th colspan=3>page {pageNum}</th>
    <th colspan=2>line {ln}</th>
    <th colspan=3>{nChars} characters</th>
                if search is None:
                    ranges = [(max((start or 0) - 1, 0), min(end or nChars, nChars))]
                    ranges = []

                    for (i, char) in enumerate(chars):
                        if search in char[-2 if orig else -1]:
                            occStart = max((i - shift, 0))
                            occEnd = min((i + shift + 1, nChars))
                            if ranges and occStart <= ranges[-1][1]:
                                ranges[-1][1] = occEnd
                                ranges.append([occStart, occEnd])
                            if not every:

                for (occStart, occEnd) in ranges:
                    for i in range(occStart, occEnd):
                        char = chars[i]
                        (le, to, ri, bo, font, size, spacing, oc, c) = char
    <td><b>{i + 1}</b></td>
    <td>{"".join(self.showChar(x) for x in reversed(oc))}</td>
    <td>{"".join(self.showChar(x) for x in reversed(c))}</td>
                if search and ranges and not every:


    def showWords(self, pageNumSpec, line=None):
        """Outputs processed words as a formatted HTML table.

        The lines can be selected by page numbers and line numbers.

        All words within the selected lines are put into a table with
        the same properties as in the TSV data,
        see `Lakhnawi.tsvPages`.

        pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
            As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.
        line: None | int | string | iterable
            A specification of zero or more line numbers (see `fusus.lib.parseNums`).

            The output material will be displayed in the notebook.

        text = self.text
        pageNums = self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec)
        lineNums = parseNums(line)

        myLines = {pageNum: text[pageNum] for pageNum in pageNums if pageNum in text}

        html = []

        for (pageNum, pageLines) in myLines.items():
            myLineNums = (
                range(1, len(pageLines) + 1)
                if lineNums is None
                else [ln for ln in lineNums if 0 < ln <= len(pageLines)]
            for ln in myLineNums:
                cols = pageLines[ln - 1]
                for (cn, spans) in enumerate(cols):
                    for (sn, (dr, words)) in enumerate(spans):
                        for (letters, punc, (le, to, ri, bo)) in words:
    <td><i>{cn + 1}</i></td>
    <td><i>{sn + 1}</i></td>
    <td>{self.showString(letters, asString=True)}</td>
    <td>{self.showString(punc, asString=True)}</td>


    def showUsedChars(
        """Show used characters.

        Gives an overview of character usage, either in the input PDF, or in
        the text output.

        pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
            As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.
        orig: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`: shows characters of the original PDF.
            Otherwise, shows characters of the translated output/
        onlyPuas: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`, the result is restricted to private use characters.
        onlyPresentational: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`, the result is restricted to presentational characters.
            See `fusus.char.UChar.presentational`.
        long: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`, for each character output the complete list of pages
            where the character occurs. Otherwise, show only the most
            prominent pages.
        byOcc: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`, sort the results by first occurrence of the characters.
            Otherwise, sort the results by unicode code point of the character.

            The output material will be displayed in the notebook.

        presentational = self.presentational
        pageNums = self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec)
        text = self.text
        lines = self.lines
        puas = self.puas

        charsOut = collections.defaultdict(collections.Counter)

        def keyByOcc(c):
            pageNums = charsOut[c]
            return -sum(pageNums.values())

        sortKey = keyByOcc if byOcc else lambda x: x

        if orig:
            lns = {pageNum: lines[pageNum] for pageNum in pageNums if pageNum in lines}

            for (pageNum, pageLines) in lns.items():
                for line in pageLines:
                    for char in line:
                        c = char[-2]
                        if c in puas or (
                            not onlyPuas
                            and (c in presentational or not onlyPresentational)
                            charsOut[c][pageNum] += 1

            texts = {pageNum: text[pageNum] for pageNum in pageNums if pageNum in text}

            for (pageNum, pageText) in texts.items():
                for line in pageText:
                    for col in line:
                        for span in col:
                            for word in span[1]:
                                letters = word[0]
                                punc = word[1]
                                thesePuas = PUA_RE.findall(letters)
                                for pua in thesePuas:
                                    charsOut[chr(int(pua, base=16))][pageNum] += 1
                                if not onlyPuas:
                                    rest = PUA_RE.sub("", f"{letters}{punc}")
                                    for c in rest:
                                        if not (
                                            and c not in presentational
                                            charsOut[c][pageNum] += 1

        totalChars = len(charsOut)
        totalPages = len(set(chain.from_iterable(charsOut.values())))
        totalOccs = sum(sum(pns.values()) for pns in charsOut.values())

        charRep = "character" + ("" if totalChars == 1 else "s")
        occRep = "occurence" + ("" if totalOccs == 1 else "s")
        pageRep = "page" + ("" if totalPages == 1 else "s")

        label = "private use " if onlyPuas else ""

        html = []
<p><b>{totalChars} {label}{charRep} in {totalOccs} {occRep}
on {totalPages} {pageRep}</b></p>

        for c in sorted(charsOut, key=sortKey):
            pageNums = charsOut[c]
            nPageNums = len(pageNums)
            pageRep = "page" + ("" if nPageNums == 1 else "s")
            thistotal = sum(pageNums.values())
            examplePageNum = sorted(pageNums, key=lambda p: -pageNums[p])[0]
            nExamples = pageNums[examplePageNum]
    <td class="al">{self.showChar(c)}</td>
    <td class="al"><b>{thistotal}</b> on <i>{nPageNums}</i> {pageRep}</td>
    <td class="al">e.g. page {examplePageNum} with <b>{nExamples}</b> occurrences</td>
            if long:
                for pn in sorted(pageNums):
                    occs = pageNums[pn]
    <td class="al"><i>page {pn:>3}</i>: <b>{occs:>3}</b></td>

    def showColumns(self, pageNumSpec):
        """Show used characters.

        Gives an overview of the columns in each line.
        The result is a readable, ascii overview of the columns
        that exists in the lines of the selected pages.

        It is useful to visually check column detection for many pages.

        pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
            As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.

            The output material will be displayed in the notebook.

        pageNums = self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec)

        columns = self.columns
        for pageNum in pageNums:
            if pageNum not in columns:
            lineInfo = columns[pageNum]
            multiple = []
            for lNum in sorted(lineInfo):
                (threshold, emspaces) = lineInfo[lNum]
                nEmspaces = len(emspaces)
                if threshold is not None and nEmspaces > 0:
                    multiple.append((lNum, threshold, emspaces))
            if not len(multiple):
                print(f"page {pageNum:>3} -")
                print(f"page {pageNum:>3}:")
                for (lNum, threshold, emspaces) in multiple:
                    nEmspaces = len(emspaces)
                    print(f"\t{lNum:>2}: {'- ' * (nEmspaces + 1)}")

    def showSpacing(self, pageNumSpec, line=None):
        """Show where the spaces are.

        Gives an overview of the white space positions in each line.

        It is useful to debug the horizontal white space algorithm.

        pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
            As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.
        line: None | int | string | iterable
            A specification of zero or more line numbers (see `fusus.lib.parseNums`).

            The output material will be displayed in the notebook.

        pageNums = self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec)
        lineNums = parseNums(line)
        lineNums = None if lineNums is None else set(lineNums)

        spaces = self.spaces

        for pageNum in pageNums:
            if pageNum not in spaces:

            print(f"page {pageNum:>3}")
            lineInfo = spaces[pageNum]

            for (ln, spaces) in lineInfo.items():
                if lineNums is not None and ln not in lineNums:

                print(f"\tline {ln:>2}")

                for (i, after, isSpace) in spaces:
                    print(f"\t\t{i + 1:>3} {']  [' if isSpace else ']==['} {after}")

    def collectPage(self, data):
        """Transforms raw text into proper textual data.

        Called by `Lakhnawi.getPages()` and delivers its results
        to attributes of the Lakhnawi object.

        Here are they

        * `Lakhnawi.lines`
        * `Lakhnawi.doubles`
        * `Lakhnawi.text`

        They are all dictionaries, keyed by page number first and then by line.

        data: dict
            as obtained by the
            method of *fitz*.


        doubles = self.doubles
        doublesApplied = self.doublesApplied
        pageNum = self.pageNum
        nospacings = self.nospacings
        fnRules = self.fnRules
        bracketMap = self.bracketMap
        text = self.text

        fnRule = fnRules.get(pageNum, None)
        fnRule = fnRule[0] if fnRule else None

        chars = []
        prevChar = None
        prevFont = None
        prevSize = None

        def addChar():
            box = prevChar["bbox"]
            yBot = box[3]

            # skip chars below the footnote rule, if any
            if fnRule is not None and yBot > fnRule:

            c = prevChar["c"]

            cr = "" if isEuDigit(c) else c
            cr = bracketMap.get(cr, cr)

                    "" if c in nospacings else True,

        def collectChars(data, font, size):
            nonlocal prevChar
            nonlocal prevFont
            nonlocal prevSize

            if type(data) is list:
                for elem in data:
                    collectChars(elem, font, size)

            elif type(data) is dict:
                if "font" in data:
                    font = data["font"]
                if "size" in data:
                    size = data["size"]
                if "c" in data:
                    c = data["c"]
                    skip = False
                    if c == " ":
                        skip = True

                    if prevChar is not None:
                        pc = prevChar["c"]
                        if pc in doubles and doubles[pc] == c:
                            skip = True
                            doublesApplied[pc][pageNum] += 1
                        if c in doubles and doubles[c] == pc:
                            prevChar = data
                            skip = True
                            doublesApplied[c][pageNum] += 1

                    if not skip:
                        if prevChar is not None:
                        prevChar = data
                        prevFont = font
                        prevSize = size

                for (k, v) in data.items():
                    if type(v) in {list, dict}:
                        collectChars(v, font, size)

        collectChars(data, None, None)
        if prevChar is not None:

        clusterKeyCharV = self.clusterVert(chars)
        lines = {}
        for char in sorted(chars, key=lambda c: (clusterKeyCharV(c), keyCharH(c))):
            k = clusterKeyCharV(char)
            lines.setdefault(k, []).append(list(char))

        theseLines = list(lines.values())
        if theseLines and self.isPageNum(theseLines[0]):
            theseLines = theseLines[1:]

        # remove arabic numerals between brackets

        for chars in theseLines:
            nChars = len(chars)
            if not nChars:

            i = 0

            while i < nChars:
                char = chars[i]
                nextI = i + 1
                if char[-1] == "(":
                    found = None
                    for j in range(i + 1, nChars):
                        theChar = chars[j][-1]
                        if theChar == ")":
                            found = j + 1
                            nextI = found
                        if isArDigit(theChar):
                        nextI = j
                    if found is not None:
                        for j in range(i, found):
                            chars[j][-1] = ""
                        i = found
                i = nextI

        self.lines[pageNum] = tuple(
            chars for chars in theseLines if not all(c[-1] == "" for c in chars)

        text[pageNum] = []
        for (ln, line) in enumerate(self.lines[pageNum]):
            self.trimLine(pageNum, ln + 1, line)

    def isPageNum(self, chars):
        """Checks whether a series of characters represents an arabic number.

        chars: iterable of char reocrds

        return 1 <= len(chars) <= 3 and all(isArDigit(c[-1]) for c in chars)

    def trimLine(self, pageNum, ln, chars):
        """Map character sequences to other sequences.

        Two tasks:

        1. Map private use characters to well-known unicode characters
        2. Insert space characters where the next character is separated from the
           previous one.


        Diacritical characters are mostly contained in a very wide box that overlaps
        with the boxes of the other characters. So the diacritical boxes must not be
        taken into account.

        Private use characters often come in sequences, so a sequence of characters
        must be transformed to another sequence.

        We do the tramsformation before the space insertion, because otherwise we
        might insert the space at the wrong point.

        When we transform characters we need to retain the box information,
        because we still have to insert the space.

        That's why we have as input a list of character records, where each record
        is itself a list with box information, orginal character, modified characters
        and space information.

        When we transform characters, we modify character records in place.
        We do not add or remove character records.

        The last member of a character record is the modified sequence.
        This can be zero, one, or multiple characters.
        The second last member is the original character.
        Initially, the the last and second last member of each record are equal.
        We call these members the original character and the result string.

        Space will be appended at the last member of the appropriate character records.

        The transformations are given as a set of rules.

        See `REPLACE_DEFS`.

        A rule consists of a sequence of characters to match and a sequence of
        characters to replace the match with. We call them the match sequence and the
        replacement sequence of the rule.

        For each character in the input list we check which rules have a match sequence
        that start with this character.
        Of these rules, we start with the one with the longest match sequence.
        We then check, by looking ahead, whether the whole match sequence matches the
        For the purposes of matching, we look into the result strings of the character,
        not to the original characters. This will prevent some rules to be applied
        after an earlier rule has been applied. This is intentional, and results
        in a more simple rule set.

        If there is a match, we walk through all the characters in the input for the
        length of the match sequence of the rule.
        For each input character record, we set its replacement string to the
        corresponding member of the replacement sequence of the rule.
        If the replacement sequence has run out, we replace with the empty string.
        If after this process the replacement sequence has not been exhausted,
        we join the remaining characters in the replacement string and append it
        after the replacement string of the last input character that we have visited.

        After succesful application of a rule, we do not apply other rules that would
        have been applicable at this point. Instead, we move our starting point to the
        next character record in the sequence and repeat the matching process.

        It might be that a character is replaced multiple times, for example when
        it is reached by a rule while looking ahead 3 places, and then later by a
        different rule looking ahead two places.

        However, once a character matches the first member of the match sequence of
        a rule, and the rule matches and is applied, that character will not be
        changed anymore by any other rule.

        !!! caution "place holders for diacritics"
            The following functionality exists in the code, but is not needed anymore
            to process the Lakhnawi PDF.

            The match sequence may contain the character `d`, which is a placeholder
            for a diacritic sign. It will match any diacritic.
            The replacement sequence of such a rule may or may not contain a `d`.
            It is an error if the replacement seqience of a rule contains a `d` while
            its match sequence does not.
            It is also an error of there are multiple `d`s in a match sequence
            of a replacement sequence.
            If so, the working of this rule is effectively two rules:

            Suppose the rule is

            x d y => r d s

            where x, y, r, s are sequences of arbitrary length.
            If the rule matches the input, then first the rule

            x => r

            will be applied at the current position.

            Then we shift temporarily to the position right after where the d has matched,
            and apply the rule

            y => s

            Then we shift back to the orginal position plus one, and continue applying

        replace = self.replace
        puas = self.puas
        neutrals = self.neutrals
        rls = self.rls
        rulesApplied = self.rulesApplied
        spaces = self.spaces
        columns = self.columns
        diacritics = self.diacritics
        punct = self.punct
        diacriticLike = self.diacriticLike
        arabicLetters = self.arabicLetters
        presentationalC = self.presentationalC
        presentationalD = self.presentationalD
        finalSpace = self.finalSpace
        finalsApplied = self.finalsApplied
        nonLetter = self.nonLetter
        doRules = self.doRules
        doFilter = self.doFilter

        nChars = len(chars)

        # rule application stage

        if doRules:
            for (i, char) in enumerate(chars):
                c = char[-1]

                if c in replace:
                    rules = replace[c]
                    for (rn, vals, d, repls, e) in rules:

                        nVals = len(vals)

                        if i + nVals > nChars:
                            # not enough characters left to match this rule

                        if not all(
                                d is not None
                                and j == d
                                and chars[i + j][-1]
                                in (diacritics if vals[d] == 1 else arabicLetters)
                            or chars[i + j][-1] == vals[j]
                            for j in range(nVals)
                            # the rule does not match after all

                        # the rule matches: we are going to fill in the replacements
                        # if there is a diacritic in the match sequence or the
                        # replacement sequence, we restrict ourselves to the parts
                        # before the diacritics.

                        rulesApplied[rn][pageNum] += 1

                        nRepls = len(repls)
                        dEnd = nVals if d is None else d
                        eEnd = nRepls if e is None else e

                        # so, we are going to replace from here to dEnd (not including)

                        for j in range(dEnd):
                            # put the appropriate replacement character in the
                            # replacement part of the character record
                            # After running out of replacement characters, put in ""
                            chars[i + j][-1] = repls[j] if j < eEnd else ""

                        if eEnd > dEnd:
                            # if there are replacement characters left, put them
                            # in after the last character that we have visited.

                            if dEnd == 0:
                                # In case we have not visited any yet,
                                # we put them in before the current character
                                cd = chars[i + dEnd][-1]
                                r = "".join(repls[dEnd + 1 :])
                                chars[i + dEnd][-1] = f"{r}{cd}"
                                # this is the normal case
                                chars[i + dEnd - 1][-1] += "".join(repls[dEnd:eEnd])

                        # if there is a diacritic in the match sequence
                        # we are going to perform the rule for the part
                        # after the diacritic

                        # Note that the case where d is None and e is not None
                        # does not occur

                        if d is not None:
                            # we set the starting points: just after the diacritics
                            dStart = d + 1
                            # if the replacement part does not have a diacritic,
                            # we have already consumed it, and we start right after it
                            eStart = nRepls if e is None else e + 1

                            # we compute the number of characters that still need to be
                            # matched and to be replaced
                            dn = nVals - dStart
                            en = nRepls - eStart

                            # we perform the replacement analogously to what we did
                            # for the first part

                            for j in range(dn):
                                # put the appropriate replacement character in the
                                # replacement part of the character record
                                # After running out of replacement characters, put in ""
                                chars[i + dStart + j][-1] = (
                                    repls[eStart + j] if eStart + j < nRepls else ""
                            if en > dn:
                                # if there are replacement characters left, put them
                                # in after the last character that we have visited.
                                chars[i + nVals - 1][-1] += "".join(
                                    repls[eStart + dn :]

        # sift out all presentational characters

        if doFilter:
            trailSpace = False

            for (i, char) in enumerate(chars):
                c = char[-1]
                string = ""
                for x in c:
                    if trailSpace:
                        if x not in diacriticLike:
                            if x not in nonLetter:
                                if string == "" and i > 0:
                                    chars[i - 1][-1] += " "
                                    string += " "
                            trailSpace = False

                    hasFinalSpace = x in finalSpace
                    y = (
                        if x in presentationalC
                        else normalizeD(x)
                        if x in presentationalD
                        else x
                    space = " " if hasFinalSpace or x in punct else ""
                    if hasFinalSpace:
                        finalsApplied[x][pageNum] += 1
                    string += y
                    if space:
                        trailSpace = True
                char[-1] = string

            if trailSpace:
                if chars:
                    chars[-1][-1] += " "

        # add horizontal spacing

        theseSpaces = []
        spaces[pageNum][ln] = theseSpaces

        threshold = None
        theseColumns = [threshold, []]
        columns[pageNum][ln] = theseColumns

        prevLeft = None
        prevLeftI = None

        for (i, char) in enumerate(chars):
            spacing = char[-3]

            if spacing:
                left = char[0]
                right = char[2]

                if prevLeft is not None:
                    prevChar = chars[prevLeftI]
                    after = prevLeft - right
                    theAfter = ptRepD(after)

                    isSpace = theAfter >= SPACE_THRESHOLD
                    if isSpace:
                        lastChar = chars[i - 1]
                        if not lastChar[-1].endswith(" "):
                            lastChar[-1] += " "

                    prevChar[-3] = f"⌊{theAfter}⌋" if isSpace else f"«{theAfter}»"
                    theseSpaces.append((i - 1, theAfter, isSpace))

                prevLeft = left
                prevLeftI = i

        if chars:
            chars[-1][-3] = "end"

        # change big spaces to emspaces

        nSpaces = sum(1 for x in theseSpaces if x[2])

        if nSpaces == 1:
            threshold = 90
        elif nSpaces > 1:
            spacesGrowing = sorted(x[1] for x in theseSpaces if x[2])
            maxSpace = spacesGrowing[-1]
            medialSpace = spacesGrowing[nSpaces // 2]
            if maxSpace > 4 * medialSpace:
                threshold = maxSpace - medialSpace

        if threshold is not None:
            theseColumns[0] = threshold
            for (i, after, isSpace) in theseSpaces:
                if isSpace and after > threshold:
                    theseColumns[1].append((i, after))
                    char = chars[i]
                    char[-1] = char[-1].rstrip(" ") + EMSPACE

        # remove space between alef and initial follower,
        # provided the alef is the single letter in its word.

        # also for the words yeh+alef(final) and mem+alef(final) do:
        # insert a space behind the alef(final)

        curLen = 0
        prevCons = None
        pprevCons = None

        for (i, char) in enumerate(chars):
            c = char[-1]
            co = char[-2]
            r = ""

            isAFinal = isAlefFinal(co)

            for x in c:
                skip = False
                if x == " ":
                    if curLen == 1:  # and prevC in PROCLITICS:
                        skip = True
                    curLen = 0
                    prevCons = None
                    pprevCons = None
                elif x in arabicLetters:
                    curLen += 1
                    if 2 <= curLen <= 3 and isAFinal:
                        if isMeemOrYeh(prevCons) and (curLen == 2 or isWaw(pprevCons)):
                            x += " "
                            curLen = 0
                            prevCons = None
                            pprevCons = None
                    pprevCons = prevCons
                    prevCons = x
                if not skip:
                    r += x
            char[-1] = r

        # divide lines into columns

        emspaces = theseColumns[1]
        emspacePositions = {t[0] for t in emspaces}

        columnedChars = [[]]
        dest = columnedChars[-1]

        for (i, char) in enumerate(chars):
            if i in emspacePositions:
                if char[-1]:
                dest = columnedChars[-1]

        # divide columns into ranges
        # and chunk the ranges into words
        # and save the word boundary boxes

        text = self.text

        # text is a dict keyed by pageNum and the values are tuples of line data
        # a line datum is a list of columns
        # a column is a list of spans
        # a span is a pair of a direction char ("l" or "r") plus a list of word data
        # a word datum is a string plus a word box
        # a word box is a (left, top, right, bottom) tuple

        result = []
        text.setdefault(pageNum, []).append(result)
        prevDir = "r"

        # we transform letters into chunks, where each chunk is a pair of
        # word material
        # punctuation material

        outChars = [[], []]
        inWord = True
        box = [None, None, None, None]

        def addWord():
            if outChars[0] or outChars[1]:
                wordCharsRep = "".join(
                    outChars[0] if prevDir == "r" else reversed(outChars[0])
                puncCharsRep = "".join(
                    outChars[1] if prevDir == "r" else reversed(outChars[1])
                lastSpan = None if len(result[-1]) == 0 else result[-1][-1]
                element = (wordCharsRep, puncCharsRep, tuple(box))
                if lastSpan is None or lastSpan[0] != prevDir:
                    result[-1].append((prevDir, [element]))

        def setBox(char):
            for (i, coor) in enumerate(char[0:4]):
                if (
                    (b := box[i]) is None
                    or (i < 2 and coor < b)
                    or (i >= 2 and coor > b)
                    box[i] = coor

        for chars in columnedChars:
            outChars = [[], []]
            box = [None, None, None, None]

            for char in chars:
                c = char[-1]

                if c == "":

                for d in c:
                    spaceSeen = d in {" ", EMSPACE}
                    changeWord = not inWord and d not in nonLetter

                    if spaceSeen:
                    if spaceSeen or changeWord:
                        box = [None, None, None, None]
                        outChars = [[d] if changeWord else [], []]
                        inWord = True

                    thisDir = prevDir if d in neutrals else "r" if d in rls else "l"

                    if prevDir != thisDir:
                        box = [None, None, None, None]
                        outChars = [[], []]
                        inWord = True
                        prevDir = thisDir

                    if inWord:
                        if d in nonLetter:
                            inWord = False
                    dest = 0 if inWord else 1
                    rep = d
                    if d in puas:
                        rep = f"⌊{ord(d):>04x}⌋"



    def plainLine(self, columns):
        """Outputs a processed line as plain text.

        Used by `Lakhnawi.plainPages()`.

        columns: iterable
            An iterable of columns that make up a line.
            Each column is an iterable of spans.
            Spans contain words plus an indication of the writing direction
            for that span.

            The concatenation of all words in all spans separated by white space.

        return "\t".join(
            " ".join(
                " ".join(f"{word[0]}{word[1]}" for word in span[1]) for span in spans
            for spans in columns

    def tsvHeadLine(self):
        """Outputs the field names of a word in TSV data.

        See `Lakhnawi.tsvPages()` for the structure of TSV data
        as output format for the extracted text of the Lakhnawi PDF.

            A tab-separated line of field names.

        return "page\tline\tcolumn\tspan\tdirection\tleft\ttop\tright\tbottom\tletters\tpunc\n"

    def tsvLine(self, columns, pageNum, ln):
        """Outputs a processed line as lines of tab-separated fields for each word.

        Used by `Lakhnawi.tsvPages()`.

        columns: iterable
            An iterable of columns that make up a line.
            Each column is an iterable of spans.
            Spans contain words plus an indication of the writing direction
            for that span.
        pageNum: int
            The page number of the page where this line occurs.

            The concatenation of the TSV lines for all words in all spans
            in all columns.

        material = []
        for (cn, spans) in enumerate(columns):
            for (sn, (dr, words)) in enumerate(spans):
                for (letters, punc, (le, to, ri, bo)) in words:
                                for x in (
                                    cn + 1,
                                    sn + 1,
                        + "\n"
        return "".join(material)

    def htmlLine(self, columns, prevMulti, isLast):
        """Outputs a processed line as HTML.

        Used by `Lakhnawi.htmlPages()`.

        columns: iterable
            An iterable of columns that make up a line.
            Each column is an iterable of spans.
            Spans contain words plus an indication of the writing direction
            for that span.
        prevMulti: boolean
            Whether the preceding line has multiple columns.
        isLast: boolean
            Whether this line is the last line on the page.

            The concatenation of the TSV lines for all words in all spans
            in all columns.

        showSpaces = self.showSpaces
        result = []

        nCols = len(columns)
        multi = nCols > 1

        if prevMulti and not multi:
        elif not prevMulti and multi:
            result.append("""<table class="linecols">\n""")

        if multi:

        for spans in columns:
                f"""\t<td class="cols col{nCols}">""" if multi else """<p class="r">"""

            for (textDir, words) in spans:
                result.append(f"""<span class="{textDir}">""")
                for word in words:
                    letters = normalizeD(word[0])
                    letters = letters.replace("⌊", """<span class="p">""").replace(
                        "⌋", "</span>"
                    if showSpaces:
                        letters = f"""<span class="box">{letters}</span>"""
                    punc = word[1]
                    if showSpaces:
                        punc = punc.replace(" ", """<span class="sp"> </span>""")

            result.append("</td>\n" if multi else "</p>\n")

        if multi:
            if isLast:

        return "".join(result)

    def clusterVert(self, data):
        """Cluster characters into lines based on their bounding boxes.

        Most characters on a line have their middle line in approximately the same height.
        But diacritics of characters in that line may occupy different heights.

        Without intervention, these would be clustered on separate lines.
        We take care to cluster them into the same lines as their main characters.

        It involves getting an idea of the regular line height, and clustering boxes
        that fall between the lines with the line above or below, whichever is closest.

        The result of the clustering is delivered as a key function, which will
        be used to sort characters.

        data: iterable of record
            The character records

            A key function that assigns to each character record a value
            that corresponds to the vertical position of a real line,
            which is a clustered set of characters.

            The information on the vertical clustering of lines
            is delivered in the attributes `Lakhnawi.heights` and
            `Lakhnawi.clusteredHeights`, on a page by page basis.

        pageNum = self.pageNum

        heights = collections.Counter()
        for char in data:
            k = keyCharV(char)
            heights[k] += 1

        peaks = sorted(heights)

        if len(peaks) > 1:
            nDistances = len(peaks) - 1
            distances = sorted(peaks[i + 1] - peaks[i] for i in range(nDistances))

            # remove the biggest distances if > 50,
            # to prevent outliers pulling the average too high
            for _ in range(2):
                if len(distances) > 1:
                    if distances[-1] > 50:
                        distances = distances[0:-1]
            # remove distances < 15, which are much smaller than a line
            distances = [d for d in distances if d > 15]

            nDistances = len(distances)
            avPeakDist = sum(distances) / nDistances

            peakThreshold = avPeakDist * LINE_CLUSTER_FACTOR
            clusteredHeights = {}
            for (k, n) in sorted(heights.items(), key=lambda x: (-x[1], x[0])):
                added = False
                for kc in clusteredHeights:
                    if abs(k - kc) <= peakThreshold:
                        added = True
                if not added:
                    clusteredHeights[k] = {k}

        toCluster = {}
        for (kc, ks) in clusteredHeights.items():
            for k in ks:
                toCluster[k] = kc

        self.heights[pageNum] = heights
        self.clusteredHeights[pageNum] = clusteredHeights

        def clusterKeyCharV(char):
            k = keyCharV(char)
            return toCluster[k]

        return clusterKeyCharV

def keyCharV(char):
    """The vertical position of the middle of a character.

    Used to sort the characters of a page in the vertical direction.

    char: record

        The height of the middle of the character.

    return (char[3] + char[1]) / 2

def keyCharH(char):
    """Sort key to sort the characters of a line horizontally.

    Basically, characters whose right edge are closer to the right edge of the page
    come before characters whose right edges are further left.

    So we could sort on minus the x coordinate of the right edge.

    However, there are complications. Sometimes characters have the same right edge.

    Diacritics usually start right
    after the letter they are on together with the next letter.

    So they should come before that next letter.
    In those cases we take the width into account.

    Private use diacritics usually have a big width, they are wider than letters.
    So if we sort wider characters before narrower characters, we get that right.

    However, normal unicode diacritics have a typical width of zero, and also
    these should come before the next letter.

    We can solve that by sorting by a key defined as 1 divided by the width
    if the width is nonzero, and 0 if the the width is zero.

    Then zero width characters come first, then wide characters, then narrow characters.

    One extra complication: the widths are not integers but fractions.

    Sometimes a the diacritic and the next letter have an almost equal right edge,
    but not quite equal, and the wrong one comes first.

    We can solve that by rounding.

    char: record

    (int, float)

    width = abs(int(round(char[2] - char[0])))
    widthKey = (1 / width) if width else 0
    rightKey = int(round(char[2]))
    return (-rightKey, widthKey)

Global variables

var CSS

Styles to render extracted text.

The styles are chosen such that the extracted text looks as similar as possible to the PDF display.


Width of the rule that separates body text from footnote text.


Defines place holder d in rule definitions.


HTML code postfixed to the HTML representation of a page.


Character replace rules

There are two parts: (1) character replace rules (2) notes.

Each rule consists of a left hand side, then =>, then a right hand side, then : and then a short description. The short description may contain references to notes in the notes section, which is a list of commented lines at the end of the whole string.

The left and right hand sides consist of one or more hexadecimal character codes, joined by the + sign.

The meaning is that when the left hand side matches a portion of the input text, the output text, which is otherwise a copy of the input text, will have that portion replaced by the right hand side.

The exact application of rules has some subtleties which will be dealt with in Laknawi.trimLine.


Amount of separation between words.

Character boxes this far apart imply that there is a white space between them. The unit is 0.1 pixel.


def getDictFromDef(defs)

Interpret a string as a dictionary.


defs : string
A string containing definitions of character replace rules.

Only for rules

We only use this functions for the rules in REPLACE_DEF.

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def getDictFromDef(defs):
    """Interpret a string as a dictionary.

    defs: string
        A string containing definitions of character replace rules.

    !!! note "Only for rules"
        We only use this functions for the rules in `REPLACE_DEF`.

    rules = []
    rn = 0
    good = True

    for (i, line) in enumerate(defs.strip().split("\n")):
        parts = line.split("#", maxsplit=1)
        if len(parts) > 1:
            line = parts[0]
        line = line.strip()
        if not line:
        match = REPLACE_RE.match(line)
        if not match:
            print(f"MALFORMED REPLACE DEF @{i}: {line}")
            good = False

        rn += 1
        (valStr, replStr, comment) =, 2, 3)

        vals = []
        d = None
        for (i, val) in enumerate(valStr.split("+")):
            if val in {"d"}:
                if d is not None:
                    print(f"MULTIPLE d in RULE @{i}: rule {rn}: {line}")
                    good = False
                d = i
                vals.append(chr(int(val, base=16)))

        repls = []
        e = None
        if replStr:
            for (i, repl) in enumerate(replStr.split("+")):
                if repl in {"d"}:
                    if e is not None:
                        print(f"MULTIPLE d in RULE @{i}: rule {rn}: {line}")
                        good = False
                    e = i
                    repls.append(chr(int(repl, base=16)))

        if d is None and e is not None:
            print(f"d in REPLACEMENT but not in MATCH @[i]: rule {rn}: {line}")
            good = False

        rules.append((rn, tuple(vals), d, tuple(repls), e))

    if not good:
        return None

    result = {}
    ruleIndex = {}

    for (rn, vals, d, repls, e) in sorted(rules, key=lambda x: (-len(x[1]), str(x[1]))):
        result.setdefault(vals[0], []).append((rn, vals, d, repls, e))
        ruleIndex[rn] = (vals, d, repls, e)

    return (result, ruleIndex)
def getToc(pageNums)

Generate a Table Of Contents for multiple HTML pages.


pageNums: iterable if int The page numbers of the pages in the HTML file.

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def getToc(pageNums):
    """Generate a Table Of Contents for multiple HTML pages.

    pageNums: iterable if int
        The page numbers of the pages in the HTML file.

    limit = 60

    html = []
    html.append("""<div class="toc">""")
    j = 0

    for (i, pageNum) in enumerate(pageNums):
        if j == limit:
            j = 0
            html.append("""</div>\n<div class="toc">""")
        html.append(f"""<a href="#p{pageNum:>03}">p {pageNum}</a><br>""")
        j += 1


    return "\n".join(html)
def keyCharH(char)

Sort key to sort the characters of a line horizontally.

Basically, characters whose right edge are closer to the right edge of the page come before characters whose right edges are further left.

So we could sort on minus the x coordinate of the right edge.

However, there are complications. Sometimes characters have the same right edge.

Diacritics usually start right after the letter they are on together with the next letter.

So they should come before that next letter. In those cases we take the width into account.

Private use diacritics usually have a big width, they are wider than letters. So if we sort wider characters before narrower characters, we get that right.

However, normal unicode diacritics have a typical width of zero, and also these should come before the next letter.

We can solve that by sorting by a key defined as 1 divided by the width if the width is nonzero, and 0 if the the width is zero.

Then zero width characters come first, then wide characters, then narrow characters.

One extra complication: the widths are not integers but fractions.

Sometimes a the diacritic and the next letter have an almost equal right edge, but not quite equal, and the wrong one comes first.

We can solve that by rounding.


char : record


(int, float)

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def keyCharH(char):
    """Sort key to sort the characters of a line horizontally.

    Basically, characters whose right edge are closer to the right edge of the page
    come before characters whose right edges are further left.

    So we could sort on minus the x coordinate of the right edge.

    However, there are complications. Sometimes characters have the same right edge.

    Diacritics usually start right
    after the letter they are on together with the next letter.

    So they should come before that next letter.
    In those cases we take the width into account.

    Private use diacritics usually have a big width, they are wider than letters.
    So if we sort wider characters before narrower characters, we get that right.

    However, normal unicode diacritics have a typical width of zero, and also
    these should come before the next letter.

    We can solve that by sorting by a key defined as 1 divided by the width
    if the width is nonzero, and 0 if the the width is zero.

    Then zero width characters come first, then wide characters, then narrow characters.

    One extra complication: the widths are not integers but fractions.

    Sometimes a the diacritic and the next letter have an almost equal right edge,
    but not quite equal, and the wrong one comes first.

    We can solve that by rounding.

    char: record

    (int, float)

    width = abs(int(round(char[2] - char[0])))
    widthKey = (1 / width) if width else 0
    rightKey = int(round(char[2]))
    return (-rightKey, widthKey)
def keyCharV(char)

The vertical position of the middle of a character.

Used to sort the characters of a page in the vertical direction.


char : record


The height of the middle of the character.
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def keyCharV(char):
    """The vertical position of the middle of a character.

    Used to sort the characters of a page in the vertical direction.

    char: record

        The height of the middle of the character.

    return (char[3] + char[1]) / 2
def preHtml(pageNum)

Generate HTML code to be prefixed to the HTML representation of a page.


pageNum : string
The page number of the page for which HTML is generated.
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def preHtml(pageNum):
    """Generate HTML code to be prefixed to the HTML representation of a page.

    pageNum: string
        The page number of the page for which HTML is generated.

    return f"""\
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
        <meta charset="utf-8"/>
        <title>Lakhnawi {pageNum}</title>
def ptRep(p)

Represent a float as an integer.


p : float
We round it to the nearest integer. A none value is converted to ?.
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def ptRep(p):
    """Represent a float as an integer.

    p: float
        We round it to the nearest integer.
        A none value is converted to `?`.

    return "?" if p is None else int(round(p))
def ptRepD(p)

Represent a float as an integer with enhanced precision.


p : float
We multiply it by 10, then round it to the nearest integer. A none value is converted to ?.
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def ptRepD(p):
    """Represent a float as an integer with enhanced precision.

    p: float
        We multiply it by 10, then round it to the nearest integer.
        A none value is converted to `?`.

    return "?" if p is None else int(round(p * 10))


class Lakhnawi

Text extraction from the Lakhnawi PDF.

This class makes use of the UChar class which defines several categories of characters. By extending that class, the Lakhnawi class makes use of those categories. It also adds specific characters to some of those categories, especially the private use characters that occur in the Lakhnawi PDF.

We use fitz (pip3 install PyMuPDF) for PDF reading.

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class Lakhnawi(UChar):
    def __init__(self):
        """Text extraction from the Lakhnawi PDF.

        This class makes use of the `fusus.char.UChar` class which
        defines several categories of characters.
        By extending that class, the Lakhnawi class makes use of those categories.
        It also adds specific characters to some of those categories, especially
        the private use characters that occur in the Lakhnawi PDF.

        We use *fitz* (`pip3 install PyMuPDF`) for PDF reading.


        self.heights = {}
        """Heights of characters, indexed by page number."""

        self.clusteredHeights = {}
        """Clustered heights of characters, indexed by page number.

        The clustered heights correspond to the lines on a page.

        self.lines = {}
        """Lines as tuples of original character objects, indexed by page number"""

        self.text = {}
        """Lines as tuples of converted character objects, indexed by page number"""

        self.fnRules = {}
        """Vertical positions of footnote lines, indexed by page number"""

        self.spaces = {}
        """Spacing information for each character, indexed by page and line number.

        For character that has space behind it, it gives the index position of that
        character in the line, the amount of space detected,
        and whether this counts as a full white space.

        self.columns = {}
        """Column information, indexed by page and line number.

        Spaces that are significantly larger than a normal white space
        are interpreted as an emspace, and these are considered as column separators.
        We remember the character positions where this happens plus the amount
        of space in question.

        Columns in the Lakhnawi PDF correspond to *hemistic* poems,
        where lines are divided into two halves, each occupying a column.

        See ![hemistic](images/hemistic.png)

        !!! caution "hemistic poems versus blocks"
            This is very different from blocks (see `fusus.layout`) in OCRed texts,
            where blocks have been detected because of vertical strokes
            that separate columns.

            The reading progress in a hemistic poem is not changed by the
            column division, where as in the case of blocks, reading proceeds
            by reading the complete blocks in order.

        self.doubles = {}
        """Glyphs with double unicode points.

        Some private use characters have two unicode points assigned to them
        by fonts in the PDF.
        This is the cause that straightforward text extractions deliver
        double occurrences of those letters. Even *fitz* does that.

        We have collected these cases, and choose to use the lower unicode point,
        which is usually an ordinary character, whereas the other is usually a
        related presentational character.

        This dictionary maps the lower character to the higher character.

        self.privateLetters = None
        """Private-use unicodes that correspond to full letters."""

        self.privateDias = None
        """Private-use unicodes that correspond to diacritics."""

        self.privateSpace = None
        """Private-use-unicode used to represent a space."""

        self.good = True
        """Whether processing is still ok, i.e. no errors encountered."""


        self.doc =
        """A handle to the PDF document, after it has been read by *fitz*."""

    def close(self):
        """Close the PDF handle, offered by *fitz*."""


    def setStyle(self):
        """Import the CSS styles into the notebook.

        See `CSS`.


    def getCharConfig(self):
        """Configure all character information.

        Private-use characters, transformation rules, character categories.


    def privateInfo(self):
        """Set up additional character categories wrt. private-use characters.

        Several categories will receive additional members from the
        private use characters.

        self.privateLetters = getSetFromDef(PRIVATE_LETTERS_DEF)
        self.privateDias = getSetFromDef(PRIVATE_DIAS_DEF)
        self.privateSpace = PRIVATE_SPACE
        self.nospacings |= self.privateDias
        # self.nospacings.add(PRIVATE_TATWEEL)
        self.diacritics |= self.privateDias
        self.diacriticLike |= self.privateDias
        self.arabicLetters = self.arabic - self.privateDias
        self.rls |= self.puas

    def setupRules(self):
        """Set up character transformation rules.

        Prepare for counting how much rules will be applied
        when extracting text from pages of the Lakhnawi PDF.

        (self.replace, self.ruleIndex) = getDictFromDef(REPLACE_DEF)
        if self.replace is None:
            self.replace = {}
            self.good = False
        self.rulesApplied = collections.defaultdict(collections.Counter)
        for rn in self.ruleIndex:
            self.rulesApplied[rn] = collections.Counter()

    def getCharInfo(self):
        """Obtain detailed character information by reading the font report file.

        From this file we read:

        * which are the private use characters?
        * which of them have a double unicode?

        The font file is

        self.doubles = {}
        self.privates = set()
        doubles = self.doubles
        privates = self.privates
        finalSpace = self.finalSpace
        puas = self.puas

        doc =

        for page in doc:
            textPage = page.getTextPage()
            data = textPage.extractText()

            for (ln, line) in enumerate(data.split("\n")):
                if line.startswith("U+"):
                    match = U_LINE_RE.match(line)
                    if not match:
                    (main, rest) =, 2)
                    main = main.lower()
                    nMain = int(main, base=16)
                    cMain = chr(nMain)
                    if cMain in puas:
                    if cMain == chr(0):
                    second = None
                    rest = rest.replace(" ", "")
                    if rest:
                        if HEX_RE.match(rest):
                            second = rest.lower()
                    if second:
                        nSecond = int(second, base=16)
                        cSecond = chr(nSecond)
                        if nSecond > nMain:
                            doubles[cMain] = cSecond
                            doubles[cSecond] = cMain

        doublesApplied = collections.defaultdict(collections.Counter)
        for d in doubles:
            doublesApplied[d] = collections.Counter()
        self.doublesApplied = doublesApplied

        finalsApplied = collections.defaultdict(collections.Counter)
        for f in finalSpace:
            finalsApplied[f] = collections.Counter()
        self.finalsApplied = finalsApplied

    def plainChar(self, c):
        """Show the character code of a character.

        c: string
            The character in question, may also be the empty string or
            the integer 1 (diacritic place holder).

            The hexadecimal unicode point of `c`, between `⌊ ⌋` - brackets.

        if c == "":
            return "⌊⌋"
        if c in {1}:
            return CODE_LETTER[c]
        return f"⌊{ord(c):>04x}⌋"

    def plainString(self, s):
        """Show the character codes of the characters in a string.

        s: string
            The string to show, may be empty, may contain place holders.

            The concatenation of the unicode points of the characters in the string,
            each code point between brackets.

        See also `Lakhnawi.plainChar()`.

        return " ".join(self.plainChar(c) for c in s)

    def showChar(self, c):
        """Pretty display of a single unicode character.

        We show the character itself and its name (if not a private-use one),
        its hexadecimal code, and we indicate by coloring the kind of
        white space that the character represents (ordinary space or emspace).

        c: string
            The character in question, may also be the empty string or
            the integer 1 (diacritic place holder).

        if c in {1, 2}:
            return f"""
<div class="ch p">
    <div class="cn">{LETTER_KIND[c]}</div>

        if c == "":
            extra = ""
            ccode = ""
            crep = "\u00a0"
            cname = "EMPTY"
            puas = self.puas
            rls = self.rls

            ccode = (
                f"""<span class="{"p" if c in puas else "c"}">{ord(c):>04x}</span>"""
            crep = (
                if c in puas
                else f"""<span class="{"rc" if c in rls else "lc"}">{c}"""
            cname = "" if c in puas else f"""<span class="c">{uName(c)}</span>"""
            extra = (
                "m" if c == EMSPACE else "s" if c == " " else ""

        return f"""
<div class="ch{extra}">
    <div class="cn">{ccode}</div>
    <div class="cn"><span class="cni">{crep}</span></div>
    <div class="cn">{cname}</div>

    def showString(self, s, asString=False):
        """Pretty display of a string as a series of unicode characters.

        s: string
            The string to display, may be empty, may contain place holders.
        asString: boolean, optional `False`
            If True, return the result as an HTML string.

        None | string
            If `asString`, returns an HTML string, otherwise returns None,
            but displays the HTML string.

        See also `Lakhnawi.showChar()`.

        shtml = f"""<span class="r">{s}</span>"""
        html = """<div class="sr">""" + (
            "".join(self.showChar(c) for c in s) + "</div>"
        if asString:
            return f"""<span>{shtml}</span>{html}"""


    def showReplacements(self, rule=None, isApplied=False):
        """Show a character conversion rule and how it has been applied.

        rule: string|int, optional `None`
            A specification of zero or more rule numbers (see `fusus.lib.parseNums`).
            If None, all rules will be taken.
        isApplied: boolean, optional `False`
            Only show rules that have been applied.

            Displays a table of rules with usage statistics.

        ruleIndex = self.ruleIndex
        rulesApplied = self.rulesApplied
        ruleNums = parseNums(rule)
        ruleNums = (
            if ruleNums is None
            else sorted(r for r in ruleNums if r in ruleIndex)

        html = []
        totalRules = len(ruleIndex)
        totalApplications = sum(sum(x.values()) for x in rulesApplied.values())
        totalPages = len(set(chain.from_iterable(rulesApplied.values())))
        ruleRep = "rule" + ("" if totalRules == 1 else "s")
        appRep = "application" + ("" if totalApplications == 1 else "s")
        pageRep = "page" + ("" if totalPages == 1 else "s")
<p><b>{totalRules} {ruleRep} with
{totalApplications} {appRep} on {totalPages} {pageRep}</b></p>

        for (rn, applied) in sorted(
            rulesApplied.items(), key=lambda x: (-sum(x[1].values()), x[0])
            if rn not in ruleNums:
            (vals, d, repls, e) = ruleIndex[rn]

            valRep = "".join(self.showChar(c) for c in vals)
            replRep = "".join(self.showChar(c) for c in repls)
            total = sum(applied.values())
            if isApplied and not applied:
            if applied:
                examplePageNum = sorted(applied, key=lambda p: -applied[p])[0]
                nExamples = applied[examplePageNum]
                appliedEx = f"e.g. page {examplePageNum} with {nExamples} applications"
                appliedEx = ""
            appliedRep = f"<b>{total}</b> x applied on <i>{len(applied)}</i> pages"
    <th>rule {rn}</th>
    <td class="al">{appliedRep}</td>
    <td class="al">{appliedEx}</td>
    <td class="al">{valRep}</td>
    <td class="al"><span class="lrg">⇒</span></td>
    <td class="al">{replRep}</td>


    def showDoubles(self, double=None):
        """Show a character with double entry and how often it occurs.

        See `Lakhnawi.doubles`.

        double: char, optional `None`
            A character from the doubles list (`Lakhnawi.doubles`).
            If None, all such characters will be taken.
        isApplied: boolean, optional `False`
            Only show rules that have been applied.

            Displays a table of double-entry characters with occurrence statistics.

        doubles = self.doubles
        doublesApplied = self.doublesApplied

        theseDoubles = (
            set(doubles) if double is None else {double} if double in doubles else set()

        html = []
        totalDoubles = len(doubles)
        totalApplications = sum(sum(x.values()) for x in doublesApplied.values())
        totalPages = len(set(chain.from_iterable(doublesApplied.values())))
        doubleRep = "double" + ("" if totalDoubles == 1 else "s")
        appRep = "application" + ("" if totalApplications == 1 else "s")
        pageRep = "page" + ("" if totalPages == 1 else "s")
<p><b>{totalDoubles} {doubleRep} with
{totalApplications} {appRep} on {totalPages} {pageRep}</b></p>

        for (d, applied) in sorted(
            doublesApplied.items(), key=lambda x: (-sum(x[1].values()), x[0])
            if d not in theseDoubles:
            e = doubles[d]
            doubleRep = f"{self.showChar(e)} ⇒ {self.showChar(d)}"

            total = sum(applied.values())
            if applied:
                examplePageNum = sorted(applied, key=lambda p: -applied[p])[0]
                nExamples = applied[examplePageNum]
                appliedEx = f"e.g. page {examplePageNum} with {nExamples} applications"
                appliedEx = ""
            appliedRep = f"<b>{total}</b> x applied on <i>{len(applied)}</i> pages"
    <td class="al">{appliedRep}</td>
    <td class="al">{appliedEx}</td>
    <td class="al">{doubleRep}</td>


    def showFinals(self, final=None):
        """Show a character with final form and how often it has been replaced.

        Final forms will be normalized to ground forms
        and sometimes a space will be added.

        final: char, optional `None`
            A character from the final space list (`fusus.char.UChar.finalSpace`).
            If None, all such characters will be taken.
        isApplied: boolean, optional `False`
            Only show rules that have been applied.

            Displays a table of final space characters with occurrence statistics.

        finalSpace = self.finalSpace
        finalsApplied = self.finalsApplied

        theseFinals = (
            finalSpace if final is None else {final} if final in finalSpace else set()

        html = []
        totalFinals = len(finalSpace)
        totalApplications = sum(sum(x.values()) for x in finalsApplied.values())
        totalPages = len(set(chain.from_iterable(finalsApplied.values())))
        finalRep = "final" + ("" if totalFinals == 1 else "s")
        appRep = "application" + ("" if totalApplications == 1 else "s")
        pageRep = "page" + ("" if totalPages == 1 else "s")
<p><b>{totalFinals} {finalRep} with
{totalApplications} {appRep} on {totalPages} {pageRep}</b></p>

        for (f, applied) in sorted(
            finalsApplied.items(), key=lambda x: (-sum(x[1].values()), x[0])
            if f not in theseFinals:
            finalRep = self.showChar(f)

            total = sum(applied.values())
            if applied:
                examplePageNum = sorted(applied, key=lambda p: -applied[p])[0]
                nExamples = applied[examplePageNum]
                appliedEx = f"e.g. page {examplePageNum} with {nExamples} applications"
                appliedEx = ""
            appliedRep = f"<b>{total}</b> x applied on <i>{len(applied)}</i> pages"
    <td class="al">{appliedRep}</td>
    <td class="al">{appliedEx}</td>
    <td class="al">{finalRep}</td>


    def showLineHeights(self, pageNumSpec):
        """Shows how line heights have been determined.

        The pages can be selected by page numbers.

        pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
            As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.

        heights = self.heights
        clusteredHeights = self.clusteredHeights

        for pageNum in self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec):
            theseHeights = heights[pageNum]
            theseClusteredHeights = clusteredHeights[pageNum]

            print(f"Line heights page {pageNum:>3}")
            print("\nraw heights")
            for k in sorted(theseHeights):
                print(f"{theseHeights[k]:>4} characters @ height {int(round(k)):>4}")

            print("line heights")
            for (ln, kc) in enumerate(sorted(theseClusteredHeights)):
                peak = ", ".join(
                    f"{int(round(k)):>4}" for k in sorted(theseClusteredHeights[kc])
                    f"line {ln + 1:>2}: "
                    f"{sum(theseHeights[k] for k in theseClusteredHeights[kc]):>4}"
                    f" characters @height {peak}"

    def parsePageNums(self, pageNumSpec):
        """Parses a value as one or more page numbers.

        pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
            If `None` results in all page numbers.
            If an `int`, it stands for that int.
            If a `string`, it is allowed to be a comma separated list of
            numbers or ranges, where a range is a lower bound and an upper bound
            separated by a `-`.
            If none of these, it should be an iterable of `int` values.

        None | iterable of int
            Depending on the value.

        doc = self.doc
        pageNums = (
            list(range(1, len(doc) + 1))
            if not pageNumSpec
            else [pageNumSpec]
            if type(pageNumSpec) is int
            else setFromSpec(pageNumSpec)
            if type(pageNumSpec) is str
            else list(pageNumSpec)
        return [i for i in sorted(pageNums) if 0 < i <= len(doc)]

    def drawPages(self, pageNumSpec, clip=None):
        """Draws a (part) of page from the PDF as a raster image.

        pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
            As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.
        clip: (int, int), optional `None`
            If None: produces the whole page.
            Otherwise it is `(top, bottom)`, and a stripe
            from top to bottom will be displayed.

        doc = self.doc

        for pageNum in self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec):
            page = doc[pageNum - 1]
            if clip is not None:
                clip = (0, clip[0], page.rect.width, clip[1])

            pix = page.getPixmap(matrix=fitz.Matrix(4, 4), clip=clip, alpha=False)
            display(HTML(f"""<p><b>page {pageNum}</b></p>"""))
            display(Image(data=pix.getPNGData(), format=DEFAULT_EXTENSION))

    def getPages(
        """Reads pages of the PDF and extracts text.

        This does all of the hard work of the text extraction.
        It saves the textual data in attributes of the Lakhnawi object,
        augmented with all kinds of diagnostic information.

        From all this data, various output representations can be generated
        rather easily by other methods.

        pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
            As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.
        refreshConfig: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`, rereads all character configuration.
            Ideal when you are iteratively developing the character configuration.
        doRules: boolean, optional `True`
            If `False`, suppresses the application of character transformation
            rules. Mainly used when debugging other aspects of the text extraction.
        doFilter: boolean, optional `True`
            If `False`, suppresses the application of unicode normalization,
            by which presentational characters are transformed into sequences
            of ordinary, basic characters.
            Used for debugging.
        onlyFnRules: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`, skips most of the conversion.
            Only determine where the footnote rules are.
            Used for debugging.

           The effect is that attributes of the Lakhnawi object
           are filled:

           * `Lakhnawi.heights`
           * `Lakhnawi.clusteredHeights`
           * `Lakhnawi.fnRules`

           For the other attributes, see `Lakhnawi.collectPage()`.

        !!! hint "multiple runs"
            If you do multiple runs of this function for different pages,
            the results will not overwrite each other in general,
            because the attributes hold the results in dictionaries
            keyed by page number.

        if not self.good:
            print("SKIPPING because of config errors")

        fnRules = self.fnRules
        spaces = self.spaces
        columns = self.columns

        self.doRules = doRules
        self.doFilter = doFilter

        ruleIndex = self.ruleIndex
        rulesApplied = self.rulesApplied

        if refreshConfig:

        for rn in ruleIndex:
            rulesApplied[rn] = collections.Counter()

        for (i, pageNum) in enumerate(self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec)):
            self.pageNum = pageNum
            rep = (
                f"{i + 1:>4} (page {pageNum:>4})"
                if pageNum != i + 1
                else (f"{i + 1:>4}" + " " * 12)
            doc = self.doc
            page = doc[pageNum - 1]

            theseFnRules = set()

            for fnRule in page.getDrawings():
                if RECT in fnRule and fnRule.get(COLOR, None):
                    rect = fnRule[RECT]
                    width = rect.x1 - rect.x0
                    if width > FNRULE_WIDTH:

            fnRules[pageNum] = tuple(sorted(theseFnRules))
            spaces[pageNum] = {}
            columns[pageNum] = {}

            if onlyFnRules:

            textPage = page.getTextPage()
            data = textPage.extractRAWDICT()

    def getPageRaw(self, pageNum):
        """Do a rough/raw text extract of a specific page.

        The *fitz* method
        is used to obtain very detailed information about each character on that page.
        Used for debugging.

        pageNum: int
            A valid page number.
            It is the sequence number of the page within the PDF, counting from 1.

            It pretty prints the output of the fitz method, which is a big
            and deep dictionary.

        self.pageNum = pageNum
        rep = f"page {pageNum:>4}"
        doc = self.doc
        page = doc[pageNum - 1]

        textPage = page.getTextPage()
        data = textPage.extractRAWDICT()

    def getPageObj(self, pageNum):
        """Get the *fitz* object for a specific page.

        Used for debugging.

        pageNum: int
            A valid page number.
            It is the sequence number of the page within the PDF, counting from 1.

            A *fitz*
            [page object](

        self.pageNum = pageNum
        doc = self.doc
        return doc[pageNum - 1]

    def plainPages(self, pageNumSpec):
        """Outputs processed pages as plain text.

        Uses `Lakhnawi.plainLine()`.

        pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
            As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.

            The plain text is printed to the output.

        text = self.text

        for pageNum in self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec):
            lines = text.get(pageNum, [])

            for (i, line) in enumerate(lines):

    def tsvPages(self, pageNumSpec):
        """Outputs processed pages as tab-separated data.

        See `fusus.convert` for the details of the output format.

        and `Lakhnawi.tsvHeadLine()`.

        pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
            As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.

            The tab-separated data is written to a single tsv file.
            There is a heading row.

            The file is in `fusus.parameters.UR_DIR`, under `Lakhnawi`.
            The name of the file includes a page specification.

        text = self.text

        destDir = f"{UR_DIR}/{NAME}"
        pageNums = self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec)

        if not os.path.exists(destDir):
            os.makedirs(destDir, exist_ok=True)

        pageNumRep = ALL_PAGES if pageNumSpec is None else str(pageNumSpec)
        filePath = f"{destDir}/{pageNumRep}.tsv"
        fh = open(filePath, "w")

        for pageNum in pageNums:
            lines = text.get(pageNum, [])

            for (ln, line) in enumerate(lines):
                fh.write(self.tsvLine(line, pageNum, ln + 1))

        print(f"TSV data written to {unexpanduser(filePath)}")

    def htmlPages(
        """Outputs processed pages as formatted HTML pages.


        The HTML output is suitable to read the extracted text.
        Its layout matches the original closely, which makes it easier
        to see where the output deviates from the source page.

        pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
            As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.
        line: None | int | string | iterable
            A specification of zero or more line numbers (see `fusus.lib.parseNums`).
        showSpaces: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`, shows the spaces with a conspicuous coloured background.
        export: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`, writes the HTML results to disk.
            In this case, the HTML will not be displayed in the notebook.
        singleFile: boolean, optional `False`
            Only meaningful is `export=True`.
            If `True`, writes the output to a single HTML file,
            otherwise to one file per page, in a directory called `html`.
        toc: boolean, optional `False`
            Only meaningful is `export=True` and `singleFile=True`.
            If `True`, writes a table of contents to the file.
            The TOC points to every page that is included in the output file.

            Depending on `export`, the page is displayed in the notebook
            where this function is called, or exported to a file on disk.

            The file is in `fusus.parameters.UR_DIR`, under `Lakhnawi`.
            The name of the file includes a page specification.

        self.showSpaces = showSpaces
        text = self.text

        destDir = f"{UR_DIR}/{NAME}" if singleFile else f"{UR_DIR}/{NAME}/html"
        pageNums = self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec)
        lineNums = parseNums(line)
        lineNums = None if lineNums is None else set(lineNums)
        filesWritten = 0

        if export:
            if not os.path.exists(destDir):
                os.makedirs(destDir, exist_ok=True)
            if singleFile:
                pageNumRep = ALL_PAGES if pageNumSpec is None else str(pageNumSpec)
                tocRep = "-with-toc" if toc else ""
                filePath = f"{destDir}/{pageNumRep}{tocRep}.html"
                fh = open(filePath, "w")
                if toc:
                    toc = getToc(pageNums)
<div class="window">
<div class="sidebar">
<div class="pages bypage">
<div class="pages">

        pageClass = "page" + ("" if export else "c")
        for pageNum in pageNums:
            lines = text.get(pageNum, [])
            nLines = len(lines)

            html = []
<div class="{pageClass}">
<div class="phead"><a name="p{pageNum:>03}">{pageNum}</a></div>

            prevMulti = False

            for (i, line) in enumerate(lines):
                if lineNums is not None and i + 1 not in lineNums:

                html.append(self.htmlLine(line, prevMulti, i == nLines - 1))
                prevMulti = len(line) > 1


            if export:
                htmlRep = "".join(html)

                if singleFile:
                    html = preHtml(pageNum) + htmlRep + POST_HTML
                    filePath = f"{destDir}/p{pageNum:>03}.html"
                    with open(filePath, "w") as fh:
                        filesWritten += 1

        if export and singleFile:
            if toc:
            print(f"HTML written to {unexpanduser(filePath)}")

        if export and not singleFile:
            print(f"{filesWritten} HTML files written to {unexpanduser(destDir)}/")

    def showLines(
        """Outputs processed lines as a formatted HTML table.

        The lines can be selected by page numbers and line numbers.

        Within the selected lines, the characters can be selected by
        start/end postions, or by characters of interest.

        All of these indices start at 1.

        pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
            As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.
        line: None | int | string | iterable
            A specification of zero or more line numbers (see `fusus.lib.parseNums`).
        start: integer, optional `None`
            Starting word position in each line to be output.
            If `None`, starts at the beginning of each line.
        end: integer, optional `None`
            End word position in each line to be output.
            If `None`, ends at the end of each line.
        search: string or iterable of char, optional `None`
            If not none, all characters in `search` are deemed interesting.
            All occurrences of these characters within the selected lines are
            displayed, included a small context.
        orig: boolean, optional `False`
            Only meaningful if `search` is given.
            If `True`: the check for interesting
            characters is done in the original, untranslated characters.
            Otherwise, interesting characters are looked up in the translated
        every: boolean, optional `False`
            Only meaningful if `search` is given.
            If `True`, when looking for interesting characters, all occurrences will
            be retrieved, otherwise only the first one.

            The output material will be displayed in the notebook.

        lines = self.lines
        pageNums = self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec)
        lineNums = parseNums(line)

        myLines = {pageNum: lines[pageNum] for pageNum in pageNums if pageNum in lines}

        html = []
    <th>orig char</th>

        shift = 5

        for (pageNum, pageLines) in myLines.items():
            myLineNums = (
                range(1, len(pageLines) + 1)
                if lineNums is None
                else [ln for ln in lineNums if 0 < ln <= len(pageLines)]
            for ln in myLineNums:
                chars = pageLines[ln - 1]
                nChars = len(chars)
    <th colspan=3>page {pageNum}</th>
    <th colspan=2>line {ln}</th>
    <th colspan=3>{nChars} characters</th>
                if search is None:
                    ranges = [(max((start or 0) - 1, 0), min(end or nChars, nChars))]
                    ranges = []

                    for (i, char) in enumerate(chars):
                        if search in char[-2 if orig else -1]:
                            occStart = max((i - shift, 0))
                            occEnd = min((i + shift + 1, nChars))
                            if ranges and occStart <= ranges[-1][1]:
                                ranges[-1][1] = occEnd
                                ranges.append([occStart, occEnd])
                            if not every:

                for (occStart, occEnd) in ranges:
                    for i in range(occStart, occEnd):
                        char = chars[i]
                        (le, to, ri, bo, font, size, spacing, oc, c) = char
    <td><b>{i + 1}</b></td>
    <td>{"".join(self.showChar(x) for x in reversed(oc))}</td>
    <td>{"".join(self.showChar(x) for x in reversed(c))}</td>
                if search and ranges and not every:


    def showWords(self, pageNumSpec, line=None):
        """Outputs processed words as a formatted HTML table.

        The lines can be selected by page numbers and line numbers.

        All words within the selected lines are put into a table with
        the same properties as in the TSV data,
        see `Lakhnawi.tsvPages`.

        pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
            As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.
        line: None | int | string | iterable
            A specification of zero or more line numbers (see `fusus.lib.parseNums`).

            The output material will be displayed in the notebook.

        text = self.text
        pageNums = self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec)
        lineNums = parseNums(line)

        myLines = {pageNum: text[pageNum] for pageNum in pageNums if pageNum in text}

        html = []

        for (pageNum, pageLines) in myLines.items():
            myLineNums = (
                range(1, len(pageLines) + 1)
                if lineNums is None
                else [ln for ln in lineNums if 0 < ln <= len(pageLines)]
            for ln in myLineNums:
                cols = pageLines[ln - 1]
                for (cn, spans) in enumerate(cols):
                    for (sn, (dr, words)) in enumerate(spans):
                        for (letters, punc, (le, to, ri, bo)) in words:
    <td><i>{cn + 1}</i></td>
    <td><i>{sn + 1}</i></td>
    <td>{self.showString(letters, asString=True)}</td>
    <td>{self.showString(punc, asString=True)}</td>


    def showUsedChars(
        """Show used characters.

        Gives an overview of character usage, either in the input PDF, or in
        the text output.

        pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
            As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.
        orig: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`: shows characters of the original PDF.
            Otherwise, shows characters of the translated output/
        onlyPuas: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`, the result is restricted to private use characters.
        onlyPresentational: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`, the result is restricted to presentational characters.
            See `fusus.char.UChar.presentational`.
        long: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`, for each character output the complete list of pages
            where the character occurs. Otherwise, show only the most
            prominent pages.
        byOcc: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`, sort the results by first occurrence of the characters.
            Otherwise, sort the results by unicode code point of the character.

            The output material will be displayed in the notebook.

        presentational = self.presentational
        pageNums = self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec)
        text = self.text
        lines = self.lines
        puas = self.puas

        charsOut = collections.defaultdict(collections.Counter)

        def keyByOcc(c):
            pageNums = charsOut[c]
            return -sum(pageNums.values())

        sortKey = keyByOcc if byOcc else lambda x: x

        if orig:
            lns = {pageNum: lines[pageNum] for pageNum in pageNums if pageNum in lines}

            for (pageNum, pageLines) in lns.items():
                for line in pageLines:
                    for char in line:
                        c = char[-2]
                        if c in puas or (
                            not onlyPuas
                            and (c in presentational or not onlyPresentational)
                            charsOut[c][pageNum] += 1

            texts = {pageNum: text[pageNum] for pageNum in pageNums if pageNum in text}

            for (pageNum, pageText) in texts.items():
                for line in pageText:
                    for col in line:
                        for span in col:
                            for word in span[1]:
                                letters = word[0]
                                punc = word[1]
                                thesePuas = PUA_RE.findall(letters)
                                for pua in thesePuas:
                                    charsOut[chr(int(pua, base=16))][pageNum] += 1
                                if not onlyPuas:
                                    rest = PUA_RE.sub("", f"{letters}{punc}")
                                    for c in rest:
                                        if not (
                                            and c not in presentational
                                            charsOut[c][pageNum] += 1

        totalChars = len(charsOut)
        totalPages = len(set(chain.from_iterable(charsOut.values())))
        totalOccs = sum(sum(pns.values()) for pns in charsOut.values())

        charRep = "character" + ("" if totalChars == 1 else "s")
        occRep = "occurence" + ("" if totalOccs == 1 else "s")
        pageRep = "page" + ("" if totalPages == 1 else "s")

        label = "private use " if onlyPuas else ""

        html = []
<p><b>{totalChars} {label}{charRep} in {totalOccs} {occRep}
on {totalPages} {pageRep}</b></p>

        for c in sorted(charsOut, key=sortKey):
            pageNums = charsOut[c]
            nPageNums = len(pageNums)
            pageRep = "page" + ("" if nPageNums == 1 else "s")
            thistotal = sum(pageNums.values())
            examplePageNum = sorted(pageNums, key=lambda p: -pageNums[p])[0]
            nExamples = pageNums[examplePageNum]
    <td class="al">{self.showChar(c)}</td>
    <td class="al"><b>{thistotal}</b> on <i>{nPageNums}</i> {pageRep}</td>
    <td class="al">e.g. page {examplePageNum} with <b>{nExamples}</b> occurrences</td>
            if long:
                for pn in sorted(pageNums):
                    occs = pageNums[pn]
    <td class="al"><i>page {pn:>3}</i>: <b>{occs:>3}</b></td>

    def showColumns(self, pageNumSpec):
        """Show used characters.

        Gives an overview of the columns in each line.
        The result is a readable, ascii overview of the columns
        that exists in the lines of the selected pages.

        It is useful to visually check column detection for many pages.

        pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
            As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.

            The output material will be displayed in the notebook.

        pageNums = self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec)

        columns = self.columns
        for pageNum in pageNums:
            if pageNum not in columns:
            lineInfo = columns[pageNum]
            multiple = []
            for lNum in sorted(lineInfo):
                (threshold, emspaces) = lineInfo[lNum]
                nEmspaces = len(emspaces)
                if threshold is not None and nEmspaces > 0:
                    multiple.append((lNum, threshold, emspaces))
            if not len(multiple):
                print(f"page {pageNum:>3} -")
                print(f"page {pageNum:>3}:")
                for (lNum, threshold, emspaces) in multiple:
                    nEmspaces = len(emspaces)
                    print(f"\t{lNum:>2}: {'- ' * (nEmspaces + 1)}")

    def showSpacing(self, pageNumSpec, line=None):
        """Show where the spaces are.

        Gives an overview of the white space positions in each line.

        It is useful to debug the horizontal white space algorithm.

        pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
            As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.
        line: None | int | string | iterable
            A specification of zero or more line numbers (see `fusus.lib.parseNums`).

            The output material will be displayed in the notebook.

        pageNums = self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec)
        lineNums = parseNums(line)
        lineNums = None if lineNums is None else set(lineNums)

        spaces = self.spaces

        for pageNum in pageNums:
            if pageNum not in spaces:

            print(f"page {pageNum:>3}")
            lineInfo = spaces[pageNum]

            for (ln, spaces) in lineInfo.items():
                if lineNums is not None and ln not in lineNums:

                print(f"\tline {ln:>2}")

                for (i, after, isSpace) in spaces:
                    print(f"\t\t{i + 1:>3} {']  [' if isSpace else ']==['} {after}")

    def collectPage(self, data):
        """Transforms raw text into proper textual data.

        Called by `Lakhnawi.getPages()` and delivers its results
        to attributes of the Lakhnawi object.

        Here are they

        * `Lakhnawi.lines`
        * `Lakhnawi.doubles`
        * `Lakhnawi.text`

        They are all dictionaries, keyed by page number first and then by line.

        data: dict
            as obtained by the
            method of *fitz*.


        doubles = self.doubles
        doublesApplied = self.doublesApplied
        pageNum = self.pageNum
        nospacings = self.nospacings
        fnRules = self.fnRules
        bracketMap = self.bracketMap
        text = self.text

        fnRule = fnRules.get(pageNum, None)
        fnRule = fnRule[0] if fnRule else None

        chars = []
        prevChar = None
        prevFont = None
        prevSize = None

        def addChar():
            box = prevChar["bbox"]
            yBot = box[3]

            # skip chars below the footnote rule, if any
            if fnRule is not None and yBot > fnRule:

            c = prevChar["c"]

            cr = "" if isEuDigit(c) else c
            cr = bracketMap.get(cr, cr)

                    "" if c in nospacings else True,

        def collectChars(data, font, size):
            nonlocal prevChar
            nonlocal prevFont
            nonlocal prevSize

            if type(data) is list:
                for elem in data:
                    collectChars(elem, font, size)

            elif type(data) is dict:
                if "font" in data:
                    font = data["font"]
                if "size" in data:
                    size = data["size"]
                if "c" in data:
                    c = data["c"]
                    skip = False
                    if c == " ":
                        skip = True

                    if prevChar is not None:
                        pc = prevChar["c"]
                        if pc in doubles and doubles[pc] == c:
                            skip = True
                            doublesApplied[pc][pageNum] += 1
                        if c in doubles and doubles[c] == pc:
                            prevChar = data
                            skip = True
                            doublesApplied[c][pageNum] += 1

                    if not skip:
                        if prevChar is not None:
                        prevChar = data
                        prevFont = font
                        prevSize = size

                for (k, v) in data.items():
                    if type(v) in {list, dict}:
                        collectChars(v, font, size)

        collectChars(data, None, None)
        if prevChar is not None:

        clusterKeyCharV = self.clusterVert(chars)
        lines = {}
        for char in sorted(chars, key=lambda c: (clusterKeyCharV(c), keyCharH(c))):
            k = clusterKeyCharV(char)
            lines.setdefault(k, []).append(list(char))

        theseLines = list(lines.values())
        if theseLines and self.isPageNum(theseLines[0]):
            theseLines = theseLines[1:]

        # remove arabic numerals between brackets

        for chars in theseLines:
            nChars = len(chars)
            if not nChars:

            i = 0

            while i < nChars:
                char = chars[i]
                nextI = i + 1
                if char[-1] == "(":
                    found = None
                    for j in range(i + 1, nChars):
                        theChar = chars[j][-1]
                        if theChar == ")":
                            found = j + 1
                            nextI = found
                        if isArDigit(theChar):
                        nextI = j
                    if found is not None:
                        for j in range(i, found):
                            chars[j][-1] = ""
                        i = found
                i = nextI

        self.lines[pageNum] = tuple(
            chars for chars in theseLines if not all(c[-1] == "" for c in chars)

        text[pageNum] = []
        for (ln, line) in enumerate(self.lines[pageNum]):
            self.trimLine(pageNum, ln + 1, line)

    def isPageNum(self, chars):
        """Checks whether a series of characters represents an arabic number.

        chars: iterable of char reocrds

        return 1 <= len(chars) <= 3 and all(isArDigit(c[-1]) for c in chars)

    def trimLine(self, pageNum, ln, chars):
        """Map character sequences to other sequences.

        Two tasks:

        1. Map private use characters to well-known unicode characters
        2. Insert space characters where the next character is separated from the
           previous one.


        Diacritical characters are mostly contained in a very wide box that overlaps
        with the boxes of the other characters. So the diacritical boxes must not be
        taken into account.

        Private use characters often come in sequences, so a sequence of characters
        must be transformed to another sequence.

        We do the tramsformation before the space insertion, because otherwise we
        might insert the space at the wrong point.

        When we transform characters we need to retain the box information,
        because we still have to insert the space.

        That's why we have as input a list of character records, where each record
        is itself a list with box information, orginal character, modified characters
        and space information.

        When we transform characters, we modify character records in place.
        We do not add or remove character records.

        The last member of a character record is the modified sequence.
        This can be zero, one, or multiple characters.
        The second last member is the original character.
        Initially, the the last and second last member of each record are equal.
        We call these members the original character and the result string.

        Space will be appended at the last member of the appropriate character records.

        The transformations are given as a set of rules.

        See `REPLACE_DEFS`.

        A rule consists of a sequence of characters to match and a sequence of
        characters to replace the match with. We call them the match sequence and the
        replacement sequence of the rule.

        For each character in the input list we check which rules have a match sequence
        that start with this character.
        Of these rules, we start with the one with the longest match sequence.
        We then check, by looking ahead, whether the whole match sequence matches the
        For the purposes of matching, we look into the result strings of the character,
        not to the original characters. This will prevent some rules to be applied
        after an earlier rule has been applied. This is intentional, and results
        in a more simple rule set.

        If there is a match, we walk through all the characters in the input for the
        length of the match sequence of the rule.
        For each input character record, we set its replacement string to the
        corresponding member of the replacement sequence of the rule.
        If the replacement sequence has run out, we replace with the empty string.
        If after this process the replacement sequence has not been exhausted,
        we join the remaining characters in the replacement string and append it
        after the replacement string of the last input character that we have visited.

        After succesful application of a rule, we do not apply other rules that would
        have been applicable at this point. Instead, we move our starting point to the
        next character record in the sequence and repeat the matching process.

        It might be that a character is replaced multiple times, for example when
        it is reached by a rule while looking ahead 3 places, and then later by a
        different rule looking ahead two places.

        However, once a character matches the first member of the match sequence of
        a rule, and the rule matches and is applied, that character will not be
        changed anymore by any other rule.

        !!! caution "place holders for diacritics"
            The following functionality exists in the code, but is not needed anymore
            to process the Lakhnawi PDF.

            The match sequence may contain the character `d`, which is a placeholder
            for a diacritic sign. It will match any diacritic.
            The replacement sequence of such a rule may or may not contain a `d`.
            It is an error if the replacement seqience of a rule contains a `d` while
            its match sequence does not.
            It is also an error of there are multiple `d`s in a match sequence
            of a replacement sequence.
            If so, the working of this rule is effectively two rules:

            Suppose the rule is

            x d y => r d s

            where x, y, r, s are sequences of arbitrary length.
            If the rule matches the input, then first the rule

            x => r

            will be applied at the current position.

            Then we shift temporarily to the position right after where the d has matched,
            and apply the rule

            y => s

            Then we shift back to the orginal position plus one, and continue applying

        replace = self.replace
        puas = self.puas
        neutrals = self.neutrals
        rls = self.rls
        rulesApplied = self.rulesApplied
        spaces = self.spaces
        columns = self.columns
        diacritics = self.diacritics
        punct = self.punct
        diacriticLike = self.diacriticLike
        arabicLetters = self.arabicLetters
        presentationalC = self.presentationalC
        presentationalD = self.presentationalD
        finalSpace = self.finalSpace
        finalsApplied = self.finalsApplied
        nonLetter = self.nonLetter
        doRules = self.doRules
        doFilter = self.doFilter

        nChars = len(chars)

        # rule application stage

        if doRules:
            for (i, char) in enumerate(chars):
                c = char[-1]

                if c in replace:
                    rules = replace[c]
                    for (rn, vals, d, repls, e) in rules:

                        nVals = len(vals)

                        if i + nVals > nChars:
                            # not enough characters left to match this rule

                        if not all(
                                d is not None
                                and j == d
                                and chars[i + j][-1]
                                in (diacritics if vals[d] == 1 else arabicLetters)
                            or chars[i + j][-1] == vals[j]
                            for j in range(nVals)
                            # the rule does not match after all

                        # the rule matches: we are going to fill in the replacements
                        # if there is a diacritic in the match sequence or the
                        # replacement sequence, we restrict ourselves to the parts
                        # before the diacritics.

                        rulesApplied[rn][pageNum] += 1

                        nRepls = len(repls)
                        dEnd = nVals if d is None else d
                        eEnd = nRepls if e is None else e

                        # so, we are going to replace from here to dEnd (not including)

                        for j in range(dEnd):
                            # put the appropriate replacement character in the
                            # replacement part of the character record
                            # After running out of replacement characters, put in ""
                            chars[i + j][-1] = repls[j] if j < eEnd else ""

                        if eEnd > dEnd:
                            # if there are replacement characters left, put them
                            # in after the last character that we have visited.

                            if dEnd == 0:
                                # In case we have not visited any yet,
                                # we put them in before the current character
                                cd = chars[i + dEnd][-1]
                                r = "".join(repls[dEnd + 1 :])
                                chars[i + dEnd][-1] = f"{r}{cd}"
                                # this is the normal case
                                chars[i + dEnd - 1][-1] += "".join(repls[dEnd:eEnd])

                        # if there is a diacritic in the match sequence
                        # we are going to perform the rule for the part
                        # after the diacritic

                        # Note that the case where d is None and e is not None
                        # does not occur

                        if d is not None:
                            # we set the starting points: just after the diacritics
                            dStart = d + 1
                            # if the replacement part does not have a diacritic,
                            # we have already consumed it, and we start right after it
                            eStart = nRepls if e is None else e + 1

                            # we compute the number of characters that still need to be
                            # matched and to be replaced
                            dn = nVals - dStart
                            en = nRepls - eStart

                            # we perform the replacement analogously to what we did
                            # for the first part

                            for j in range(dn):
                                # put the appropriate replacement character in the
                                # replacement part of the character record
                                # After running out of replacement characters, put in ""
                                chars[i + dStart + j][-1] = (
                                    repls[eStart + j] if eStart + j < nRepls else ""
                            if en > dn:
                                # if there are replacement characters left, put them
                                # in after the last character that we have visited.
                                chars[i + nVals - 1][-1] += "".join(
                                    repls[eStart + dn :]

        # sift out all presentational characters

        if doFilter:
            trailSpace = False

            for (i, char) in enumerate(chars):
                c = char[-1]
                string = ""
                for x in c:
                    if trailSpace:
                        if x not in diacriticLike:
                            if x not in nonLetter:
                                if string == "" and i > 0:
                                    chars[i - 1][-1] += " "
                                    string += " "
                            trailSpace = False

                    hasFinalSpace = x in finalSpace
                    y = (
                        if x in presentationalC
                        else normalizeD(x)
                        if x in presentationalD
                        else x
                    space = " " if hasFinalSpace or x in punct else ""
                    if hasFinalSpace:
                        finalsApplied[x][pageNum] += 1
                    string += y
                    if space:
                        trailSpace = True
                char[-1] = string

            if trailSpace:
                if chars:
                    chars[-1][-1] += " "

        # add horizontal spacing

        theseSpaces = []
        spaces[pageNum][ln] = theseSpaces

        threshold = None
        theseColumns = [threshold, []]
        columns[pageNum][ln] = theseColumns

        prevLeft = None
        prevLeftI = None

        for (i, char) in enumerate(chars):
            spacing = char[-3]

            if spacing:
                left = char[0]
                right = char[2]

                if prevLeft is not None:
                    prevChar = chars[prevLeftI]
                    after = prevLeft - right
                    theAfter = ptRepD(after)

                    isSpace = theAfter >= SPACE_THRESHOLD
                    if isSpace:
                        lastChar = chars[i - 1]
                        if not lastChar[-1].endswith(" "):
                            lastChar[-1] += " "

                    prevChar[-3] = f"⌊{theAfter}⌋" if isSpace else f"«{theAfter}»"
                    theseSpaces.append((i - 1, theAfter, isSpace))

                prevLeft = left
                prevLeftI = i

        if chars:
            chars[-1][-3] = "end"

        # change big spaces to emspaces

        nSpaces = sum(1 for x in theseSpaces if x[2])

        if nSpaces == 1:
            threshold = 90
        elif nSpaces > 1:
            spacesGrowing = sorted(x[1] for x in theseSpaces if x[2])
            maxSpace = spacesGrowing[-1]
            medialSpace = spacesGrowing[nSpaces // 2]
            if maxSpace > 4 * medialSpace:
                threshold = maxSpace - medialSpace

        if threshold is not None:
            theseColumns[0] = threshold
            for (i, after, isSpace) in theseSpaces:
                if isSpace and after > threshold:
                    theseColumns[1].append((i, after))
                    char = chars[i]
                    char[-1] = char[-1].rstrip(" ") + EMSPACE

        # remove space between alef and initial follower,
        # provided the alef is the single letter in its word.

        # also for the words yeh+alef(final) and mem+alef(final) do:
        # insert a space behind the alef(final)

        curLen = 0
        prevCons = None
        pprevCons = None

        for (i, char) in enumerate(chars):
            c = char[-1]
            co = char[-2]
            r = ""

            isAFinal = isAlefFinal(co)

            for x in c:
                skip = False
                if x == " ":
                    if curLen == 1:  # and prevC in PROCLITICS:
                        skip = True
                    curLen = 0
                    prevCons = None
                    pprevCons = None
                elif x in arabicLetters:
                    curLen += 1
                    if 2 <= curLen <= 3 and isAFinal:
                        if isMeemOrYeh(prevCons) and (curLen == 2 or isWaw(pprevCons)):
                            x += " "
                            curLen = 0
                            prevCons = None
                            pprevCons = None
                    pprevCons = prevCons
                    prevCons = x
                if not skip:
                    r += x
            char[-1] = r

        # divide lines into columns

        emspaces = theseColumns[1]
        emspacePositions = {t[0] for t in emspaces}

        columnedChars = [[]]
        dest = columnedChars[-1]

        for (i, char) in enumerate(chars):
            if i in emspacePositions:
                if char[-1]:
                dest = columnedChars[-1]

        # divide columns into ranges
        # and chunk the ranges into words
        # and save the word boundary boxes

        text = self.text

        # text is a dict keyed by pageNum and the values are tuples of line data
        # a line datum is a list of columns
        # a column is a list of spans
        # a span is a pair of a direction char ("l" or "r") plus a list of word data
        # a word datum is a string plus a word box
        # a word box is a (left, top, right, bottom) tuple

        result = []
        text.setdefault(pageNum, []).append(result)
        prevDir = "r"

        # we transform letters into chunks, where each chunk is a pair of
        # word material
        # punctuation material

        outChars = [[], []]
        inWord = True
        box = [None, None, None, None]

        def addWord():
            if outChars[0] or outChars[1]:
                wordCharsRep = "".join(
                    outChars[0] if prevDir == "r" else reversed(outChars[0])
                puncCharsRep = "".join(
                    outChars[1] if prevDir == "r" else reversed(outChars[1])
                lastSpan = None if len(result[-1]) == 0 else result[-1][-1]
                element = (wordCharsRep, puncCharsRep, tuple(box))
                if lastSpan is None or lastSpan[0] != prevDir:
                    result[-1].append((prevDir, [element]))

        def setBox(char):
            for (i, coor) in enumerate(char[0:4]):
                if (
                    (b := box[i]) is None
                    or (i < 2 and coor < b)
                    or (i >= 2 and coor > b)
                    box[i] = coor

        for chars in columnedChars:
            outChars = [[], []]
            box = [None, None, None, None]

            for char in chars:
                c = char[-1]

                if c == "":

                for d in c:
                    spaceSeen = d in {" ", EMSPACE}
                    changeWord = not inWord and d not in nonLetter

                    if spaceSeen:
                    if spaceSeen or changeWord:
                        box = [None, None, None, None]
                        outChars = [[d] if changeWord else [], []]
                        inWord = True

                    thisDir = prevDir if d in neutrals else "r" if d in rls else "l"

                    if prevDir != thisDir:
                        box = [None, None, None, None]
                        outChars = [[], []]
                        inWord = True
                        prevDir = thisDir

                    if inWord:
                        if d in nonLetter:
                            inWord = False
                    dest = 0 if inWord else 1
                    rep = d
                    if d in puas:
                        rep = f"⌊{ord(d):>04x}⌋"



    def plainLine(self, columns):
        """Outputs a processed line as plain text.

        Used by `Lakhnawi.plainPages()`.

        columns: iterable
            An iterable of columns that make up a line.
            Each column is an iterable of spans.
            Spans contain words plus an indication of the writing direction
            for that span.

            The concatenation of all words in all spans separated by white space.

        return "\t".join(
            " ".join(
                " ".join(f"{word[0]}{word[1]}" for word in span[1]) for span in spans
            for spans in columns

    def tsvHeadLine(self):
        """Outputs the field names of a word in TSV data.

        See `Lakhnawi.tsvPages()` for the structure of TSV data
        as output format for the extracted text of the Lakhnawi PDF.

            A tab-separated line of field names.

        return "page\tline\tcolumn\tspan\tdirection\tleft\ttop\tright\tbottom\tletters\tpunc\n"

    def tsvLine(self, columns, pageNum, ln):
        """Outputs a processed line as lines of tab-separated fields for each word.

        Used by `Lakhnawi.tsvPages()`.

        columns: iterable
            An iterable of columns that make up a line.
            Each column is an iterable of spans.
            Spans contain words plus an indication of the writing direction
            for that span.
        pageNum: int
            The page number of the page where this line occurs.

            The concatenation of the TSV lines for all words in all spans
            in all columns.

        material = []
        for (cn, spans) in enumerate(columns):
            for (sn, (dr, words)) in enumerate(spans):
                for (letters, punc, (le, to, ri, bo)) in words:
                                for x in (
                                    cn + 1,
                                    sn + 1,
                        + "\n"
        return "".join(material)

    def htmlLine(self, columns, prevMulti, isLast):
        """Outputs a processed line as HTML.

        Used by `Lakhnawi.htmlPages()`.

        columns: iterable
            An iterable of columns that make up a line.
            Each column is an iterable of spans.
            Spans contain words plus an indication of the writing direction
            for that span.
        prevMulti: boolean
            Whether the preceding line has multiple columns.
        isLast: boolean
            Whether this line is the last line on the page.

            The concatenation of the TSV lines for all words in all spans
            in all columns.

        showSpaces = self.showSpaces
        result = []

        nCols = len(columns)
        multi = nCols > 1

        if prevMulti and not multi:
        elif not prevMulti and multi:
            result.append("""<table class="linecols">\n""")

        if multi:

        for spans in columns:
                f"""\t<td class="cols col{nCols}">""" if multi else """<p class="r">"""

            for (textDir, words) in spans:
                result.append(f"""<span class="{textDir}">""")
                for word in words:
                    letters = normalizeD(word[0])
                    letters = letters.replace("⌊", """<span class="p">""").replace(
                        "⌋", "</span>"
                    if showSpaces:
                        letters = f"""<span class="box">{letters}</span>"""
                    punc = word[1]
                    if showSpaces:
                        punc = punc.replace(" ", """<span class="sp"> </span>""")

            result.append("</td>\n" if multi else "</p>\n")

        if multi:
            if isLast:

        return "".join(result)

    def clusterVert(self, data):
        """Cluster characters into lines based on their bounding boxes.

        Most characters on a line have their middle line in approximately the same height.
        But diacritics of characters in that line may occupy different heights.

        Without intervention, these would be clustered on separate lines.
        We take care to cluster them into the same lines as their main characters.

        It involves getting an idea of the regular line height, and clustering boxes
        that fall between the lines with the line above or below, whichever is closest.

        The result of the clustering is delivered as a key function, which will
        be used to sort characters.

        data: iterable of record
            The character records

            A key function that assigns to each character record a value
            that corresponds to the vertical position of a real line,
            which is a clustered set of characters.

            The information on the vertical clustering of lines
            is delivered in the attributes `Lakhnawi.heights` and
            `Lakhnawi.clusteredHeights`, on a page by page basis.

        pageNum = self.pageNum

        heights = collections.Counter()
        for char in data:
            k = keyCharV(char)
            heights[k] += 1

        peaks = sorted(heights)

        if len(peaks) > 1:
            nDistances = len(peaks) - 1
            distances = sorted(peaks[i + 1] - peaks[i] for i in range(nDistances))

            # remove the biggest distances if > 50,
            # to prevent outliers pulling the average too high
            for _ in range(2):
                if len(distances) > 1:
                    if distances[-1] > 50:
                        distances = distances[0:-1]
            # remove distances < 15, which are much smaller than a line
            distances = [d for d in distances if d > 15]

            nDistances = len(distances)
            avPeakDist = sum(distances) / nDistances

            peakThreshold = avPeakDist * LINE_CLUSTER_FACTOR
            clusteredHeights = {}
            for (k, n) in sorted(heights.items(), key=lambda x: (-x[1], x[0])):
                added = False
                for kc in clusteredHeights:
                    if abs(k - kc) <= peakThreshold:
                        added = True
                if not added:
                    clusteredHeights[k] = {k}

        toCluster = {}
        for (kc, ks) in clusteredHeights.items():
            for k in ks:
                toCluster[k] = kc

        self.heights[pageNum] = heights
        self.clusteredHeights[pageNum] = clusteredHeights

        def clusterKeyCharV(char):
            k = keyCharV(char)
            return toCluster[k]

        return clusterKeyCharV


Instance variables

var clusteredHeights

Clustered heights of characters, indexed by page number.

The clustered heights correspond to the lines on a page.

var columns

Column information, indexed by page and line number.

Spaces that are significantly larger than a normal white space are interpreted as an emspace, and these are considered as column separators. We remember the character positions where this happens plus the amount of space in question.

Columns in the Lakhnawi PDF correspond to hemistic poems, where lines are divided into two halves, each occupying a column.

See hemistic

hemistic poems versus blocks

This is very different from blocks (see fusus.layout) in OCRed texts, where blocks have been detected because of vertical strokes that separate columns.

The reading progress in a hemistic poem is not changed by the column division, where as in the case of blocks, reading proceeds by reading the complete blocks in order.

var doc

A handle to the PDF document, after it has been read by fitz.

var doubles

Glyphs with double unicode points.

Some private use characters have two unicode points assigned to them by fonts in the PDF. This is the cause that straightforward text extractions deliver double occurrences of those letters. Even fitz does that.

We have collected these cases, and choose to use the lower unicode point, which is usually an ordinary character, whereas the other is usually a related presentational character.

This dictionary maps the lower character to the higher character.

var fnRules

Vertical positions of footnote lines, indexed by page number

var good

Whether processing is still ok, i.e. no errors encountered.

var heights

Heights of characters, indexed by page number.

var lines

Lines as tuples of original character objects, indexed by page number

var privateDias

Private-use unicodes that correspond to diacritics.

var privateLetters

Private-use unicodes that correspond to full letters.

var privateSpace

Private-use-unicode used to represent a space.

var spaces

Spacing information for each character, indexed by page and line number.

For character that has space behind it, it gives the index position of that character in the line, the amount of space detected, and whether this counts as a full white space.

var text

Lines as tuples of converted character objects, indexed by page number


def close(self)

Close the PDF handle, offered by fitz.

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def close(self):
    """Close the PDF handle, offered by *fitz*."""

def clusterVert(self, data)

Cluster characters into lines based on their bounding boxes.

Most characters on a line have their middle line in approximately the same height. But diacritics of characters in that line may occupy different heights.

Without intervention, these would be clustered on separate lines. We take care to cluster them into the same lines as their main characters.

It involves getting an idea of the regular line height, and clustering boxes that fall between the lines with the line above or below, whichever is closest.

The result of the clustering is delivered as a key function, which will be used to sort characters.


data : iterable of record
The character records



A key function that assigns to each character record a value that corresponds to the vertical position of a real line, which is a clustered set of characters.

The information on the vertical clustering of lines is delivered in the attributes Lakhnawi.heights and Lakhnawi.clusteredHeights, on a page by page basis.

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def clusterVert(self, data):
    """Cluster characters into lines based on their bounding boxes.

    Most characters on a line have their middle line in approximately the same height.
    But diacritics of characters in that line may occupy different heights.

    Without intervention, these would be clustered on separate lines.
    We take care to cluster them into the same lines as their main characters.

    It involves getting an idea of the regular line height, and clustering boxes
    that fall between the lines with the line above or below, whichever is closest.

    The result of the clustering is delivered as a key function, which will
    be used to sort characters.

    data: iterable of record
        The character records

        A key function that assigns to each character record a value
        that corresponds to the vertical position of a real line,
        which is a clustered set of characters.

        The information on the vertical clustering of lines
        is delivered in the attributes `Lakhnawi.heights` and
        `Lakhnawi.clusteredHeights`, on a page by page basis.

    pageNum = self.pageNum

    heights = collections.Counter()
    for char in data:
        k = keyCharV(char)
        heights[k] += 1

    peaks = sorted(heights)

    if len(peaks) > 1:
        nDistances = len(peaks) - 1
        distances = sorted(peaks[i + 1] - peaks[i] for i in range(nDistances))

        # remove the biggest distances if > 50,
        # to prevent outliers pulling the average too high
        for _ in range(2):
            if len(distances) > 1:
                if distances[-1] > 50:
                    distances = distances[0:-1]
        # remove distances < 15, which are much smaller than a line
        distances = [d for d in distances if d > 15]

        nDistances = len(distances)
        avPeakDist = sum(distances) / nDistances

        peakThreshold = avPeakDist * LINE_CLUSTER_FACTOR
        clusteredHeights = {}
        for (k, n) in sorted(heights.items(), key=lambda x: (-x[1], x[0])):
            added = False
            for kc in clusteredHeights:
                if abs(k - kc) <= peakThreshold:
                    added = True
            if not added:
                clusteredHeights[k] = {k}

    toCluster = {}
    for (kc, ks) in clusteredHeights.items():
        for k in ks:
            toCluster[k] = kc

    self.heights[pageNum] = heights
    self.clusteredHeights[pageNum] = clusteredHeights

    def clusterKeyCharV(char):
        k = keyCharV(char)
        return toCluster[k]

    return clusterKeyCharV
def collectPage(self, data)

Transforms raw text into proper textual data.

Called by Lakhnawi.getPages() and delivers its results to attributes of the Lakhnawi object.

Here are they

They are all dictionaries, keyed by page number first and then by line.


data : dict
as obtained by the extractRAWDICT() method of fitz.


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def collectPage(self, data):
    """Transforms raw text into proper textual data.

    Called by `Lakhnawi.getPages()` and delivers its results
    to attributes of the Lakhnawi object.

    Here are they

    * `Lakhnawi.lines`
    * `Lakhnawi.doubles`
    * `Lakhnawi.text`

    They are all dictionaries, keyed by page number first and then by line.

    data: dict
        as obtained by the
        method of *fitz*.


    doubles = self.doubles
    doublesApplied = self.doublesApplied
    pageNum = self.pageNum
    nospacings = self.nospacings
    fnRules = self.fnRules
    bracketMap = self.bracketMap
    text = self.text

    fnRule = fnRules.get(pageNum, None)
    fnRule = fnRule[0] if fnRule else None

    chars = []
    prevChar = None
    prevFont = None
    prevSize = None

    def addChar():
        box = prevChar["bbox"]
        yBot = box[3]

        # skip chars below the footnote rule, if any
        if fnRule is not None and yBot > fnRule:

        c = prevChar["c"]

        cr = "" if isEuDigit(c) else c
        cr = bracketMap.get(cr, cr)

                "" if c in nospacings else True,

    def collectChars(data, font, size):
        nonlocal prevChar
        nonlocal prevFont
        nonlocal prevSize

        if type(data) is list:
            for elem in data:
                collectChars(elem, font, size)

        elif type(data) is dict:
            if "font" in data:
                font = data["font"]
            if "size" in data:
                size = data["size"]
            if "c" in data:
                c = data["c"]
                skip = False
                if c == " ":
                    skip = True

                if prevChar is not None:
                    pc = prevChar["c"]
                    if pc in doubles and doubles[pc] == c:
                        skip = True
                        doublesApplied[pc][pageNum] += 1
                    if c in doubles and doubles[c] == pc:
                        prevChar = data
                        skip = True
                        doublesApplied[c][pageNum] += 1

                if not skip:
                    if prevChar is not None:
                    prevChar = data
                    prevFont = font
                    prevSize = size

            for (k, v) in data.items():
                if type(v) in {list, dict}:
                    collectChars(v, font, size)

    collectChars(data, None, None)
    if prevChar is not None:

    clusterKeyCharV = self.clusterVert(chars)
    lines = {}
    for char in sorted(chars, key=lambda c: (clusterKeyCharV(c), keyCharH(c))):
        k = clusterKeyCharV(char)
        lines.setdefault(k, []).append(list(char))

    theseLines = list(lines.values())
    if theseLines and self.isPageNum(theseLines[0]):
        theseLines = theseLines[1:]

    # remove arabic numerals between brackets

    for chars in theseLines:
        nChars = len(chars)
        if not nChars:

        i = 0

        while i < nChars:
            char = chars[i]
            nextI = i + 1
            if char[-1] == "(":
                found = None
                for j in range(i + 1, nChars):
                    theChar = chars[j][-1]
                    if theChar == ")":
                        found = j + 1
                        nextI = found
                    if isArDigit(theChar):
                    nextI = j
                if found is not None:
                    for j in range(i, found):
                        chars[j][-1] = ""
                    i = found
            i = nextI

    self.lines[pageNum] = tuple(
        chars for chars in theseLines if not all(c[-1] == "" for c in chars)

    text[pageNum] = []
    for (ln, line) in enumerate(self.lines[pageNum]):
        self.trimLine(pageNum, ln + 1, line)
def drawPages(self, pageNumSpec, clip=None)

Draws a (part) of page from the PDF as a raster image.


pageNumSpec : None | int | string | iterable
As in Lakhnawi.parsePageNums().
clip : (int, int), optional None
If None: produces the whole page. Otherwise it is (top, bottom), and a stripe from top to bottom will be displayed.
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def drawPages(self, pageNumSpec, clip=None):
    """Draws a (part) of page from the PDF as a raster image.

    pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
        As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.
    clip: (int, int), optional `None`
        If None: produces the whole page.
        Otherwise it is `(top, bottom)`, and a stripe
        from top to bottom will be displayed.

    doc = self.doc

    for pageNum in self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec):
        page = doc[pageNum - 1]
        if clip is not None:
            clip = (0, clip[0], page.rect.width, clip[1])

        pix = page.getPixmap(matrix=fitz.Matrix(4, 4), clip=clip, alpha=False)
        display(HTML(f"""<p><b>page {pageNum}</b></p>"""))
        display(Image(data=pix.getPNGData(), format=DEFAULT_EXTENSION))
def getCharConfig(self)

Configure all character information.

Private-use characters, transformation rules, character categories.

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def getCharConfig(self):
    """Configure all character information.

    Private-use characters, transformation rules, character categories.

def getCharInfo(self)

Obtain detailed character information by reading the font report file.

From this file we read:

  • which are the private use characters?
  • which of them have a double unicode?

The font file is here.

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def getCharInfo(self):
    """Obtain detailed character information by reading the font report file.

    From this file we read:

    * which are the private use characters?
    * which of them have a double unicode?

    The font file is

    self.doubles = {}
    self.privates = set()
    doubles = self.doubles
    privates = self.privates
    finalSpace = self.finalSpace
    puas = self.puas

    doc =

    for page in doc:
        textPage = page.getTextPage()
        data = textPage.extractText()

        for (ln, line) in enumerate(data.split("\n")):
            if line.startswith("U+"):
                match = U_LINE_RE.match(line)
                if not match:
                (main, rest) =, 2)
                main = main.lower()
                nMain = int(main, base=16)
                cMain = chr(nMain)
                if cMain in puas:
                if cMain == chr(0):
                second = None
                rest = rest.replace(" ", "")
                if rest:
                    if HEX_RE.match(rest):
                        second = rest.lower()
                if second:
                    nSecond = int(second, base=16)
                    cSecond = chr(nSecond)
                    if nSecond > nMain:
                        doubles[cMain] = cSecond
                        doubles[cSecond] = cMain

    doublesApplied = collections.defaultdict(collections.Counter)
    for d in doubles:
        doublesApplied[d] = collections.Counter()
    self.doublesApplied = doublesApplied

    finalsApplied = collections.defaultdict(collections.Counter)
    for f in finalSpace:
        finalsApplied[f] = collections.Counter()
    self.finalsApplied = finalsApplied
def getPageObj(self, pageNum)

Get the fitz object for a specific page.

Used for debugging.


pageNum : int
A valid page number. It is the sequence number of the page within the PDF, counting from 1.


A fitz page object
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def getPageObj(self, pageNum):
    """Get the *fitz* object for a specific page.

    Used for debugging.

    pageNum: int
        A valid page number.
        It is the sequence number of the page within the PDF, counting from 1.

        A *fitz*
        [page object](

    self.pageNum = pageNum
    doc = self.doc
    return doc[pageNum - 1]
def getPageRaw(self, pageNum)

Do a rough/raw text extract of a specific page.

The fitz method extractRAWDICT() is used to obtain very detailed information about each character on that page. Used for debugging.


pageNum : int
A valid page number. It is the sequence number of the page within the PDF, counting from 1.


It pretty prints the output of the fitz method, which is a big and deep dictionary.
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def getPageRaw(self, pageNum):
    """Do a rough/raw text extract of a specific page.

    The *fitz* method
    is used to obtain very detailed information about each character on that page.
    Used for debugging.

    pageNum: int
        A valid page number.
        It is the sequence number of the page within the PDF, counting from 1.

        It pretty prints the output of the fitz method, which is a big
        and deep dictionary.

    self.pageNum = pageNum
    rep = f"page {pageNum:>4}"
    doc = self.doc
    page = doc[pageNum - 1]

    textPage = page.getTextPage()
    data = textPage.extractRAWDICT()
def getPages(self, pageNumSpec, refreshConfig=False, doRules=True, doFilter=True, onlyFnRules=False)

Reads pages of the PDF and extracts text.

This does all of the hard work of the text extraction. It saves the textual data in attributes of the Lakhnawi object, augmented with all kinds of diagnostic information.

From all this data, various output representations can be generated rather easily by other methods.


pageNumSpec : None | int | string | iterable
As in Lakhnawi.parsePageNums().
refreshConfig : boolean, optional False
If True, rereads all character configuration. Ideal when you are iteratively developing the character configuration.
doRules : boolean, optional True
If False, suppresses the application of character transformation rules. Mainly used when debugging other aspects of the text extraction.
doFilter : boolean, optional True
If False, suppresses the application of unicode normalization, by which presentational characters are transformed into sequences of ordinary, basic characters. Used for debugging.
onlyFnRules : boolean, optional False
If True, skips most of the conversion. Only determine where the footnote rules are. Used for debugging.



The effect is that attributes of the Lakhnawi object are filled:

For the other attributes, see Lakhnawi.collectPage().

multiple runs

If you do multiple runs of this function for different pages, the results will not overwrite each other in general, because the attributes hold the results in dictionaries keyed by page number.

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def getPages(
    """Reads pages of the PDF and extracts text.

    This does all of the hard work of the text extraction.
    It saves the textual data in attributes of the Lakhnawi object,
    augmented with all kinds of diagnostic information.

    From all this data, various output representations can be generated
    rather easily by other methods.

    pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
        As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.
    refreshConfig: boolean, optional `False`
        If `True`, rereads all character configuration.
        Ideal when you are iteratively developing the character configuration.
    doRules: boolean, optional `True`
        If `False`, suppresses the application of character transformation
        rules. Mainly used when debugging other aspects of the text extraction.
    doFilter: boolean, optional `True`
        If `False`, suppresses the application of unicode normalization,
        by which presentational characters are transformed into sequences
        of ordinary, basic characters.
        Used for debugging.
    onlyFnRules: boolean, optional `False`
        If `True`, skips most of the conversion.
        Only determine where the footnote rules are.
        Used for debugging.

       The effect is that attributes of the Lakhnawi object
       are filled:

       * `Lakhnawi.heights`
       * `Lakhnawi.clusteredHeights`
       * `Lakhnawi.fnRules`

       For the other attributes, see `Lakhnawi.collectPage()`.

    !!! hint "multiple runs"
        If you do multiple runs of this function for different pages,
        the results will not overwrite each other in general,
        because the attributes hold the results in dictionaries
        keyed by page number.

    if not self.good:
        print("SKIPPING because of config errors")

    fnRules = self.fnRules
    spaces = self.spaces
    columns = self.columns

    self.doRules = doRules
    self.doFilter = doFilter

    ruleIndex = self.ruleIndex
    rulesApplied = self.rulesApplied

    if refreshConfig:

    for rn in ruleIndex:
        rulesApplied[rn] = collections.Counter()

    for (i, pageNum) in enumerate(self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec)):
        self.pageNum = pageNum
        rep = (
            f"{i + 1:>4} (page {pageNum:>4})"
            if pageNum != i + 1
            else (f"{i + 1:>4}" + " " * 12)
        doc = self.doc
        page = doc[pageNum - 1]

        theseFnRules = set()

        for fnRule in page.getDrawings():
            if RECT in fnRule and fnRule.get(COLOR, None):
                rect = fnRule[RECT]
                width = rect.x1 - rect.x0
                if width > FNRULE_WIDTH:

        fnRules[pageNum] = tuple(sorted(theseFnRules))
        spaces[pageNum] = {}
        columns[pageNum] = {}

        if onlyFnRules:

        textPage = page.getTextPage()
        data = textPage.extractRAWDICT()
def htmlLine(self, columns, prevMulti, isLast)

Outputs a processed line as HTML.

Used by Lakhnawi.htmlPages().


columns : iterable
An iterable of columns that make up a line. Each column is an iterable of spans. Spans contain words plus an indication of the writing direction for that span.
prevMulti : boolean
Whether the preceding line has multiple columns.
isLast : boolean
Whether this line is the last line on the page.


The concatenation of the TSV lines for all words in all spans in all columns.
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def htmlLine(self, columns, prevMulti, isLast):
    """Outputs a processed line as HTML.

    Used by `Lakhnawi.htmlPages()`.

    columns: iterable
        An iterable of columns that make up a line.
        Each column is an iterable of spans.
        Spans contain words plus an indication of the writing direction
        for that span.
    prevMulti: boolean
        Whether the preceding line has multiple columns.
    isLast: boolean
        Whether this line is the last line on the page.

        The concatenation of the TSV lines for all words in all spans
        in all columns.

    showSpaces = self.showSpaces
    result = []

    nCols = len(columns)
    multi = nCols > 1

    if prevMulti and not multi:
    elif not prevMulti and multi:
        result.append("""<table class="linecols">\n""")

    if multi:

    for spans in columns:
            f"""\t<td class="cols col{nCols}">""" if multi else """<p class="r">"""

        for (textDir, words) in spans:
            result.append(f"""<span class="{textDir}">""")
            for word in words:
                letters = normalizeD(word[0])
                letters = letters.replace("⌊", """<span class="p">""").replace(
                    "⌋", "</span>"
                if showSpaces:
                    letters = f"""<span class="box">{letters}</span>"""
                punc = word[1]
                if showSpaces:
                    punc = punc.replace(" ", """<span class="sp"> </span>""")

        result.append("</td>\n" if multi else "</p>\n")

    if multi:
        if isLast:

    return "".join(result)
def htmlPages(self, pageNumSpec, line=None, showSpaces=False, export=False, singleFile=False, toc=False)

Outputs processed pages as formatted HTML pages.

Uses Lakhnawi.htmlLine().

The HTML output is suitable to read the extracted text. Its layout matches the original closely, which makes it easier to see where the output deviates from the source page.


pageNumSpec : None | int | string | iterable
As in Lakhnawi.parsePageNums().
line : None | int | string | iterable
A specification of zero or more line numbers (see parseNums()).
showSpaces : boolean, optional False
If True, shows the spaces with a conspicuous coloured background.
export : boolean, optional False
If True, writes the HTML results to disk. In this case, the HTML will not be displayed in the notebook.
singleFile : boolean, optional False
Only meaningful is export=True. If True, writes the output to a single HTML file, otherwise to one file per page, in a directory called html.
toc : boolean, optional False
Only meaningful is export=True and singleFile=True. If True, writes a table of contents to the file. The TOC points to every page that is included in the output file.



Depending on export, the page is displayed in the notebook where this function is called, or exported to a file on disk.

The file is in UR_DIR, under Lakhnawi. The name of the file includes a page specification.

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    def htmlPages(
        """Outputs processed pages as formatted HTML pages.


        The HTML output is suitable to read the extracted text.
        Its layout matches the original closely, which makes it easier
        to see where the output deviates from the source page.

        pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
            As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.
        line: None | int | string | iterable
            A specification of zero or more line numbers (see `fusus.lib.parseNums`).
        showSpaces: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`, shows the spaces with a conspicuous coloured background.
        export: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`, writes the HTML results to disk.
            In this case, the HTML will not be displayed in the notebook.
        singleFile: boolean, optional `False`
            Only meaningful is `export=True`.
            If `True`, writes the output to a single HTML file,
            otherwise to one file per page, in a directory called `html`.
        toc: boolean, optional `False`
            Only meaningful is `export=True` and `singleFile=True`.
            If `True`, writes a table of contents to the file.
            The TOC points to every page that is included in the output file.

            Depending on `export`, the page is displayed in the notebook
            where this function is called, or exported to a file on disk.

            The file is in `fusus.parameters.UR_DIR`, under `Lakhnawi`.
            The name of the file includes a page specification.

        self.showSpaces = showSpaces
        text = self.text

        destDir = f"{UR_DIR}/{NAME}" if singleFile else f"{UR_DIR}/{NAME}/html"
        pageNums = self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec)
        lineNums = parseNums(line)
        lineNums = None if lineNums is None else set(lineNums)
        filesWritten = 0

        if export:
            if not os.path.exists(destDir):
                os.makedirs(destDir, exist_ok=True)
            if singleFile:
                pageNumRep = ALL_PAGES if pageNumSpec is None else str(pageNumSpec)
                tocRep = "-with-toc" if toc else ""
                filePath = f"{destDir}/{pageNumRep}{tocRep}.html"
                fh = open(filePath, "w")
                if toc:
                    toc = getToc(pageNums)
<div class="window">
<div class="sidebar">
<div class="pages bypage">
<div class="pages">

        pageClass = "page" + ("" if export else "c")
        for pageNum in pageNums:
            lines = text.get(pageNum, [])
            nLines = len(lines)

            html = []
<div class="{pageClass}">
<div class="phead"><a name="p{pageNum:>03}">{pageNum}</a></div>

            prevMulti = False

            for (i, line) in enumerate(lines):
                if lineNums is not None and i + 1 not in lineNums:

                html.append(self.htmlLine(line, prevMulti, i == nLines - 1))
                prevMulti = len(line) > 1


            if export:
                htmlRep = "".join(html)

                if singleFile:
                    html = preHtml(pageNum) + htmlRep + POST_HTML
                    filePath = f"{destDir}/p{pageNum:>03}.html"
                    with open(filePath, "w") as fh:
                        filesWritten += 1

        if export and singleFile:
            if toc:
            print(f"HTML written to {unexpanduser(filePath)}")

        if export and not singleFile:
            print(f"{filesWritten} HTML files written to {unexpanduser(destDir)}/")
def isPageNum(self, chars)

Checks whether a series of characters represents an arabic number.


chars : iterable of char reocrds
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def isPageNum(self, chars):
    """Checks whether a series of characters represents an arabic number.

    chars: iterable of char reocrds

    return 1 <= len(chars) <= 3 and all(isArDigit(c[-1]) for c in chars)
def parsePageNums(self, pageNumSpec)

Parses a value as one or more page numbers.


pageNumSpec : None | int | string | iterable
If None results in all page numbers. If an int, it stands for that int. If a string, it is allowed to be a comma separated list of numbers or ranges, where a range is a lower bound and an upper bound separated by a -. If none of these, it should be an iterable of int values.


None | iterable of int
Depending on the value.
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def parsePageNums(self, pageNumSpec):
    """Parses a value as one or more page numbers.

    pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
        If `None` results in all page numbers.
        If an `int`, it stands for that int.
        If a `string`, it is allowed to be a comma separated list of
        numbers or ranges, where a range is a lower bound and an upper bound
        separated by a `-`.
        If none of these, it should be an iterable of `int` values.

    None | iterable of int
        Depending on the value.

    doc = self.doc
    pageNums = (
        list(range(1, len(doc) + 1))
        if not pageNumSpec
        else [pageNumSpec]
        if type(pageNumSpec) is int
        else setFromSpec(pageNumSpec)
        if type(pageNumSpec) is str
        else list(pageNumSpec)
    return [i for i in sorted(pageNums) if 0 < i <= len(doc)]
def plainChar(self, c)

Show the character code of a character.


c : string
The character in question, may also be the empty string or the integer 1 (diacritic place holder).


The hexadecimal unicode point of c, between ⌊ ⌋ - brackets.
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def plainChar(self, c):
    """Show the character code of a character.

    c: string
        The character in question, may also be the empty string or
        the integer 1 (diacritic place holder).

        The hexadecimal unicode point of `c`, between `⌊ ⌋` - brackets.

    if c == "":
        return "⌊⌋"
    if c in {1}:
        return CODE_LETTER[c]
    return f"⌊{ord(c):>04x}⌋"
def plainLine(self, columns)

Outputs a processed line as plain text.

Used by Lakhnawi.plainPages().


columns : iterable
An iterable of columns that make up a line. Each column is an iterable of spans. Spans contain words plus an indication of the writing direction for that span.


The concatenation of all words in all spans separated by white space.
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def plainLine(self, columns):
    """Outputs a processed line as plain text.

    Used by `Lakhnawi.plainPages()`.

    columns: iterable
        An iterable of columns that make up a line.
        Each column is an iterable of spans.
        Spans contain words plus an indication of the writing direction
        for that span.

        The concatenation of all words in all spans separated by white space.

    return "\t".join(
        " ".join(
            " ".join(f"{word[0]}{word[1]}" for word in span[1]) for span in spans
        for spans in columns
def plainPages(self, pageNumSpec)

Outputs processed pages as plain text.

Uses Lakhnawi.plainLine().


pageNumSpec : None | int | string | iterable
As in Lakhnawi.parsePageNums().


The plain text is printed to the output.
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def plainPages(self, pageNumSpec):
    """Outputs processed pages as plain text.

    Uses `Lakhnawi.plainLine()`.

    pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
        As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.

        The plain text is printed to the output.

    text = self.text

    for pageNum in self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec):
        lines = text.get(pageNum, [])

        for (i, line) in enumerate(lines):
def plainString(self, s)

Show the character codes of the characters in a string.


s : string
The string to show, may be empty, may contain place holders.


The concatenation of the unicode points of the characters in the string, each code point between brackets.

See also Lakhnawi.plainChar().

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def plainString(self, s):
    """Show the character codes of the characters in a string.

    s: string
        The string to show, may be empty, may contain place holders.

        The concatenation of the unicode points of the characters in the string,
        each code point between brackets.

    See also `Lakhnawi.plainChar()`.

    return " ".join(self.plainChar(c) for c in s)
def privateInfo(self)

Set up additional character categories wrt. private-use characters.

Several categories will receive additional members from the private use characters.

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def privateInfo(self):
    """Set up additional character categories wrt. private-use characters.

    Several categories will receive additional members from the
    private use characters.

    self.privateLetters = getSetFromDef(PRIVATE_LETTERS_DEF)
    self.privateDias = getSetFromDef(PRIVATE_DIAS_DEF)
    self.privateSpace = PRIVATE_SPACE
    self.nospacings |= self.privateDias
    # self.nospacings.add(PRIVATE_TATWEEL)
    self.diacritics |= self.privateDias
    self.diacriticLike |= self.privateDias
    self.arabicLetters = self.arabic - self.privateDias
    self.rls |= self.puas
def setStyle(self)

Import the CSS styles into the notebook.

See CSS.

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def setStyle(self):
    """Import the CSS styles into the notebook.

    See `CSS`.

def setupRules(self)

Set up character transformation rules.

Prepare for counting how much rules will be applied when extracting text from pages of the Lakhnawi PDF.

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def setupRules(self):
    """Set up character transformation rules.

    Prepare for counting how much rules will be applied
    when extracting text from pages of the Lakhnawi PDF.

    (self.replace, self.ruleIndex) = getDictFromDef(REPLACE_DEF)
    if self.replace is None:
        self.replace = {}
        self.good = False
    self.rulesApplied = collections.defaultdict(collections.Counter)
    for rn in self.ruleIndex:
        self.rulesApplied[rn] = collections.Counter()
def showChar(self, c)

Pretty display of a single unicode character.

We show the character itself and its name (if not a private-use one), its hexadecimal code, and we indicate by coloring the kind of white space that the character represents (ordinary space or emspace).


c : string
The character in question, may also be the empty string or the integer 1 (diacritic place holder).
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    def showChar(self, c):
        """Pretty display of a single unicode character.

        We show the character itself and its name (if not a private-use one),
        its hexadecimal code, and we indicate by coloring the kind of
        white space that the character represents (ordinary space or emspace).

        c: string
            The character in question, may also be the empty string or
            the integer 1 (diacritic place holder).

        if c in {1, 2}:
            return f"""
<div class="ch p">
    <div class="cn">{LETTER_KIND[c]}</div>

        if c == "":
            extra = ""
            ccode = ""
            crep = "\u00a0"
            cname = "EMPTY"
            puas = self.puas
            rls = self.rls

            ccode = (
                f"""<span class="{"p" if c in puas else "c"}">{ord(c):>04x}</span>"""
            crep = (
                if c in puas
                else f"""<span class="{"rc" if c in rls else "lc"}">{c}"""
            cname = "" if c in puas else f"""<span class="c">{uName(c)}</span>"""
            extra = (
                "m" if c == EMSPACE else "s" if c == " " else ""

        return f"""
<div class="ch{extra}">
    <div class="cn">{ccode}</div>
    <div class="cn"><span class="cni">{crep}</span></div>
    <div class="cn">{cname}</div>
def showColumns(self, pageNumSpec)

Show used characters.

Gives an overview of the columns in each line. The result is a readable, ascii overview of the columns that exists in the lines of the selected pages.

It is useful to visually check column detection for many pages.


pageNumSpec : None | int | string | iterable
As in Lakhnawi.parsePageNums().


The output material will be displayed in the notebook.
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def showColumns(self, pageNumSpec):
    """Show used characters.

    Gives an overview of the columns in each line.
    The result is a readable, ascii overview of the columns
    that exists in the lines of the selected pages.

    It is useful to visually check column detection for many pages.

    pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
        As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.

        The output material will be displayed in the notebook.

    pageNums = self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec)

    columns = self.columns
    for pageNum in pageNums:
        if pageNum not in columns:
        lineInfo = columns[pageNum]
        multiple = []
        for lNum in sorted(lineInfo):
            (threshold, emspaces) = lineInfo[lNum]
            nEmspaces = len(emspaces)
            if threshold is not None and nEmspaces > 0:
                multiple.append((lNum, threshold, emspaces))
        if not len(multiple):
            print(f"page {pageNum:>3} -")
            print(f"page {pageNum:>3}:")
            for (lNum, threshold, emspaces) in multiple:
                nEmspaces = len(emspaces)
                print(f"\t{lNum:>2}: {'- ' * (nEmspaces + 1)}")
def showDoubles(self, double=None)

Show a character with double entry and how often it occurs.

See Lakhnawi.doubles.


double : char, optional None
A character from the doubles list (Lakhnawi.doubles). If None, all such characters will be taken.
isApplied : boolean, optional False
Only show rules that have been applied.


Displays a table of double-entry characters with occurrence statistics.
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    def showDoubles(self, double=None):
        """Show a character with double entry and how often it occurs.

        See `Lakhnawi.doubles`.

        double: char, optional `None`
            A character from the doubles list (`Lakhnawi.doubles`).
            If None, all such characters will be taken.
        isApplied: boolean, optional `False`
            Only show rules that have been applied.

            Displays a table of double-entry characters with occurrence statistics.

        doubles = self.doubles
        doublesApplied = self.doublesApplied

        theseDoubles = (
            set(doubles) if double is None else {double} if double in doubles else set()

        html = []
        totalDoubles = len(doubles)
        totalApplications = sum(sum(x.values()) for x in doublesApplied.values())
        totalPages = len(set(chain.from_iterable(doublesApplied.values())))
        doubleRep = "double" + ("" if totalDoubles == 1 else "s")
        appRep = "application" + ("" if totalApplications == 1 else "s")
        pageRep = "page" + ("" if totalPages == 1 else "s")
<p><b>{totalDoubles} {doubleRep} with
{totalApplications} {appRep} on {totalPages} {pageRep}</b></p>

        for (d, applied) in sorted(
            doublesApplied.items(), key=lambda x: (-sum(x[1].values()), x[0])
            if d not in theseDoubles:
            e = doubles[d]
            doubleRep = f"{self.showChar(e)} ⇒ {self.showChar(d)}"

            total = sum(applied.values())
            if applied:
                examplePageNum = sorted(applied, key=lambda p: -applied[p])[0]
                nExamples = applied[examplePageNum]
                appliedEx = f"e.g. page {examplePageNum} with {nExamples} applications"
                appliedEx = ""
            appliedRep = f"<b>{total}</b> x applied on <i>{len(applied)}</i> pages"
    <td class="al">{appliedRep}</td>
    <td class="al">{appliedEx}</td>
    <td class="al">{doubleRep}</td>

def showFinals(self, final=None)

Show a character with final form and how often it has been replaced.

Final forms will be normalized to ground forms and sometimes a space will be added.


final : char, optional None
A character from the final space list (UChar.finalSpace). If None, all such characters will be taken.
isApplied : boolean, optional False
Only show rules that have been applied.


Displays a table of final space characters with occurrence statistics.
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    def showFinals(self, final=None):
        """Show a character with final form and how often it has been replaced.

        Final forms will be normalized to ground forms
        and sometimes a space will be added.

        final: char, optional `None`
            A character from the final space list (`fusus.char.UChar.finalSpace`).
            If None, all such characters will be taken.
        isApplied: boolean, optional `False`
            Only show rules that have been applied.

            Displays a table of final space characters with occurrence statistics.

        finalSpace = self.finalSpace
        finalsApplied = self.finalsApplied

        theseFinals = (
            finalSpace if final is None else {final} if final in finalSpace else set()

        html = []
        totalFinals = len(finalSpace)
        totalApplications = sum(sum(x.values()) for x in finalsApplied.values())
        totalPages = len(set(chain.from_iterable(finalsApplied.values())))
        finalRep = "final" + ("" if totalFinals == 1 else "s")
        appRep = "application" + ("" if totalApplications == 1 else "s")
        pageRep = "page" + ("" if totalPages == 1 else "s")
<p><b>{totalFinals} {finalRep} with
{totalApplications} {appRep} on {totalPages} {pageRep}</b></p>

        for (f, applied) in sorted(
            finalsApplied.items(), key=lambda x: (-sum(x[1].values()), x[0])
            if f not in theseFinals:
            finalRep = self.showChar(f)

            total = sum(applied.values())
            if applied:
                examplePageNum = sorted(applied, key=lambda p: -applied[p])[0]
                nExamples = applied[examplePageNum]
                appliedEx = f"e.g. page {examplePageNum} with {nExamples} applications"
                appliedEx = ""
            appliedRep = f"<b>{total}</b> x applied on <i>{len(applied)}</i> pages"
    <td class="al">{appliedRep}</td>
    <td class="al">{appliedEx}</td>
    <td class="al">{finalRep}</td>

def showLineHeights(self, pageNumSpec)

Shows how line heights have been determined.

The pages can be selected by page numbers.


pageNumSpec : None | int | string | iterable
As in Lakhnawi.parsePageNums().
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def showLineHeights(self, pageNumSpec):
    """Shows how line heights have been determined.

    The pages can be selected by page numbers.

    pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
        As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.

    heights = self.heights
    clusteredHeights = self.clusteredHeights

    for pageNum in self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec):
        theseHeights = heights[pageNum]
        theseClusteredHeights = clusteredHeights[pageNum]

        print(f"Line heights page {pageNum:>3}")
        print("\nraw heights")
        for k in sorted(theseHeights):
            print(f"{theseHeights[k]:>4} characters @ height {int(round(k)):>4}")

        print("line heights")
        for (ln, kc) in enumerate(sorted(theseClusteredHeights)):
            peak = ", ".join(
                f"{int(round(k)):>4}" for k in sorted(theseClusteredHeights[kc])
                f"line {ln + 1:>2}: "
                f"{sum(theseHeights[k] for k in theseClusteredHeights[kc]):>4}"
                f" characters @height {peak}"
def showLines(self, pageNumSpec, line=None, start=None, end=None, search=None, orig=False, every=False)

Outputs processed lines as a formatted HTML table.

The lines can be selected by page numbers and line numbers.

Within the selected lines, the characters can be selected by start/end postions, or by characters of interest.

All of these indices start at 1.


pageNumSpec : None | int | string | iterable
As in Lakhnawi.parsePageNums().
line : None | int | string | iterable
A specification of zero or more line numbers (see parseNums()).
start : integer, optional None
Starting word position in each line to be output. If None, starts at the beginning of each line.
end : integer, optional None
End word position in each line to be output. If None, ends at the end of each line.
search : string or iterable of char, optional None
If not none, all characters in search are deemed interesting. All occurrences of these characters within the selected lines are displayed, included a small context.
orig : boolean, optional False
Only meaningful if search is given. If True: the check for interesting characters is done in the original, untranslated characters. Otherwise, interesting characters are looked up in the translated characters.
every : boolean, optional False
Only meaningful if search is given. If True, when looking for interesting characters, all occurrences will be retrieved, otherwise only the first one.


The output material will be displayed in the notebook.
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    def showLines(
        """Outputs processed lines as a formatted HTML table.

        The lines can be selected by page numbers and line numbers.

        Within the selected lines, the characters can be selected by
        start/end postions, or by characters of interest.

        All of these indices start at 1.

        pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
            As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.
        line: None | int | string | iterable
            A specification of zero or more line numbers (see `fusus.lib.parseNums`).
        start: integer, optional `None`
            Starting word position in each line to be output.
            If `None`, starts at the beginning of each line.
        end: integer, optional `None`
            End word position in each line to be output.
            If `None`, ends at the end of each line.
        search: string or iterable of char, optional `None`
            If not none, all characters in `search` are deemed interesting.
            All occurrences of these characters within the selected lines are
            displayed, included a small context.
        orig: boolean, optional `False`
            Only meaningful if `search` is given.
            If `True`: the check for interesting
            characters is done in the original, untranslated characters.
            Otherwise, interesting characters are looked up in the translated
        every: boolean, optional `False`
            Only meaningful if `search` is given.
            If `True`, when looking for interesting characters, all occurrences will
            be retrieved, otherwise only the first one.

            The output material will be displayed in the notebook.

        lines = self.lines
        pageNums = self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec)
        lineNums = parseNums(line)

        myLines = {pageNum: lines[pageNum] for pageNum in pageNums if pageNum in lines}

        html = []
    <th>orig char</th>

        shift = 5

        for (pageNum, pageLines) in myLines.items():
            myLineNums = (
                range(1, len(pageLines) + 1)
                if lineNums is None
                else [ln for ln in lineNums if 0 < ln <= len(pageLines)]
            for ln in myLineNums:
                chars = pageLines[ln - 1]
                nChars = len(chars)
    <th colspan=3>page {pageNum}</th>
    <th colspan=2>line {ln}</th>
    <th colspan=3>{nChars} characters</th>
                if search is None:
                    ranges = [(max((start or 0) - 1, 0), min(end or nChars, nChars))]
                    ranges = []

                    for (i, char) in enumerate(chars):
                        if search in char[-2 if orig else -1]:
                            occStart = max((i - shift, 0))
                            occEnd = min((i + shift + 1, nChars))
                            if ranges and occStart <= ranges[-1][1]:
                                ranges[-1][1] = occEnd
                                ranges.append([occStart, occEnd])
                            if not every:

                for (occStart, occEnd) in ranges:
                    for i in range(occStart, occEnd):
                        char = chars[i]
                        (le, to, ri, bo, font, size, spacing, oc, c) = char
    <td><b>{i + 1}</b></td>
    <td>{"".join(self.showChar(x) for x in reversed(oc))}</td>
    <td>{"".join(self.showChar(x) for x in reversed(c))}</td>
                if search and ranges and not every:

def showReplacements(self, rule=None, isApplied=False)

Show a character conversion rule and how it has been applied.


rule : string|int, optional None
A specification of zero or more rule numbers (see parseNums()). If None, all rules will be taken.
isApplied : boolean, optional False
Only show rules that have been applied.


Displays a table of rules with usage statistics.
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    def showReplacements(self, rule=None, isApplied=False):
        """Show a character conversion rule and how it has been applied.

        rule: string|int, optional `None`
            A specification of zero or more rule numbers (see `fusus.lib.parseNums`).
            If None, all rules will be taken.
        isApplied: boolean, optional `False`
            Only show rules that have been applied.

            Displays a table of rules with usage statistics.

        ruleIndex = self.ruleIndex
        rulesApplied = self.rulesApplied
        ruleNums = parseNums(rule)
        ruleNums = (
            if ruleNums is None
            else sorted(r for r in ruleNums if r in ruleIndex)

        html = []
        totalRules = len(ruleIndex)
        totalApplications = sum(sum(x.values()) for x in rulesApplied.values())
        totalPages = len(set(chain.from_iterable(rulesApplied.values())))
        ruleRep = "rule" + ("" if totalRules == 1 else "s")
        appRep = "application" + ("" if totalApplications == 1 else "s")
        pageRep = "page" + ("" if totalPages == 1 else "s")
<p><b>{totalRules} {ruleRep} with
{totalApplications} {appRep} on {totalPages} {pageRep}</b></p>

        for (rn, applied) in sorted(
            rulesApplied.items(), key=lambda x: (-sum(x[1].values()), x[0])
            if rn not in ruleNums:
            (vals, d, repls, e) = ruleIndex[rn]

            valRep = "".join(self.showChar(c) for c in vals)
            replRep = "".join(self.showChar(c) for c in repls)
            total = sum(applied.values())
            if isApplied and not applied:
            if applied:
                examplePageNum = sorted(applied, key=lambda p: -applied[p])[0]
                nExamples = applied[examplePageNum]
                appliedEx = f"e.g. page {examplePageNum} with {nExamples} applications"
                appliedEx = ""
            appliedRep = f"<b>{total}</b> x applied on <i>{len(applied)}</i> pages"
    <th>rule {rn}</th>
    <td class="al">{appliedRep}</td>
    <td class="al">{appliedEx}</td>
    <td class="al">{valRep}</td>
    <td class="al"><span class="lrg">⇒</span></td>
    <td class="al">{replRep}</td>

def showSpacing(self, pageNumSpec, line=None)

Show where the spaces are.

Gives an overview of the white space positions in each line.

It is useful to debug the horizontal white space algorithm.


pageNumSpec : None | int | string | iterable
As in Lakhnawi.parsePageNums().
line : None | int | string | iterable
A specification of zero or more line numbers (see parseNums()).


The output material will be displayed in the notebook.
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def showSpacing(self, pageNumSpec, line=None):
    """Show where the spaces are.

    Gives an overview of the white space positions in each line.

    It is useful to debug the horizontal white space algorithm.

    pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
        As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.
    line: None | int | string | iterable
        A specification of zero or more line numbers (see `fusus.lib.parseNums`).

        The output material will be displayed in the notebook.

    pageNums = self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec)
    lineNums = parseNums(line)
    lineNums = None if lineNums is None else set(lineNums)

    spaces = self.spaces

    for pageNum in pageNums:
        if pageNum not in spaces:

        print(f"page {pageNum:>3}")
        lineInfo = spaces[pageNum]

        for (ln, spaces) in lineInfo.items():
            if lineNums is not None and ln not in lineNums:

            print(f"\tline {ln:>2}")

            for (i, after, isSpace) in spaces:
                print(f"\t\t{i + 1:>3} {']  [' if isSpace else ']==['} {after}")
def showString(self, s, asString=False)

Pretty display of a string as a series of unicode characters.


s : string
The string to display, may be empty, may contain place holders.
asString : boolean, optional False
If True, return the result as an HTML string.


None | string
If asString, returns an HTML string, otherwise returns None, but displays the HTML string.

See also Lakhnawi.showChar().

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def showString(self, s, asString=False):
    """Pretty display of a string as a series of unicode characters.

    s: string
        The string to display, may be empty, may contain place holders.
    asString: boolean, optional `False`
        If True, return the result as an HTML string.

    None | string
        If `asString`, returns an HTML string, otherwise returns None,
        but displays the HTML string.

    See also `Lakhnawi.showChar()`.

    shtml = f"""<span class="r">{s}</span>"""
    html = """<div class="sr">""" + (
        "".join(self.showChar(c) for c in s) + "</div>"
    if asString:
        return f"""<span>{shtml}</span>{html}"""

def showUsedChars(self, pageNumSpec, orig=False, onlyPuas=False, onlyPresentational=False, long=False, byOcc=False)

Show used characters.

Gives an overview of character usage, either in the input PDF, or in the text output.


pageNumSpec : None | int | string | iterable
As in Lakhnawi.parsePageNums().
orig : boolean, optional False
If True: shows characters of the original PDF. Otherwise, shows characters of the translated output/
onlyPuas : boolean, optional False
If True, the result is restricted to private use characters.
onlyPresentational : boolean, optional False
If True, the result is restricted to presentational characters. See UChar.presentational.
long : boolean, optional False
If True, for each character output the complete list of pages where the character occurs. Otherwise, show only the most prominent pages.
byOcc : boolean, optional False
If True, sort the results by first occurrence of the characters. Otherwise, sort the results by unicode code point of the character.


The output material will be displayed in the notebook.
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    def showUsedChars(
        """Show used characters.

        Gives an overview of character usage, either in the input PDF, or in
        the text output.

        pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
            As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.
        orig: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`: shows characters of the original PDF.
            Otherwise, shows characters of the translated output/
        onlyPuas: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`, the result is restricted to private use characters.
        onlyPresentational: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`, the result is restricted to presentational characters.
            See `fusus.char.UChar.presentational`.
        long: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`, for each character output the complete list of pages
            where the character occurs. Otherwise, show only the most
            prominent pages.
        byOcc: boolean, optional `False`
            If `True`, sort the results by first occurrence of the characters.
            Otherwise, sort the results by unicode code point of the character.

            The output material will be displayed in the notebook.

        presentational = self.presentational
        pageNums = self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec)
        text = self.text
        lines = self.lines
        puas = self.puas

        charsOut = collections.defaultdict(collections.Counter)

        def keyByOcc(c):
            pageNums = charsOut[c]
            return -sum(pageNums.values())

        sortKey = keyByOcc if byOcc else lambda x: x

        if orig:
            lns = {pageNum: lines[pageNum] for pageNum in pageNums if pageNum in lines}

            for (pageNum, pageLines) in lns.items():
                for line in pageLines:
                    for char in line:
                        c = char[-2]
                        if c in puas or (
                            not onlyPuas
                            and (c in presentational or not onlyPresentational)
                            charsOut[c][pageNum] += 1

            texts = {pageNum: text[pageNum] for pageNum in pageNums if pageNum in text}

            for (pageNum, pageText) in texts.items():
                for line in pageText:
                    for col in line:
                        for span in col:
                            for word in span[1]:
                                letters = word[0]
                                punc = word[1]
                                thesePuas = PUA_RE.findall(letters)
                                for pua in thesePuas:
                                    charsOut[chr(int(pua, base=16))][pageNum] += 1
                                if not onlyPuas:
                                    rest = PUA_RE.sub("", f"{letters}{punc}")
                                    for c in rest:
                                        if not (
                                            and c not in presentational
                                            charsOut[c][pageNum] += 1

        totalChars = len(charsOut)
        totalPages = len(set(chain.from_iterable(charsOut.values())))
        totalOccs = sum(sum(pns.values()) for pns in charsOut.values())

        charRep = "character" + ("" if totalChars == 1 else "s")
        occRep = "occurence" + ("" if totalOccs == 1 else "s")
        pageRep = "page" + ("" if totalPages == 1 else "s")

        label = "private use " if onlyPuas else ""

        html = []
<p><b>{totalChars} {label}{charRep} in {totalOccs} {occRep}
on {totalPages} {pageRep}</b></p>

        for c in sorted(charsOut, key=sortKey):
            pageNums = charsOut[c]
            nPageNums = len(pageNums)
            pageRep = "page" + ("" if nPageNums == 1 else "s")
            thistotal = sum(pageNums.values())
            examplePageNum = sorted(pageNums, key=lambda p: -pageNums[p])[0]
            nExamples = pageNums[examplePageNum]
    <td class="al">{self.showChar(c)}</td>
    <td class="al"><b>{thistotal}</b> on <i>{nPageNums}</i> {pageRep}</td>
    <td class="al">e.g. page {examplePageNum} with <b>{nExamples}</b> occurrences</td>
            if long:
                for pn in sorted(pageNums):
                    occs = pageNums[pn]
    <td class="al"><i>page {pn:>3}</i>: <b>{occs:>3}</b></td>
def showWords(self, pageNumSpec, line=None)

Outputs processed words as a formatted HTML table.

The lines can be selected by page numbers and line numbers.

All words within the selected lines are put into a table with the same properties as in the TSV data, see Lakhnawi.tsvPages().


pageNumSpec : None | int | string | iterable
As in Lakhnawi.parsePageNums().
line : None | int | string | iterable
A specification of zero or more line numbers (see parseNums()).


The output material will be displayed in the notebook.
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    def showWords(self, pageNumSpec, line=None):
        """Outputs processed words as a formatted HTML table.

        The lines can be selected by page numbers and line numbers.

        All words within the selected lines are put into a table with
        the same properties as in the TSV data,
        see `Lakhnawi.tsvPages`.

        pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
            As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.
        line: None | int | string | iterable
            A specification of zero or more line numbers (see `fusus.lib.parseNums`).

            The output material will be displayed in the notebook.

        text = self.text
        pageNums = self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec)
        lineNums = parseNums(line)

        myLines = {pageNum: text[pageNum] for pageNum in pageNums if pageNum in text}

        html = []

        for (pageNum, pageLines) in myLines.items():
            myLineNums = (
                range(1, len(pageLines) + 1)
                if lineNums is None
                else [ln for ln in lineNums if 0 < ln <= len(pageLines)]
            for ln in myLineNums:
                cols = pageLines[ln - 1]
                for (cn, spans) in enumerate(cols):
                    for (sn, (dr, words)) in enumerate(spans):
                        for (letters, punc, (le, to, ri, bo)) in words:
    <td><i>{cn + 1}</i></td>
    <td><i>{sn + 1}</i></td>
    <td>{self.showString(letters, asString=True)}</td>
    <td>{self.showString(punc, asString=True)}</td>

def trimLine(self, pageNum, ln, chars)

Map character sequences to other sequences.

Two tasks:

  1. Map private use characters to well-known unicode characters
  2. Insert space characters where the next character is separated from the previous one.


Diacritical characters are mostly contained in a very wide box that overlaps with the boxes of the other characters. So the diacritical boxes must not be taken into account.

Private use characters often come in sequences, so a sequence of characters must be transformed to another sequence.

We do the tramsformation before the space insertion, because otherwise we might insert the space at the wrong point.

When we transform characters we need to retain the box information, because we still have to insert the space.

That's why we have as input a list of character records, where each record is itself a list with box information, orginal character, modified characters and space information.

When we transform characters, we modify character records in place. We do not add or remove character records.

The last member of a character record is the modified sequence. This can be zero, one, or multiple characters. The second last member is the original character. Initially, the the last and second last member of each record are equal. We call these members the original character and the result string.

Space will be appended at the last member of the appropriate character records.

The transformations are given as a set of rules.


A rule consists of a sequence of characters to match and a sequence of characters to replace the match with. We call them the match sequence and the replacement sequence of the rule.

For each character in the input list we check which rules have a match sequence that start with this character. Of these rules, we start with the one with the longest match sequence. We then check, by looking ahead, whether the whole match sequence matches the input. For the purposes of matching, we look into the result strings of the character, not to the original characters. This will prevent some rules to be applied after an earlier rule has been applied. This is intentional, and results in a more simple rule set.

If there is a match, we walk through all the characters in the input for the length of the match sequence of the rule. For each input character record, we set its replacement string to the corresponding member of the replacement sequence of the rule. If the replacement sequence has run out, we replace with the empty string. If after this process the replacement sequence has not been exhausted, we join the remaining characters in the replacement string and append it after the replacement string of the last input character that we have visited.

After succesful application of a rule, we do not apply other rules that would have been applicable at this point. Instead, we move our starting point to the next character record in the sequence and repeat the matching process.

It might be that a character is replaced multiple times, for example when it is reached by a rule while looking ahead 3 places, and then later by a different rule looking ahead two places.

However, once a character matches the first member of the match sequence of a rule, and the rule matches and is applied, that character will not be changed anymore by any other rule.

place holders for diacritics

The following functionality exists in the code, but is not needed anymore to process the Lakhnawi PDF.

The match sequence may contain the character d, which is a placeholder for a diacritic sign. It will match any diacritic. The replacement sequence of such a rule may or may not contain a d. It is an error if the replacement seqience of a rule contains a d while its match sequence does not. It is also an error of there are multiple ds in a match sequence of a replacement sequence. If so, the working of this rule is effectively two rules:

Suppose the rule is

x d y => r d s

where x, y, r, s are sequences of arbitrary length. If the rule matches the input, then first the rule

x => r

will be applied at the current position.

Then we shift temporarily to the position right after where the d has matched, and apply the rule

y => s

Then we shift back to the orginal position plus one, and continue applying rules.

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def trimLine(self, pageNum, ln, chars):
    """Map character sequences to other sequences.

    Two tasks:

    1. Map private use characters to well-known unicode characters
    2. Insert space characters where the next character is separated from the
       previous one.


    Diacritical characters are mostly contained in a very wide box that overlaps
    with the boxes of the other characters. So the diacritical boxes must not be
    taken into account.

    Private use characters often come in sequences, so a sequence of characters
    must be transformed to another sequence.

    We do the tramsformation before the space insertion, because otherwise we
    might insert the space at the wrong point.

    When we transform characters we need to retain the box information,
    because we still have to insert the space.

    That's why we have as input a list of character records, where each record
    is itself a list with box information, orginal character, modified characters
    and space information.

    When we transform characters, we modify character records in place.
    We do not add or remove character records.

    The last member of a character record is the modified sequence.
    This can be zero, one, or multiple characters.
    The second last member is the original character.
    Initially, the the last and second last member of each record are equal.
    We call these members the original character and the result string.

    Space will be appended at the last member of the appropriate character records.

    The transformations are given as a set of rules.


    A rule consists of a sequence of characters to match and a sequence of
    characters to replace the match with. We call them the match sequence and the
    replacement sequence of the rule.

    For each character in the input list we check which rules have a match sequence
    that start with this character.
    Of these rules, we start with the one with the longest match sequence.
    We then check, by looking ahead, whether the whole match sequence matches the
    For the purposes of matching, we look into the result strings of the character,
    not to the original characters. This will prevent some rules to be applied
    after an earlier rule has been applied. This is intentional, and results
    in a more simple rule set.

    If there is a match, we walk through all the characters in the input for the
    length of the match sequence of the rule.
    For each input character record, we set its replacement string to the
    corresponding member of the replacement sequence of the rule.
    If the replacement sequence has run out, we replace with the empty string.
    If after this process the replacement sequence has not been exhausted,
    we join the remaining characters in the replacement string and append it
    after the replacement string of the last input character that we have visited.

    After succesful application of a rule, we do not apply other rules that would
    have been applicable at this point. Instead, we move our starting point to the
    next character record in the sequence and repeat the matching process.

    It might be that a character is replaced multiple times, for example when
    it is reached by a rule while looking ahead 3 places, and then later by a
    different rule looking ahead two places.

    However, once a character matches the first member of the match sequence of
    a rule, and the rule matches and is applied, that character will not be
    changed anymore by any other rule.

    !!! caution "place holders for diacritics"
        The following functionality exists in the code, but is not needed anymore
        to process the Lakhnawi PDF.

        The match sequence may contain the character `d`, which is a placeholder
        for a diacritic sign. It will match any diacritic.
        The replacement sequence of such a rule may or may not contain a `d`.
        It is an error if the replacement seqience of a rule contains a `d` while
        its match sequence does not.
        It is also an error of there are multiple `d`s in a match sequence
        of a replacement sequence.
        If so, the working of this rule is effectively two rules:

        Suppose the rule is

        x d y => r d s

        where x, y, r, s are sequences of arbitrary length.
        If the rule matches the input, then first the rule

        x => r

        will be applied at the current position.

        Then we shift temporarily to the position right after where the d has matched,
        and apply the rule

        y => s

        Then we shift back to the orginal position plus one, and continue applying

    replace = self.replace
    puas = self.puas
    neutrals = self.neutrals
    rls = self.rls
    rulesApplied = self.rulesApplied
    spaces = self.spaces
    columns = self.columns
    diacritics = self.diacritics
    punct = self.punct
    diacriticLike = self.diacriticLike
    arabicLetters = self.arabicLetters
    presentationalC = self.presentationalC
    presentationalD = self.presentationalD
    finalSpace = self.finalSpace
    finalsApplied = self.finalsApplied
    nonLetter = self.nonLetter
    doRules = self.doRules
    doFilter = self.doFilter

    nChars = len(chars)

    # rule application stage

    if doRules:
        for (i, char) in enumerate(chars):
            c = char[-1]

            if c in replace:
                rules = replace[c]
                for (rn, vals, d, repls, e) in rules:

                    nVals = len(vals)

                    if i + nVals > nChars:
                        # not enough characters left to match this rule

                    if not all(
                            d is not None
                            and j == d
                            and chars[i + j][-1]
                            in (diacritics if vals[d] == 1 else arabicLetters)
                        or chars[i + j][-1] == vals[j]
                        for j in range(nVals)
                        # the rule does not match after all

                    # the rule matches: we are going to fill in the replacements
                    # if there is a diacritic in the match sequence or the
                    # replacement sequence, we restrict ourselves to the parts
                    # before the diacritics.

                    rulesApplied[rn][pageNum] += 1

                    nRepls = len(repls)
                    dEnd = nVals if d is None else d
                    eEnd = nRepls if e is None else e

                    # so, we are going to replace from here to dEnd (not including)

                    for j in range(dEnd):
                        # put the appropriate replacement character in the
                        # replacement part of the character record
                        # After running out of replacement characters, put in ""
                        chars[i + j][-1] = repls[j] if j < eEnd else ""

                    if eEnd > dEnd:
                        # if there are replacement characters left, put them
                        # in after the last character that we have visited.

                        if dEnd == 0:
                            # In case we have not visited any yet,
                            # we put them in before the current character
                            cd = chars[i + dEnd][-1]
                            r = "".join(repls[dEnd + 1 :])
                            chars[i + dEnd][-1] = f"{r}{cd}"
                            # this is the normal case
                            chars[i + dEnd - 1][-1] += "".join(repls[dEnd:eEnd])

                    # if there is a diacritic in the match sequence
                    # we are going to perform the rule for the part
                    # after the diacritic

                    # Note that the case where d is None and e is not None
                    # does not occur

                    if d is not None:
                        # we set the starting points: just after the diacritics
                        dStart = d + 1
                        # if the replacement part does not have a diacritic,
                        # we have already consumed it, and we start right after it
                        eStart = nRepls if e is None else e + 1

                        # we compute the number of characters that still need to be
                        # matched and to be replaced
                        dn = nVals - dStart
                        en = nRepls - eStart

                        # we perform the replacement analogously to what we did
                        # for the first part

                        for j in range(dn):
                            # put the appropriate replacement character in the
                            # replacement part of the character record
                            # After running out of replacement characters, put in ""
                            chars[i + dStart + j][-1] = (
                                repls[eStart + j] if eStart + j < nRepls else ""
                        if en > dn:
                            # if there are replacement characters left, put them
                            # in after the last character that we have visited.
                            chars[i + nVals - 1][-1] += "".join(
                                repls[eStart + dn :]

    # sift out all presentational characters

    if doFilter:
        trailSpace = False

        for (i, char) in enumerate(chars):
            c = char[-1]
            string = ""
            for x in c:
                if trailSpace:
                    if x not in diacriticLike:
                        if x not in nonLetter:
                            if string == "" and i > 0:
                                chars[i - 1][-1] += " "
                                string += " "
                        trailSpace = False

                hasFinalSpace = x in finalSpace
                y = (
                    if x in presentationalC
                    else normalizeD(x)
                    if x in presentationalD
                    else x
                space = " " if hasFinalSpace or x in punct else ""
                if hasFinalSpace:
                    finalsApplied[x][pageNum] += 1
                string += y
                if space:
                    trailSpace = True
            char[-1] = string

        if trailSpace:
            if chars:
                chars[-1][-1] += " "

    # add horizontal spacing

    theseSpaces = []
    spaces[pageNum][ln] = theseSpaces

    threshold = None
    theseColumns = [threshold, []]
    columns[pageNum][ln] = theseColumns

    prevLeft = None
    prevLeftI = None

    for (i, char) in enumerate(chars):
        spacing = char[-3]

        if spacing:
            left = char[0]
            right = char[2]

            if prevLeft is not None:
                prevChar = chars[prevLeftI]
                after = prevLeft - right
                theAfter = ptRepD(after)

                isSpace = theAfter >= SPACE_THRESHOLD
                if isSpace:
                    lastChar = chars[i - 1]
                    if not lastChar[-1].endswith(" "):
                        lastChar[-1] += " "

                prevChar[-3] = f"⌊{theAfter}⌋" if isSpace else f"«{theAfter}»"
                theseSpaces.append((i - 1, theAfter, isSpace))

            prevLeft = left
            prevLeftI = i

    if chars:
        chars[-1][-3] = "end"

    # change big spaces to emspaces

    nSpaces = sum(1 for x in theseSpaces if x[2])

    if nSpaces == 1:
        threshold = 90
    elif nSpaces > 1:
        spacesGrowing = sorted(x[1] for x in theseSpaces if x[2])
        maxSpace = spacesGrowing[-1]
        medialSpace = spacesGrowing[nSpaces // 2]
        if maxSpace > 4 * medialSpace:
            threshold = maxSpace - medialSpace

    if threshold is not None:
        theseColumns[0] = threshold
        for (i, after, isSpace) in theseSpaces:
            if isSpace and after > threshold:
                theseColumns[1].append((i, after))
                char = chars[i]
                char[-1] = char[-1].rstrip(" ") + EMSPACE

    # remove space between alef and initial follower,
    # provided the alef is the single letter in its word.

    # also for the words yeh+alef(final) and mem+alef(final) do:
    # insert a space behind the alef(final)

    curLen = 0
    prevCons = None
    pprevCons = None

    for (i, char) in enumerate(chars):
        c = char[-1]
        co = char[-2]
        r = ""

        isAFinal = isAlefFinal(co)

        for x in c:
            skip = False
            if x == " ":
                if curLen == 1:  # and prevC in PROCLITICS:
                    skip = True
                curLen = 0
                prevCons = None
                pprevCons = None
            elif x in arabicLetters:
                curLen += 1
                if 2 <= curLen <= 3 and isAFinal:
                    if isMeemOrYeh(prevCons) and (curLen == 2 or isWaw(pprevCons)):
                        x += " "
                        curLen = 0
                        prevCons = None
                        pprevCons = None
                pprevCons = prevCons
                prevCons = x
            if not skip:
                r += x
        char[-1] = r

    # divide lines into columns

    emspaces = theseColumns[1]
    emspacePositions = {t[0] for t in emspaces}

    columnedChars = [[]]
    dest = columnedChars[-1]

    for (i, char) in enumerate(chars):
        if i in emspacePositions:
            if char[-1]:
            dest = columnedChars[-1]

    # divide columns into ranges
    # and chunk the ranges into words
    # and save the word boundary boxes

    text = self.text

    # text is a dict keyed by pageNum and the values are tuples of line data
    # a line datum is a list of columns
    # a column is a list of spans
    # a span is a pair of a direction char ("l" or "r") plus a list of word data
    # a word datum is a string plus a word box
    # a word box is a (left, top, right, bottom) tuple

    result = []
    text.setdefault(pageNum, []).append(result)
    prevDir = "r"

    # we transform letters into chunks, where each chunk is a pair of
    # word material
    # punctuation material

    outChars = [[], []]
    inWord = True
    box = [None, None, None, None]

    def addWord():
        if outChars[0] or outChars[1]:
            wordCharsRep = "".join(
                outChars[0] if prevDir == "r" else reversed(outChars[0])
            puncCharsRep = "".join(
                outChars[1] if prevDir == "r" else reversed(outChars[1])
            lastSpan = None if len(result[-1]) == 0 else result[-1][-1]
            element = (wordCharsRep, puncCharsRep, tuple(box))
            if lastSpan is None or lastSpan[0] != prevDir:
                result[-1].append((prevDir, [element]))

    def setBox(char):
        for (i, coor) in enumerate(char[0:4]):
            if (
                (b := box[i]) is None
                or (i < 2 and coor < b)
                or (i >= 2 and coor > b)
                box[i] = coor

    for chars in columnedChars:
        outChars = [[], []]
        box = [None, None, None, None]

        for char in chars:
            c = char[-1]

            if c == "":

            for d in c:
                spaceSeen = d in {" ", EMSPACE}
                changeWord = not inWord and d not in nonLetter

                if spaceSeen:
                if spaceSeen or changeWord:
                    box = [None, None, None, None]
                    outChars = [[d] if changeWord else [], []]
                    inWord = True

                thisDir = prevDir if d in neutrals else "r" if d in rls else "l"

                if prevDir != thisDir:
                    box = [None, None, None, None]
                    outChars = [[], []]
                    inWord = True
                    prevDir = thisDir

                if inWord:
                    if d in nonLetter:
                        inWord = False
                dest = 0 if inWord else 1
                rep = d
                if d in puas:
                    rep = f"⌊{ord(d):>04x}⌋"


def tsvHeadLine(self)

Outputs the field names of a word in TSV data.

See Lakhnawi.tsvPages() for the structure of TSV data as output format for the extracted text of the Lakhnawi PDF.


A tab-separated line of field names.
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def tsvHeadLine(self):
    """Outputs the field names of a word in TSV data.

    See `Lakhnawi.tsvPages()` for the structure of TSV data
    as output format for the extracted text of the Lakhnawi PDF.

        A tab-separated line of field names.

    return "page\tline\tcolumn\tspan\tdirection\tleft\ttop\tright\tbottom\tletters\tpunc\n"
def tsvLine(self, columns, pageNum, ln)

Outputs a processed line as lines of tab-separated fields for each word.

Used by Lakhnawi.tsvPages().


columns : iterable
An iterable of columns that make up a line. Each column is an iterable of spans. Spans contain words plus an indication of the writing direction for that span.
pageNum : int
The page number of the page where this line occurs.


The concatenation of the TSV lines for all words in all spans in all columns.
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def tsvLine(self, columns, pageNum, ln):
    """Outputs a processed line as lines of tab-separated fields for each word.

    Used by `Lakhnawi.tsvPages()`.

    columns: iterable
        An iterable of columns that make up a line.
        Each column is an iterable of spans.
        Spans contain words plus an indication of the writing direction
        for that span.
    pageNum: int
        The page number of the page where this line occurs.

        The concatenation of the TSV lines for all words in all spans
        in all columns.

    material = []
    for (cn, spans) in enumerate(columns):
        for (sn, (dr, words)) in enumerate(spans):
            for (letters, punc, (le, to, ri, bo)) in words:
                            for x in (
                                cn + 1,
                                sn + 1,
                    + "\n"
    return "".join(material)
def tsvPages(self, pageNumSpec)

Outputs processed pages as tab-separated data.

See fusus.convert for the details of the output format.

Uses Lakhnawi.tsvLine(). and Lakhnawi.tsvHeadLine().


pageNumSpec : None | int | string | iterable
As in Lakhnawi.parsePageNums().



The tab-separated data is written to a single tsv file. There is a heading row.

The file is in UR_DIR, under Lakhnawi. The name of the file includes a page specification.

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def tsvPages(self, pageNumSpec):
    """Outputs processed pages as tab-separated data.

    See `fusus.convert` for the details of the output format.

    and `Lakhnawi.tsvHeadLine()`.

    pageNumSpec: None | int | string | iterable
        As in `Lakhnawi.parsePageNums()`.

        The tab-separated data is written to a single tsv file.
        There is a heading row.

        The file is in `fusus.parameters.UR_DIR`, under `Lakhnawi`.
        The name of the file includes a page specification.

    text = self.text

    destDir = f"{UR_DIR}/{NAME}"
    pageNums = self.parsePageNums(pageNumSpec)

    if not os.path.exists(destDir):
        os.makedirs(destDir, exist_ok=True)

    pageNumRep = ALL_PAGES if pageNumSpec is None else str(pageNumSpec)
    filePath = f"{destDir}/{pageNumRep}.tsv"
    fh = open(filePath, "w")

    for pageNum in pageNums:
        lines = text.get(pageNum, [])

        for (ln, line) in enumerate(lines):
            fh.write(self.tsvLine(line, pageNum, ln + 1))

    print(f"TSV data written to {unexpanduser(filePath)}")

Inherited members